Help! I Burned My Finger on a Pizza Oven Handle

  • Thread starter Pengwuino
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In summary, the conversation is about how to deal with a burn on the finger. The first suggestion is to put ice on the burn and then wait a few hours for it to cool. If the burn has broken open, the person can use an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
  • #1
Gold Member
owwww i burnt my finger on this metal handle that we use to bake pizza! Its white and swollen where the handle made its mark... what should i do! I've had it in water the last 2 hours...
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  • #2
Ice. Its going to blister too. Ice and then a band-aid after a couple hours.
  • #3
im using ice water
  • #4
Cut your finger off, problem solved you crybaby.
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  • #5
i was going to put a disclaimer that i didnt want cyrus's advice... should have listened to my gut insticts
  • #6
Pengwuino said:
im using ice water

Ok, just making sure :wink:

I did a similar thing once. Well sorta, it involved a removing the bit from a hot jackhammer that we had been using on super-tile (seriously, this stuff was frickin indestructible, the jackhammer couldn't even break it, it just shook them until the tiles got lifted off the mortar) that I grabbed after having forgotten I had removed my gloves. It blistered. Not fun.
  • #7
I put toothpaste on my finger if I was you. Perhaps potato would be good but I guess it's too late now!

(Penguins have fingers?:confused: )
  • #8
Lisa! said:
I put toothpaste on my finger if I was you. Perhaps potato would be good but I guess it's too late now!

(Penguins have fingers?:confused: )

This one does apparently. I didn't know they ate pizza though.
  • #9
Dip your finger in pizza sauce and eat it.
  • #10
I would put some form of paste on it and wrap it with ice...

Other than that...
  • #11
franznietzsche said:
This one does apparently. I didn't know they ate pizza though.
He was just baking pizza or perhaps they were baking pizza used penguin in! yummy a pizza made with penguin!:-p
  • #12
moose said:
I would put some form of paste on it and wrap it with ice...

Other than that...

Explain this to me, Lisa mentioned toothpaste as well. Why?
  • #13
what should i do! I've had it in water the last 2 hours...

i'm going to suggest you stop typing with it

  • #14
franznietzsche said:
Explain this to me, Lisa mentioned toothpaste as well. Why?
Ah I can't explain it well in English!:redface:
It must be like ice. I mean it keeps your finger cool and you can put a band-aid on it and go back to your job...
  • #15
wheres moonbear, she's nicer and more helpful!
  • #16
Putting your finger in cool water is about all you can do - and bear the pain.

How is your finger this morning, and how big is the blister?

Keep it clean, especially if the blister breaks.

You might want to put medicated moisturizing cream containing Aloe Vera on that part of the finger and Vitamin-E oil. I have experience with this myself - and a few scars. :biggrin:

Don't do that again! Wear mits around hot objects.
  • #17
Pengwuino, you could have a serious burn, meaning the tissue under the skin is also damaged. It shouldn't still be hurting after two hours in ice water. If it is still hurting or doesn't look better today, go to a doctor and have it examined.
  • #18
Pengwuino said:
wheres moonbear, she's nicer and more helpful!
Aww. :blushing:

I went to sleep early last night, so didn't see it sooner. Sorry. There's not much to be done for it, I'm afraid. Cold water or ice on the burn is good immediately, to cool the area and stop it from worsening. It also just feels better, but after initially cooling it, isn't doing much to help it heal. It's going to sting for a while until it heals. If the blister isn't broken, just cover it with loose gauze to protect it, nothing else is needed. If it has broken open, you can use an antibiotic ointment on it under the gauze to keep it from getting infected until it heals. That's the biggest risk with second and third degree burns, that they are prone to infection since the skin that normally acts as your first defense against bacterial invaders is absent (that's why you shouldn't listen to any of those remedies that suggest putting any other goops on it, like butter or toothpaste or whatever else people are suggesting...that just increases the risk of smearing bacteria into it). Integral's recent thread about his scraped knee had a recommendation of an antibiotic ointment with a topical anesthetic in it. You can use that to take the edge off the sting.

Next time use oven mitts. :biggrin:

Edit: Just saw Astronuc's post. Yes, if you can find a medicated cream specifically made for burns that includes Aloe Vera in it, that's very soothing to burns too.
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  • #19
Well it stopped hurting all together after 3 hours and the blister seems to have... unswelled? I think I'm good, next time i'll just chop my finger off and hope it regenerates.
  • #20
How the hell did you burn it that bad you whimp? You really had to grab that thing for dear life and not let go to make it that bad.
  • #21
Pengwuino said:
Well it stopped hurting all together after 3 hours and the blister seems to have... unswelled? I think I'm good, next time i'll just chop my finger off and hope it regenerates.
That's a good sign. Then the underlying muscle, actually tendon, is OK. Do put Vitamin-E and Aloe Vera on it. And perhaps consider multi-vitamin (extra E) supplements while your skin heals.

Geez it's only a second degree burn. Next time -

On the other hand, don't let there be a next time!
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  • #22
The fact that it hurt means the burn isn't that severe...
  • #23
moose said:
The fact that it hurt means the burn isn't that severe...

Yah i saw the third degree burn catagorization and it was all "Minimal or no pain" and i was like "I wish i had that..." and then read on 'due to most of the nerve endings being destroyed' :smile: :smile:

I'm amazed that my finger print is still there... my laptop's fingerprint reader even identified it with no problem.
  • #24
I was reading throught this post and it really sounds like something Tribdog would do. Tell me Pengwuino are you trying to get the attention and watchfull eye of the sisterhood? Not that that would be a bad thing I guess if you are turning into an accident prone penguin.
  • #25
They'll do ANYTHING to get our attention... :rolleyes::biggrin:
  • #26
How long until this thing stops being white. Theres no swellign and it FEELS like normal skin... but its white! am i turning into an alien??
  • #27
Pengwuino said:
How long until this thing stops being white. Theres no swellign and it FEELS like normal skin... but its white! am i turning into an alien??
Oh, yeah, I'm afraid so, either it's a third degree burn or you're being assimilated.
  • #28
Seriously, how did you burn yourself that bad? You don't get a burn like that from accidentally touching something hot. Did you try to pick up a 350-degree pan with your bare hands?
  • #29
More like a 450 degree handle to a pizza stone. Am I going to die evo :(
  • #30
Have you never used an oven in your life? No, you won't die, but your finger is going to fall off.
  • #31
cyrusabdollahi said:
Have you never used an oven in your life? No, you won't die, but your finger is going to fall off.
Aw, poor Pengwuino. <kisses Pengwuino's finger>

Ok, now it will either get better or turn gangrenous and fall off. :frown:
  • #32
And let me guess, you gave it gangreen!
  • #33
Pengwuino said:
And let me guess, you gave it gangreen!
Not on purpose.
  • #34
Evo said:
Not on purpose.

I totally call shenanigans on that one.

Related to Help! I Burned My Finger on a Pizza Oven Handle

1. How should I treat a burn from a pizza oven handle?

If you have burned your finger on a pizza oven handle, it is important to take immediate action to prevent further damage and promote healing. The first step is to run the affected area under cool water for at least 10 minutes. This will help to soothe the pain and prevent the burn from getting worse. After that, you can apply a burn cream or aloe vera gel to the burn to help with healing. It is also important to keep the burn clean and covered with a bandage to prevent infection.

2. How long will it take for my burned finger to heal?

The healing time for a burned finger can vary depending on the severity of the burn. A mild burn from a pizza oven handle may take a few days to a week to heal, while a more severe burn may take several weeks. It is important to keep the burn clean and covered to promote healing and prevent infection. If the burn does not show signs of improvement or becomes infected, it is important to seek medical attention.

3. Should I pop the blister that formed on my burned finger?

No, you should not pop the blister that has formed on your burned finger. The blister is nature's way of protecting the injured skin and promoting healing. Popping the blister can increase the risk of infection and slow down the healing process. If the blister is causing discomfort, you can gently drain it with a sterile needle and cover it with a bandage.

4. Will I have a scar from my burned finger?

The likelihood of scarring from a burned finger depends on the severity of the burn and how well it is cared for during the healing process. If the burn is mild and properly treated, it is less likely to leave a scar. However, if the burn is more severe or becomes infected, it may result in scarring. If you are concerned about scarring, consult with a doctor for proper wound care and treatment.

5. How can I prevent burns from a pizza oven handle in the future?

To prevent burns from a pizza oven handle, it is important to take proper precautions. Always use oven mitts or heat-resistant gloves when handling hot surfaces, and be aware of the temperature of the oven handle before touching it. It is also important to keep children away from the oven and teach them about the dangers of hot surfaces. Regularly checking and maintaining the oven's temperature control can also help prevent accidental burns.

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