How Can I Improve My Note-Taking Skills for Science and Math Courses?

  • Thread starter bacte2013
  • Start date
In summary, the rising sophomore wrote to seek advice on efficient note-taking skills. She found that she does not have efficient note-taking skills because she spends several hours writing down everything the lecturer said. She has a new strategy of using the textbook as a notebook and writing only the major concepts and confusing portions into it. She plans to use the textbook's corresponding chapter(s) to write the notes into. She thinks summarizing and condensing definitions can be useful for revision. She does not take notes in math classes.
  • #1

I am a rising sophomore with majors in a microbiology and mathematics. I wrote this email to seek out your advice on the note-taking skills, as I recently realized that I do not have the efficient note-taking skills. I tend to write almost everything my lecturer said (especially in chemistry and calculus), event though I know I only have to write the major concepts and uncleared portions. However, I feel like I have to write the instructor said, like writing down every examples with solutions the lecturer poses. Plus, I also write the notes from my textbook to the notebook. My note-taking skill became inefficient for me, as it costs several hours. I just planned new note-taking strategy for me, and I would like to get your inputs and other suggestions you have.

My new strategy is to use the textbook as a notebook; I read the relevant chapter(s) before the lecture, and make sure to grasp the whole chapter. Then during lecture, I write down only the major concepts and confusing portions into the piece of paper. Then I write those into my textbook's corresponding chapter(s); if the instructor goes over the examples, then I write all of them down into separate piece of paper and keep it. I think writing notes in my textbook will prevent me from spending several hours writing notes from the textbook into separate notebook, which I think is just an act of re-writing what the textbook said.

I apologize for this long post, but I would really love to stabilize my note-taking skill since I will be taking intensive science courses on next semester: organic chemistry, immunology, biochemistry, and multivariable calculus-linear algebra.

Thanks for your time!
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  • #2
Yes, I personally would never sit and copy notes from a textbook into a notebook. As you said, it can be very time-consuming, not to mention all of your other courses that would probably need a similar treatment. Besides, especially in the sciences, the real learning is done when you tackle problems, not by parroting definitions back into a notebook. What can be effective, however, is summarizing and condensing definitions, useful for revision.

Your idea of reading the relevant chapters before the class is what I try to do so that you have, depending on the difficulty, at the very least some kind of perspective on the lecture topic. You can fill in parts of the topic that were perhaps more challenging by listening to the lecturer. Although not every body likes the idea, I find writing in the margins of the textbook (in pencil) to be useful and it appears you do to.

I think it is important to get the balance between reading the notes and doing the problems. Sometimes I don't do as much as the former and wade into the problems a bit to quickly and sometimes it is the other way around. It just takes time to realize what is effective for you and, at least in my opinion, your new strategy is more productive than your previous one.
  • #3
Have you seen this system?

I first discovered it in an iPad app that is they provided the page layout and it got me curious to check into it further.

I don't think its actively used at Cornell or any other place for that matter...

What I like about it is the keywords in the left column and the summary at the end.

I've also read where people say its a bad idea to use a tablet or computer to take notes. It distracts your brain enough that you may miss something the prof says.

There was one iPad app Notability that had a recording feature which was tied to what you write so that by selecting the text later it would reset the recording to that moment and you could hear again what the prof said.

I figured if you merely placed a check when you heard the prof say something then later go back and fill in the note that that would work much better.

Also it gets you to review your notes after the lecture which is always a good idea (for followup and overall retention)

For my own case, I keep a notebook at work where I simply date entries. It helps when writing up monthly summaries of what you worked on, problems you found, fixes you made... I use underscore lines to highlight certain text and place a blank underline in the left column for action items which I check when I've done the action or X'ed when I decided to skip it.
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  • #4
I don't take notes in math classes. The best thing to do is try to stay a section ahead of the class so nothing surprises you. I only write down short comments to understand a trick for something. I use the time they lecture to understand what theyre saying.
  • #5

Dear student,

Thank you for reaching out for advice on your note-taking skills. It is great that you have recognized the need to improve your note-taking in order to be more efficient.

Firstly, it is important to understand that note-taking is a personal process and what works for one person may not work for another. However, there are some general strategies that can help improve note-taking for most people.

One strategy that you have mentioned, which is to read the relevant chapter(s) before the lecture, is a great way to prepare for class. This will help you have a better understanding of the material and allow you to focus on the important concepts during the lecture.

Another useful strategy is to use abbreviations and symbols in your notes. This will help you write faster and save time. You can also use different colors or highlighters to emphasize important information.

It is also important to actively listen during the lecture and not just write down everything the instructor says. Focus on the main ideas and key points, and if you miss something, it is okay to ask the instructor to repeat it or clarify.

As you mentioned, writing notes in your textbook can save you time from rewriting them in a separate notebook. However, it is important to also have a separate notebook for class notes that you can refer to when studying for exams.

Lastly, don't be afraid to experiment with different note-taking methods and find what works best for you. It may take some time and practice, but eventually you will find a strategy that helps you efficiently take notes and retain the information.

Best of luck in your upcoming courses! Remember to stay organized and stay focused during lectures. With these strategies in mind, I am sure you will improve your note-taking skills.

Related to How Can I Improve My Note-Taking Skills for Science and Math Courses?

1. How can I improve my note-taking skills?

One way to improve your note-taking skills is to actively engage with the material you are studying. This can include summarizing information in your own words, using visual aids or diagrams, and organizing your notes in a way that makes sense to you. It is also helpful to review your notes regularly and make any necessary revisions.

2. Should I take notes by hand or use a computer?

Both methods have their own benefits. Taking notes by hand can improve retention and understanding of the material, while using a computer can allow for faster note-taking and easier organization. It is ultimately up to personal preference, but a combination of both methods may be the most effective.

3. How much detail should I include in my notes?

The level of detail in your notes will depend on your own learning style and the complexity of the material. However, it is generally recommended to include key terms, main ideas, and supporting examples or details. It is important to find a balance and not write down too much information, as it can be overwhelming and make reviewing your notes more time-consuming.

4. What should I do if I miss something while taking notes?

If you miss something while taking notes, don't panic. Try to catch up by listening carefully for any repeated information or asking a classmate for clarification. You can also leave a blank space in your notes and fill it in later with the help of your textbook or class materials.

5. How can I make note-taking less stressful?

Note-taking can be overwhelming, but there are a few things you can do to make it less stressful. Start by finding a note-taking method that works for you and stick to it. Take breaks when needed and try to stay organized by using headings, bullet points, or color-coding. It is also helpful to review your notes regularly, so you don't feel overwhelmed during exam time.

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