Here's a Shocker: Gates says Obama more Analytical than Bush

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  • Thread starter LowlyPion
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In summary: I was standing in a boat anchored fifty miles from the water." - Al Gore the brilliantIn summary, Al Gore is a very smart man. He just happens to be wrong about boats not being "anchored" when they're anchored to the soil.
  • #1
Homework Helper

I wonder could this have anything to do with Cheney doing Bush's thinking for him? Bush just forgot what being analytical was?
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  • #2
It seems obvious enough to me that Cheney and carefully stacked the deck so "The Decider" was sure to pick the card they wanted him to as needed. The massive bag of hot air which was the WMDs argument being a notable example of a stacked deck the masses fell for along side Bush. Anyway, I have long held the impression Gates has as little of capability for analytical thought as Bush does, and this only goes to further support it.
  • #3
kyleb said:
Anyway, I have long held the impression Gates has as little of capability for analytical thought as Bush does, and this only goes to further support it.

Gates being a Georgetown PhD alum suggests otherwise; further, he probably knows something about being politic.
  • #4
I know argumentum ad verecundiam and an infatuation with being politic is making a mess of this nation.
  • #5
If only all intelligence could be measured in degrees...

As kyleb mentioned Ipse Dixit is quite informal logic and generally should not accepted, in argument, especially on a subject that we could all draw conclusions on, without outside opinion.
  • #6
You can almost see the gears turning in his head as he tries to come up with a difference that would improve Obama's image without making Bush look any worse.

Can't be trusted.
  • #7
Yes I found it funny how he took roughly 10 seconds of umm...uhhh...well... before he could summon the most commonly referenced defect of Bush.
  • #8
Oscar Wilde said:
As kyleb mentioned Ipse Dixit is quite informal logic and generally should not accepted, in argument, especially on a subject that we could all draw conclusions on, without outside opinion.

Note that a search of posts made by kyleb with the term 'gates' turns up two posts: the above, along with another post in which he states a preference for Cohen. In neither of these posts does he profer reasons for his statement - so are we to assume kyleb's statement on faith?

Otherwise, I agree on the 'um's.
  • #9
Oscar Wilde said:
Yes I found it funny how he took roughly 10 seconds of umm...uhhh...well... before he could summon the most commonly referenced defect of Bush.

Calling the guy that appointed you a dolt on National TV would have been a bit over the top.
  • #10
asdfggfdsa said:
Note that a search of posts made by kyleb with the term 'gates' turns up two posts: the above, along with another post in which he states a preference for Cohen. In neither of these posts does he profer reasons for his statement - so are we to assume kyleb's statement on faith?
I was only stating opinions and you shouldn't take them as anything more than that. However, if you wanted to know my reasoning you would have done well to ask, or better yet tried searching for information on Gates outside of my posts. Here is a start:
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  • #11
kyleb said:
I was only stating opinions and you shouldn't take them as anything more than that. However, if you wanted to know my reasoning you would have done well to ask, or better yet tried searching for information on Gates outside of my posts. Here is a start:
Yes please tell us how we should and should not take things, in the Latin, and when challenged post a non-sequitur.
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  • #12
Asdfggfdsa asked if my comment should be taken on faith, and of course it shouldn't be taken as anything but the statement of opinion it was presented as, unless of course one insists on being obtuse.
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  • #13
LowlyPion said:

I wonder could this have anything to do with Cheney doing Bush's thinking for him? Bush just forgot what being analytical was?

Don't Bush-haters ever tire of calling the man "stupid"? Ever?

Let's save a lot of time writing hate-filled posts, and reading them as well.

Let's stipulate that Democrats are supremely intelligent, evolution's eternal gift to mankind.

Let's further stipulate that Republicans are the stupidest form of life imaginable.

Finally, let us observe that the Fallacy of the Argument From Authority negates the pretense that because Democrats are so supremely intelligent, they are as infallibly right as Republicans are infallibly wrong.

After all, the Unabomber is a brilliant person. He just happened to send package bombs to individuals who disagreed with his political positions. And by the way, the Unabomber had a well-worn copy of Earth in the Balance in his filthy cabin.

"I was standing in a boat anchored fifty miles from the water." - Al Gore the brilliant

Al, boats that are sitting on soil are not "anchored." Umm, Al...
  • #14
BarackZero said:
... let us observe that the Fallacy of the Argument From Authority

Awfully selective in your argument fallacies aren't you?

Maybe when you stop indulging in what you decry you can get some traction? For instance there is nothing about Al Gore that mitigates Bush or Republican imprudence and analysis failures.
  • #15
LowlyPion said:
Awfully selective in your argument fallacies aren't you?

Maybe when you stop indulging in what you decry you can get some traction? For instance there is nothing about Al Gore that mitigates Bush or Republican imprudence and analysis failures.

Well, no, it is Democrats who are profoundly selective in argument fallacies.

The pretense by Democrats that intellectualism is THE arbiter of all things is the classic Fallacy of the Argument From Authority. This fallacy is almost completely ignored and overlooked by the Politically Correct set, beginning with Al Gorians.

I do not expect much traction from the left, breathtakingly dishonest as it is.
  • #16
BarackZero said:
Well, no, it is Democrats who are profoundly selective in argument fallacies.

Looks like you are not taking responsibility for your own behavior. Nothing others do mitigates the observation that the personal values that you would hold others to you are not observing yourself.

Related to Here's a Shocker: Gates says Obama more Analytical than Bush

1. What is the main topic of the article "Here's a Shocker: Gates says Obama more Analytical than Bush"?

The main topic of the article is a statement made by former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates regarding the analytical abilities of President Obama compared to former President George W. Bush.

2. Who is Robert Gates and why is his opinion important?

Robert Gates served as the Secretary of Defense under both Presidents Bush and Obama, making him a credible and knowledgeable source on the subject. His opinion is important because he had firsthand experience working with both presidents and can provide insight into their respective leadership styles.

3. What evidence does Gates provide to support his claim?

Gates mentions several instances where he witnessed Obama asking detailed questions and seeking out a wide range of opinions before making a decision. He also notes that Obama would often take the time to read and digest lengthy reports, while Bush preferred oral briefings.

4. How have Obama and Bush responded to Gates' statement?

Both presidents have responded positively to Gates' statement, with Obama acknowledging that he values detailed analysis and Bush stating that he welcomes Gates' perspective.

5. What implications does Gates' statement have for the leadership and decision-making styles of Obama and Bush?

Gates' statement suggests that Obama has a more analytical and deliberate approach to decision-making, while Bush relied more on intuition and personal relationships. This could have implications for how future presidents are perceived and evaluated in terms of their leadership styles.

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