Gravitational potential energy near the earth

In summary: I think you might be able to understand things a bit more easily by considering the work done by gravity separately from the work done by you.When you lift an object against gravity, you do work on the object. The work you do on the object has to be positive because you are exerting a force in the same direction as the object moves. So, the work you do on the object is given by:W = (F * d)Where, F is the force you are exerting on the object, and d is the distance the object travels.Now, while you are doing this work on the object, gravity is also doing work on the object. But, gravity is exerting a force in the opposite
  • #1
I am a bit confused about gravitational potential energy near the earth, namely the formula given by mgh.

I know that potential energy is defined as U(x) = -W(x0 to x) where x0 is our chosen reference point. Let's take the Earth's surface as the zero point and let's travel upwards to a point x. Since mg is pointing down and my displacement is pointing up, the dot product is negative so W(x0 to x) = -mgx. Therefore, U(x) = -(-mgh) = mgh.

however, let's say i want to travel downwards instead. then since mg is pointing down and my displacement is also pointing down, the dot product is positive this time so W(x0 to x) = mgx (x is negative). but then U(x) = -(mgx) = -mgx. If i say travel downwards from x = -2 to x = -4, i get U(-4) - U(-2) = mg(4) - mg(2) > 0, which doesn't make sense since if i am going downwards, shouldn't my change in potential energy be negative?
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  • #2
Do you have a higher PE on the ground or higher up?
  • #3
Using the formula U(x) = -mgx derived from taking the work going from the zero point (ground) to a point below the surface, it seems that points above the surface have negative potential.

what i don't understand is why both approaches don't give me the same U(x). for U(x) = mgx, i traveled upwards so i can only use positive values of x (above the surface). If i want to use negative values of x, I travel downwards but i come up with U(x) = -mgx which seems to contradict with the function i got from traveling upwards since taking points above the surface, one gives me a positive PE and the other gives me a negative PE.

is there a way to reconcile them?
  • #4
demonelite123 said:
I am a bit confused about gravitational potential energy near the earth, namely the formula given by mgh.

I know that potential energy is defined as U(x) = -W(x0 to x) where x0 is our chosen reference point. Let's take the Earth's surface as the zero point and let's travel upwards to a point x. Since mg is pointing down and my displacement is pointing up, the dot product is negative so W(x0 to x) = -mgx. Therefore, U(x) = -(-mgh) = mgh.

however, let's say i want to travel downwards instead. then since mg is pointing down and my displacement is also pointing down, the dot product is positive this time so W(x0 to x) = mgx (x is negative)

You lost a minus sign here.
  • #5
U=-W, W=F.d

d=(y-y0)j if we go "up" (final minus initial)
... since y0<y, d>0 - for later reference, put h=|d|
U= -(-mg)[+(y-y0)] = mgh

if you go "down" the d=(y0-y)j = - (y-y0)j
U=-(-mg)[-(y-y0)] = -mgh

Keeping track of the minus signs is, indeed, the trick to keeping things consistent.
  • #6
demonelite123 said:
however, let's say i want to travel downwards instead. then since mg is pointing down and my displacement is also pointing down, the dot product is positive this time so W(x0 to x) = mgx (x is negative). but then U(x) = -(mgx) = -mgx.
As others have already explained, you are essentially double counting the minus sign.

ΔU = -(F)*(Δx) = -(-mg)*(Δx) = (mg)*(Δx)

When Δx is positive, ΔU is positive; when Δx is negative, ΔU is negative.
  • #7
@demonelite: this sound good to you?
  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
@demonelite: this sound good to you?

sorry about my late response. I'm still a bit confused. for the case "going up" i agree that F = (-mg)j and d = (y - y0)j since as you said it was final point (y) - initial point (y0).

but for the "going down" case, F = (-mg)j but how come d = (y0 - y)j? isn't final point - initial point still y - y0?

thanks for all the replies so far everyone.
  • #9
demonelite123 said:
sorry about my late response. I'm still a bit confused. for the case "going up" i agree that F = (-mg)j and d = (y - y0)j since as you said it was final point (y) - initial point (y0).

but for the "going down" case, F = (-mg)j but how come d = (y0 - y)j? isn't final point - initial point still y - y0?

In the "going down" case the object is going "from" y "to" y0, so final point - initial point is y0 - y which is negative.
  • #10
Thank you jtbell :)
@deminelite123 - since y > y0, in order to go down you have to start at y.
  • #11
Simon Bridge said:
Thank you jtbell :)
@deminelite123 - since y > y0, in order to go down you have to start at y.

ah ok. what you said earlier makes sense now. thanks!
  • #12
Like everyone said, you missed a minus sign. :)
  • #13
ah ok. what you said earlier makes sense now. thanks!
No worries, happens to the best of us.

In general, it is a good discipline to have the same labels refer to the same things. In this case: locations - when you were going down, you forgot to account for your y0>y so that y-y0 < 0. Try it with a diagram.
  • #14
Wait a second... The professor at MIT said that when I do positive work, gravity does negative work and when I do negative work, gravity does positive work. How does this make sense. When I do negative work from A to B then gravity is also doing negative work right? since it is -mg?
  • #15
Keep track of the directions ...

If you lower a mass at constant speed, then you are exerting a force in the opposite direction to the displacement, and gravity is acting in the same direction as displacement.

In your example, A must be higher than B so the displacement from A to B is negative.
  • #16
Thanks a lot
  • #17
  • #18
No worries.
Tracking the minus signs can be tricky - especially if things are slowing down as well as changing direction.

Related to Gravitational potential energy near the earth

1. What is gravitational potential energy near the earth?

Gravitational potential energy near the earth is the energy that an object possesses due to its position in the earth's gravitational field. It is dependent on the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and its distance from the center of the earth.

2. How is gravitational potential energy near the earth calculated?

Gravitational potential energy near the earth is calculated using the formula PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 near the earth's surface), and h is the height or distance from the center of the earth.

3. Does gravitational potential energy near the earth affect the weight of an object?

No, gravitational potential energy near the earth does not affect the weight of an object. Weight is determined by the force of gravity acting on an object, while gravitational potential energy is a measure of the potential for an object to have work done on it by gravity.

4. How does changing the height or distance from the earth's surface affect gravitational potential energy?

Increasing the height or distance from the earth's surface increases the gravitational potential energy of an object. This is because the force of gravity decreases with distance, so the object has to do more work against gravity to move further away from the earth.

5. Can gravitational potential energy near the earth be converted into other forms of energy?

Yes, gravitational potential energy near the earth can be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, when an object falls towards the surface of the earth. This is known as the conservation of energy, where energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another.

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