Greg Bernhardt kindly asked me to do the intro for --- me

In summary, Greg Bernhardt has requested for me to do the intro for him.
  • #1
People, I am really at the bottom of the brain-interphase and have arrived here traveling through the internet utterly bereft how I -finally- arrived here. An amazing space.

Attracted to the science fiction end of things. Paradoxically given my inverted brain this is the beginning as I write the stuff whilst having trouble operating the most basic of mobile phones. I trained as a sociologist -not practising!- but have always loved the way quantum mechanics right from the beginning 'broke' all the rules - so far. Making the best rethink well everything! Forging neural pathways into new complexities. All good.

I have read over decades the greatest scientific thinkers who considered those ignorant in the higher physics and mathematics to write in prose such amazing revelation embedded in the universe. Myself I began as a trainee metallurgist which gave me an appreciation that preparing a sample is everything. Stuff this up and one is truly in trouble. Needless to say I failed here.

But before this could happen I accidentally ran a laboratory at a brickworks. Being young I traveled from Sydney to Kathmandu than dawdled my way west eventually to Berlin. Eventually back DownUnder, got the degree and drove buses on an off for 17 years in Sydney. Retired early and wrote science fiction. Here one can go totally mental. My brain thinks its a gas. Follow indie music not heard on the radio.

Don't watch TV because it blew up one day and that was that. Though currently watching season 4 of 12 Monkeys on DVD. Read books by the ton. History current affairs speculative fiction and some science fiction. Not enough hours in the day. Reading is the best addiction. Hope to dive into some great articles here by brains way beyond my conceptualizations - charge those neurons, singe synapses, delude dendrites. I can't wait.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

You’ve led quite an eclectic life so far, I’m afraid PF may be too plain for your tastes. Our main mission is to help students with questions and problems in STEM subjects in school. While we do entertain discussion on mainstream science topics, we do not dwell on personal theories or fringe science. All topics being discussed must have peer reviewed references.

Anyway, welcome to PF and please take some time to read our guidelines (see PF Global Guidelines link below)

  • #3
It is your Science Fiction and Fantasy Media at the Eigenlounge which attracted me

I found your forum by looking via DuckDuckGo things about 'science fiction' 'science' and 'writing' and your site popped up
how's that for a top result?
If however I do not fit the profile no worries - life goes on
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