Hilarious BORG Jokes: Elvis, Schwarzenegger, and More!

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  • Thread starter soroban
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In summary, the conversation revolves around various jokes and puns related to the Borg, an alien species from the Star Trek franchise known for their assimilation of other beings into their collective consciousness. The jokes include references to popular culture, such as Elvis Presley, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Monty Python, and Rambo, as well as wordplay on the concept of resistance being futile. Some of the jokes also play on the Borg's catchphrase "resistance is futile" with variations such as "resistance is the disease, we are the cure." The conversation also includes references to Borg-themed products, such as Borg-i-O's cereal and Borg-a-Cola.
  • #1

BORG Jokes#1 on the BORG Hit Parade
We All Live in a Single Subroutine

#2 on the BORG Hit Parade:
BORG in the USA

Elvis of Borg
Assimilate Me Tender

Over 50 billion assimilated

Schwartzenegger of Borg
You will be terminated.

Monty Python of Borg
I wish to complain about this 'ere assimilation
you sold me not 'alf an hour ago.

The Borg assimilated my race
and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.

Rambo of Borg
Resistance is the disease.
We are the cure.

We do it our way.
You way is irrelevant.

Khan of Borg
From hell's heart, I assimilate thee!

Jagger of Borg
I can't get no (pause) assimilation.

Fudd of Borg
Wesistance is usewess.

Sajak of Borg
R_sist_nc_ is futil_.

Dr. Smith of Borg
Resistance is futile,
you bubble-headed booby!

Popeye of Borg
Prepare to be askimilgrated.

Beldar of Borg
Prepare to assimilate mass quantities.

Andy Rooney of Borg
Ever wonder why resistance is futile?

Rubik of Borg
The cube was my idea.

Yoda of Borg
Assumilate or do not assimilate.
There is no "try"!

McCoy of Borg
I'm a doctor, not an assimilator!

Slartibartfast of Borg
My name is irrelevant.

The cereal you can't resist.

Trebek of Borg
For $500, it is futile and begins with R.

Not the choice of The Next Generation

Gump of Borg
Futile is as futile does.

Python of Borg
Nobody expects the Borg assimilation!

The ecstasy of being assimilated.​
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  • #2
i give it a 7 of 9

Related to Hilarious BORG Jokes: Elvis, Schwarzenegger, and More!

1. What is the premise of "Hilarious BORG Jokes: Elvis, Schwarzenegger, and More!"?

The book is a collection of jokes involving famous figures such as Elvis Presley and Arnold Schwarzenegger, but with a sci-fi twist - they are portrayed as members of the alien cyborg race known as the BORG.

2. Are there any unique or clever jokes in the book?

Yes, the book includes a variety of jokes that play on the characteristics and catchphrases of the BORG, as well as references to the pop culture icons they are portraying.

3. Who would enjoy reading this book?

Anyone with an interest in science fiction, humor, or the celebrities featured in the jokes would likely enjoy this book.

4. Is this book appropriate for all ages?

The book contains adult humor and references, so it may not be suitable for younger readers.

5. Are there any other books or resources related to "Hilarious BORG Jokes: Elvis, Schwarzenegger, and More!"?

At this time, this book is the only publication specifically focused on BORG jokes. However, there are likely other science fiction humor books that may appeal to readers who enjoy this type of comedy.

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