How Does China Daily Moderate Content on Down Syndrome and Racism?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the censorship of posters on the China Daily forums and the allowance of racist remarks and harmful statements. One user, "Hsun Tze," makes derogatory comments about Westerners and their supposed negative impact on China, even using Down syndrome as a comparison. The conversation also touches on the issue of the increasing age of childbirth in both Western and Chinese societies and how it may contribute to the prevalence of Down syndrome. It is noted that different websites may have different moderation policies and it is suggested to either learn to deal with it or avoid the site altogether.
  • #1
I can understand that a paper like the China Daily censors posters on the forums. What I don't understand is that they allow blatant racism and worse. A guy with the moniker "Hsun Tze" makes a very bad example of Chinese. His constant ranting on "the white westerners" would be ridiculous enough. For example: Chinese do not drink alcohol they merely "sip". It's the westerners that introduced heavy drinking in China. These perceived "white barbarians" are also responsible for every wrongdoing in China. Too much smoking, permissive society? From the west!

But today he goes even further: what to think about this:
" Alpha Male Syndrome, Down syndrome, Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome. This syndrome, that syndrome. Now we also have Colonialism syndrome.

Countries who were former colonies of the great White countries still suffer from this Colonialism syndrome. Maybe not suffer but love for being colonised."

Seriously? Using Down syndrome for your xenofobic ranting? How low can you go? And most of all: how on Earth it is possible that China Daily let THIS pass? They claim to remove messages that harrass... go figure.
I hope there will be a storm over this and that this "Hsun Tze" will be ashamed for the rest of his days.
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  • #2
down syndrome can occur any time, but it becomes more likely as women get older. western society has pushed the child-bearing age of educated women higher and higher as women put off child-bearing until they've completed a bachelor's degree, maybe a graduate degree, and completed a few years working in their profession. by then, the risk of down syndrome is much higher. so, you could certainly say it is a western disease.
  • #3
The average age for childbirth in China also increases, but that is hardly the point.
  • #4
not every site has the same moderation policy. perhaps they even agree with him. if you were to make such remarks about chinese there, you might find yourself muzzled. i would either learn to deal with it or avoid that site altogether.
  • #5

I am deeply concerned by the content of this post and the use of derogatory language and stereotypes. It is disappointing to see such language being used on a platform like China Daily, which should promote respectful and informed discussions.

It is important to remember that individuals with Down syndrome and other disabilities are valuable members of society and should not be used as a tool for making offensive comments. The use of terms like "syndrome" in this context is inappropriate and perpetuates harmful stereotypes.

Furthermore, the suggestion that former colonies "love" being colonized is not only offensive, but also ignores the complex and often negative impacts of colonialism on these countries.

I urge China Daily to take responsibility for the content posted on their platform and to remove any language that promotes discrimination and hate. It is crucial for media outlets to promote diversity and inclusivity, rather than perpetuating harmful stereotypes and divisive rhetoric. Let us all strive for a more respectful and understanding society.

Related to How Does China Daily Moderate Content on Down Syndrome and Racism?

What is China Daily?

China Daily is a state-owned English-language daily newspaper in China. It was founded in 1981 and is published in print and online. It covers various topics including news, business, sports, culture, and opinion pieces.

What is Down Syndrome?

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. It is characterized by physical and intellectual developmental delays, as well as distinct physical features such as slanted eyes and a flat facial profile. It affects approximately 1 in every 700 babies born in the United States.

How prevalent is Down Syndrome in China?

The prevalence of Down Syndrome in China is estimated to be similar to the global average of 1 in every 700 births. However, due to China's large population, it is estimated that there are around 1.5 million individuals with Down Syndrome in the country.

Does China Daily cover stories about Down Syndrome?

Yes, China Daily has covered stories about Down Syndrome in the past, including articles about individuals with Down Syndrome achieving success in various fields, as well as discussions about the challenges and stigmas faced by individuals with Down Syndrome in China.

How does China Daily contribute to raising awareness about Down Syndrome?

China Daily has published articles and opinion pieces that aim to educate the public about Down Syndrome and to challenge stigmas and misconceptions surrounding the disorder. They have also highlighted stories of individuals with Down Syndrome who have achieved success in their respective fields, promoting a more inclusive and accepting society.
