How Do You Solve the 2D Ball Bounce Problem with Angle and Velocity Constraints?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a bouncy ball being thrown at an angle towards a wall and ground. The ball loses 10% of its initial velocity after each bounce and the goal is to find the initial angle with minimal error for the ball to return to its original position. The approach involves using kinematic equations and calculating the speed and angle before and after each bounce.
  • #1
Hello! Since this is my first post I would like to say I am happy that I joined PF and I will try to contribute as much as I can to this great community.

So let's get down to the gist of the problem.

You are standing 4m from a vertical wall and 0.8m from the ground. You have a bouncy ball that you throw with 10m/s initial velocity at some angle [tex]5^{0} \leq \alpha \leq 45^{0} [/tex] from the horizontal towards the ground. The ball bounces from the ground then bounces off the wall losing 10% of its initial velocity after each bounce. The question is to find this initial angle [tex] \; \alpha [/tex]with less than [tex]0.01^0[/tex] of an error, so that the ball returns to the thrower (original position) assuming that the ball bounces off the wall/ground with the same angle as it hits it (incident angle=reflected angle). Assume gravity at 9.81 m/s/s and no friction is involved. The ball does not rotate.

So my question is how do you approach such problem? Is it possible to construct an analytical expression and then perhaps maximize/minimize only with the help of trivial kinematic equations? Or one must use some generalized coordinates and langrangian & hamiltonian mechanics? I would appreciate some guidance.

I pondered quite for some time before my calculations became quite complicated and nearly gave up. I used the trivial kinematic equations for the trajectory of the ball and tried to get an expression involving the initial angle related to the subsequent reflected ones that define the other 2 trajectories but to no avail.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hello Gil-galad! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(have an alpha: α and a theta: θ and a ≤ :wink:)
Gil-galad said:
You are standing 4m from a vertical wall and 0.8m from the ground. You have a bouncy ball that you throw with 10m/s initial velocity at some angle [tex]5^{0} \leq \alpha \leq 45^{0} [/tex] from the horizontal towards the ground. The ball bounces from the ground then bounces off the wall losing 10% of its initial velocity after each bounce. The question is to find this initial angle [tex] \; \alpha [/tex]with less than [tex]0.01^0[/tex] of an error, so that the ball returns to the thrower (original position) assuming that the ball bounces off the wall/ground with the same angle as it hits it (incident angle=reflected angle). Assume gravity at 9.81 m/s/s and no friction is involved. The ball does not rotate.

So my question is how do you approach such problem? …

(i think it means "losing 10% of its initial speed" :wink:)

Just call the angle θ, and calculate the speed and angle before and after each bounce …

what do you get? :smile:
  • #3

Hello! It's great to have you as a new member of the PF community. This is definitely an interesting problem to tackle.

To approach this problem, we can use the principle of conservation of energy and momentum. Since there is no friction and the ball does not rotate, we can assume that the total energy and momentum of the system remain constant throughout the bounces.

First, let's define the variables we will be using:

- \alpha: initial angle of the ball
- v_0: initial velocity of the ball
- h: height of the ball at the top of its bounce (after hitting the wall)
- d: distance of the ball from the wall after the first bounce (when it returns to its original position)

Using the principle of conservation of energy, we can write the following equation:

\frac{1}{2}mv_0^2 = mgh + \frac{1}{2}mv_0^2 (0.9)^2 + \frac{1}{2}mv_0^2 (0.9)^4 + \frac{1}{2}mv_0^2 (0.9)^6 + ...

Where m is the mass of the ball and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

We can simplify this equation to:

v_0^2 = 2gh + \frac{v_0^2}{10}(1 + (0.9)^2 + (0.9)^4 + (0.9)^6 + ...)

Note that this is a geometric series, so we can use the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series to simplify it further:

v_0^2 = 2gh + \frac{v_0^2}{10} \left( \frac{1}{1-0.9^2} \right)

Solving for h, we get:

h = \frac{v_0^2}{20g} \left( \frac{1}{1-0.9^2} - 1 \right)

Next, using the principle of conservation of momentum, we can write the following equation:

mv_0 \cos \alpha = mv_0 \cos \alpha (0.9) + mv_0 \cos \alpha (0.9)^3 + mv_0 \cos \alpha (0.9)^5 + ...

Simplifying this equation, we get:

\cos \alpha

Related to How Do You Solve the 2D Ball Bounce Problem with Angle and Velocity Constraints?

1. What is the "2d ball bounce problem"?

The "2d ball bounce problem" is a common physics problem that involves a ball being dropped onto a flat surface and bouncing back up. The goal is to determine the ball's height after each bounce, taking into account factors such as gravity, surface elasticity, and initial velocity.

2. What is the equation for calculating the height of the ball after each bounce?

The equation for calculating the height of the ball after each bounce is h = h0(e-kt), where h is the final height, h0 is the initial height, k is the surface elasticity constant, and t is the number of bounces.

3. How does gravity affect the ball's bounce?

Gravity plays a significant role in the ball bounce problem. As the ball falls, gravity accelerates it towards the surface, increasing its speed. When the ball contacts the surface, the force of gravity is reversed, causing it to bounce back up. The strength of gravity determines how high the ball will bounce.

4. What are the assumptions made in the 2d ball bounce problem?

The 2d ball bounce problem makes several assumptions, including a perfectly flat and rigid surface, a perfectly spherical ball, and no air resistance. Additionally, it assumes that the ball is dropped from rest and that the only external force acting on the ball is gravity.

5. What real-life applications does the 2d ball bounce problem have?

The 2d ball bounce problem has many real-life applications, such as predicting the trajectory of a bouncing ball in sports like basketball and tennis, understanding the behavior of rubber balls in physics experiments, and designing shock-absorbing materials for safety equipment. It can also be used to simulate the motion of planets and other celestial bodies in space.

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