How do I numerically solve a non-linear ODE in Mathematica?

In summary, the conversation involves a person seeking help with numerically solving a second order ODE using Mathematica. They provide the equation they are trying to solve and ask for assistance with the code. Another person responds with a suggestion to use NDSolve and provides a sample code. The person with the question then asks for help with an error message they received, and the conversation delves into the issue of singular differential equations and finding multiple solutions. Eventually, they are able to find a solution by setting the boundary condition close to zero. The conversation then shifts to discussing integrating the numerical solution and the use of the " /. " command. The expert summarizer also provides a brief explanation of this command.
  • #1
member 428835
Hi PF!

I am wondering if any of you have experience numerically solving second order ODE's? Basically, I'm trying to solve one and am trying to do it numerically in mathematica. Can anyone help? For those curious, the equation is ##y y'' + 2y'^2 +xy' = 0## where ##y## is a function of ##x##.

Thanks so much!

PS is anyone else unable to see latex on physics forums (mine's simply showing all statements literally)?
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  • #2
I would just use NDSolve.
The code is
NDSolve[{y[x] y''[x]+2(y'[x])^2+x(y'[x])==0,y'[x1]==a,y[x1]==b},y[x],{x,x1,x2}]

I've assumed you want both initial conditions at the point x1, and the equation solved on the interval [x1,x2]
  • #3
When I try to put that in I receive an error message, something about a singularity and 1/0. My input is below

NDSolve[{x Derivative[1][y][x] + 2 Derivative[1][y][x]^2 + y[x] (y^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x] == 0, Derivative[1][y][1] == -(1/2), y[1] == 0}, y[x], {x, 0, 1}]

the boundary conditions are ##y(1)=0## and ##y'(1)=1/2##.

Please let me know how you would proceed, and thanks so much for helping me!
  • #4
Your differential equation is singular where [itex]y=0[/itex]. Here the differential equation is essentially [itex] \left(0\right)y'' +2y'^2+xy'=0[/itex]. You'll note that here there is no constraint on [itex] y'' [/itex] because it is multiplied by zero. Here normal existence and uniqueness theorems fail. I suspect that your initial conditions are not uniquely specifying the solution. They are redundant. Try solving the equation with initial conditions [itex] y \ne 0 [/itex]. This might help show what's going wrong near [itex] y=0[/itex]. You might have to adjust the domain to ensure that [itex] y [/itex] does not cross zero.
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  • #5
Thanks for taking the time to reply. So I used the only other boundary condition I know of (although this one evidently was numerically found) as ##y(0)=.345...## and I'm still getting an error. But from the text it sounds like ##y(0)=.345...## was found only after solving the initial ODE with the above listed boundary conditions.

Any other idea of how to solve, or can mathematica not do this? Again, I'd like to try and numerically solve using the first two boundary conditions.
  • #6
I'm not sure I understand your last comment. I encourage you to try a bunch of different initial y and y', use a different domain, and a different initial x. Just pick random numbers. Avoid y=0.

There are two things going on. First numerically, I suspect that Mathematica might be running into errors associated with dividing by zero when y=0. I'm not too familiar with Mathematica, but I suspect its trying to reformulate the equation into something akin to [itex] y'' =\frac{1}{y} \times f(x,y,y')[/itex]. You could try modifying the equation to [itex](y+\epsilon)y''+2y'^2+xy'=0 [/itex] where [itex] \epsilon [/itex] is a small positive number. See what happens.

I also suspect that there is a fundamental error in your initial conditions. I suspect that there are multiple solutions that pass through the point [itex] y(1)=0, y'(1)=1/2 [/itex]. Singular differential equations often have this problem. If this is true, then your problem as stated is not well posed. There will be many solutions to the differential equation with the given initial conditions. You may be able to trick Mathematica into giving you one solution. But you really need to understand the behavior near the singularity before you trust any solution. This is why I encourage you to try many different initial conditions.
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  • #7
OK great, I've tried setting the zero boundary condition to a number close to zero and am getting great results, so thanks!

However, can you explain what you meant when you said that
normal existence and uniqueness theorems fail.
  • #8
joshmccraney said:
OK great, I've tried setting the zero boundary condition to a number close to zero and am getting great results, so thanks!

However, can you explain what you meant when you said that

He means that when a DE is singular at a point, boundary conditions applied there may not lead to a unique solution, or any solution.
  • #9
Ok, thanks for explaining that. So since, as was previously stated, mathematica is probably isolating ##y''## then because ##y## is in the denominator we have a problem when ##y=0## right?

Also, I was hoping I could integrate my numerical solution I received in mathematica. Specifically, I am trying to calculate ##\int_0^1 y^2 \, dx##. Do you know how to do this? I get a result if I type
Integrate[(y[x] /. t), {x, 0, 1}]
where I used ndsolve over the above ode, but for some reason if i type
Integrate[(y[x] /. t)^2, {x, 0, 1}]
i get no answer. Any ideas?
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  • #10
joshmccraney said:
Ok, thanks for explaining that. So since, as was previously stated, mathematica is probably isolating ##y''## then because ##y## is in the denominator we have a problem when ##y=0## right?

Also, I was hoping I could integrate my numerical solution I received in mathematica. Do you know how to do this? I can give the technique used to solve it if that helps?

Sure that's easy to do.
First call your solution something, to do this you want to give your NDSolve[..] a name.
For example,
s=NDSolve[...] (where ... represents all the stuff you have inside the function)
Then after you shift-enter, you can use the function in any other operation by typing "y[x]/.s" in place of the function
If you want to integrate this function from {a,b} (And make sure the function has been solved on this interval), use
NIntegrate[y[x]/.s, {x,a,b}]
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  • #11
Perfect! Thanks so much! Just curious, but why is it y[x]/.s? Why divide by .s?
  • #12
joshmccraney said:
Perfect! Thanks so much! Just curious, but why is it y[x]/.s? Why divide by .s?

I think " /. " is the command to replace something with a predefined object, not exactly sure though.
  • #13

Related to How do I numerically solve a non-linear ODE in Mathematica?

1. What is a non-linear ODE and why is it difficult to solve numerically?

A non-linear ODE (ordinary differential equation) is an equation that involves one or more variables and their derivatives, where the highest power of the variables is greater than 1. This makes it difficult to solve numerically because there is no general, analytical method for finding solutions. Instead, numerical methods must be used to approximate the solution.

2. What are the steps for numerically solving a non-linear ODE in Mathematica?

The steps for numerically solving a non-linear ODE in Mathematica are as follows:

  1. Define the ODE using the ODE function.
  2. Specify the initial conditions using the InitialCondition option.
  3. Choose a numerical method using the Method option.
  4. Specify the range of values for the independent variable using the Range option.
  5. Use the NDSolve function to solve the ODE.
  6. Plot the solution using the Plot function.

3. What are some common numerical methods used to solve non-linear ODEs in Mathematica?

Some common numerical methods used in Mathematica to solve non-linear ODEs include the RungeKutta method, the Adams method, and the ImplicitRungeKutta method. Each method has its own advantages and may be more suitable for certain types of ODEs.

4. How can I check the accuracy of my numerical solution for a non-linear ODE in Mathematica?

The accuracy of a numerical solution for a non-linear ODE can be checked by using the NDSolve`AccuracyGoal and NDSolve`PrecisionGoal options. These options allow you to specify the desired level of accuracy and precision for the solution. Additionally, you can compare your numerical solution to an analytical solution, if one is available.

5. Can Mathematica handle non-linear ODEs with complex-valued solutions?

Yes, Mathematica can handle non-linear ODEs with complex-valued solutions. You can use the NDSolve`ComplexStep option to ensure that complex-valued solutions are included in the numerical solution. Additionally, you can use the Re and Im functions to plot the real and imaginary parts of the solution separately.

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