GOAre the members of these forums sane?

  • Thread starter Ben-CS
  • Start date
Ben~In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of questioning one's sanity and the potential implications of labeling someone as "insane". Various viewpoints were shared, including the idea that constantly questioning one's sanity may actually be a sign of sanity, and skepticism towards the validity of psychiatric diagnoses. The underlying theme was the importance of individuality and the potential dangers of conforming to societal norms.
  • #1
I have doubts about the sanity of every member of these forums.

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  • #2
Does this doubt extend to yourself?
  • #3
Actually, he's right to have that doubt. Any organism which is aware of existence and doesn't understand the absolute-truth about that existence, will act/think in an insane manner, since its thoughts are not reflective of 'the truth'. We'd better hope that we have the right philosophy then.:wink:
  • #4
I went to the Symantek-Norton San-Checker site, and it verified that I am 100% sane.

  • #5
Originally posted by Njorl
I went to the Symantek-Norton San-Checker site, and it verified that I am 100% sane.


My goodness that's brilliant! Do any of you think it will someday be possible to run sample pulses through a person's neural network, record the silhouette of the return signal and check it against brain wave patterns for known mental illnesses? Like an antivirus program searching for lines of code in your software (the programming in your brain), and that it recognizes as belonging to a "hostile program".
  • #6
What you say? There's no spirits around here except in bottles? Ha ha ha ha! ...
  • #7
Originally posted by Ben-CS
I have doubts about the sanity of every member of these forums.

I have long suspected that I might actually be insane. This might explain why I view so much of humanity as crazy. When it's several billion against one I think it's worth considering that the problem may only be with me. :smile:
  • #8
What could make it worth considering?
  • #9
"...how do you know I'm mad?", asked Alice.

"Because you're here, and everyone here is mad", answered the Chesire Cat.
  • #10
hey mentat I am actually certifiable,just ask my invisible friends,they'll tell you!
  • #11
I concur, everyone here is mad. However, do you think that someone that is mad will have sound judgement? If not, then we have a minor paradox on our hands (reminiscent to the "Liar's Paradox).
  • #12
hey mentat clear you messages,no one can sent you any,but anyway,im crazy so why don't you ask someone who is for there perceptions on being crazy instead of discussing it when you don't know youself what its like so ask someone who is,might learn alot!
  • #13
Originally posted by Ben-CS
I have doubts about the sanity of every member of these forums.


what's the point of this thread? if you make this claim, you need to provide your reasons why...
  • #14
Does this doubt extend to yourself?

This doubt extends from myself. I question my own sanity before I question that of others.

I question my sanity every day. I have a very good reason for doing this: It is the only thing that keeps me sane.

A complete lack of one's sanity is always accompanied by a complete trust in one's sanity. If you doubt your own sanity, that means you have at least a few shreds of sanity left! (However, it does not mean you can relax.)


Doctor: What seems to be the problem, sir?

Patient: I have this obsessive, compulsive urge to check my sanity all the time.

Doctor: [Glances at watch] Oh, I'm sorry! I have to leave now. [Vanishes]
  • #15
Yes, of course only an insane person never questions their sanity! That's why I routinely have someone else I trust do it for me. Just pay them enough money and you'll get results. It's the american way.

Now they may tell you that you are just not keeping up with the Jones on the issue of sanity which is, of course, an issue of keeping up with the jones and being "normal". However, nothing beats statistical evidence except reality. If you want, just send me a hundred dollars and I'll use statistical evidence on how to show you how to keep up with the jones. With time and enough money, we'll bring the issue of your sanity up to legal standards. That's what really matters when push comes to shove, what the law can measure.
  • #16
okay, that is a much better explanation of where you are coming from...i think you have a great point about sanity and why we need to question it, or as i think as "keeping yourself in check"...
  • #17
wuliheron , is this your instigator / agitator style posting :) ...or should I read this as a true representation of what you really believe ? ...
Yes, of course only an insane person never questions their sanity!
Well , I have never questioned my mental integrity . I have been sad sometimes , confused , or many other emotions ...usually in response to stimuli , but are these temporary feelings unhealthy ?

What is normal ? Does it have to be what somebody says it is ...or is it more complex than that ? Certainly , individuality is not something that should be crushed , so that homogenation of thoughts and behavior takes place . Yet that is what many are striving for .

Some may think some of my actions or beliefs over the years were / are strange ...this is purely their opinion ( i might even agree about some of them ) . Opinion is modified by individual bias . If some one were to actually label me as insane , they would be a liar .

Presently there is no bodily test that can demonstrate if some one has a mental disease. Determinations are arrived at through a process immersed in unscientific prejudice and statistical chicanery ...with psycho-babble thrown into obfuscate . The origin of many psychiatric and psychological industry paradigms come from early 20th century national socialist efforts in social control .

The criteria used for "disorders" are listed in the DSM IV . This includes behaviour that a commitee ( pharmaceutical industry supported ) has decided to identify as unacceptable . The listing is so broad as to include almost everybody at some point in their lives . Why ? ...It's always about money and power .

"we can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways never dreamed of before, depersonalizing them, controlling them by means so carefully selected that they will perhaps never be aware of their loss of personhood." - Carl R Rogers (former) president APA

"DSM IV is the fabrication upon which psychiatry seeks acceptance by medicine in general. Insiders know it is more a political than scientific document...
APA as an organization has implicitly (sometimes explicitly as well) bought into a theoretical hoax.
" - Loren R. Mosher M. D.
  • #18
wuliheron , is this your instigator / agitator style posting :) ...or should I read this as a true representation of what you really believe ? ...

You got it. Sanity is for those who can't face reality.

Asians tend to believe a society based on normalcy is nuts, while westerners tend to think a society focused on introspection is nuts. Others tend to believe the whole concept of sanity is nuts. In other words, context rules again. What it usually boils down to is what either the law, logic, or you yourself say is nuts. Still, I see people nash their teeth and wring their hands over the issue.

What they all seem to agree upon is that inner peace is valuable. Some will even tell you that is precisely what most of the psycho-babble is all about and words like nuts and insane can be counterproductive in attaining that goal. Society at large, religions, moralities, the legal systems, etc. likewise all have other private agendas to pursue than promoting inner peace and hypocracy is rampant.

One of the ancient Taoist traditions is to just go off into the mountains and tend a garden for a few years if inner peace seems ellusive. The !Kung might surprise an individual by surrounding them and then one by one recount something the person did that they are grateful for. Then they disperse and never talk about what brought them all together. If you confront them, they'll deny it ever happened. Other tribes glorify irrational behavior as a sign of being in touch with the Gods.

I say, whatever blows yer skirt up.


Embracing the Way,
You become embraced;
Breathing gently, you become newborn;
Clearing your mind, you become clear;
Nurturing your children, you become impartial;
Opening your heart, you become accepted;
Accepting the world,
You embrace the Way.
Bearing and nurturing,
Creating but not clutching,
Giving without demanding,
This is harmony
  • #19
You got it. Sanity is for those who can't face reality.
I thought that reality was a cop-out for people who couldn’t face drugs.

I understand that there is a very high rate of suicide amongst psychiatrists. I might have turned to one for help long ago but feared increasing my own burden of guilt for having contributed to yet another individual’s demise.
  • #20
I thought that reality was a cop-out for people who couldn’t face drugs.
Oh, do you mean reality is for people who can't cope with dope? ... Oh, I see. Maybe you'd care to lay down on the couch for awhile?
  • #21
I'd have to say that I'm total loony-toon.
But at least I'm honest about it.
  • #22
Originally posted by Iacchus32
Oh, do you mean reality is for people who can't cope with dope? ... Oh, I see. Maybe you'd care to lay down on the couch for awhile?
Nah, I don't need the guilt...
  • #23
Originally posted by Njorl
I went to the Symantek-Norton San-Checker site, and it verified that I am 100% sane.


hee hee I work for Symantec and there is not one sane person that works there! LOL So I think we all need to take that test that you took!

'course I like not being sane... It keeps life interesting!
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  • #24
"This neurotic search for perfect sanity will drive us all crazy!" -S. Freud
  • #25
Originally posted by LURCH
"This neurotic search for perfect sanity will drive us all crazy!" -S. Freud

Well that is one trip I don't mind taking! =)
  • #26
I am insane, according to various medical documents. I must confess I deeply prefer this state to the crazy conditions one must satisfy to be labeled normal.
  • #27
Why is it wrong to be crazy? I have tried to be normal and it is BORING!I have more fun being "weird" "a freak" or just down right nuts!

Related to GOAre the members of these forums sane?

1. What is GOA?

GOA stands for Gene Ontology Annotation and is a standardized system used for describing genes and their functions. It is widely used in bioinformatics research to organize and analyze biological data.

2. How is GOA used in scientific research?

GOA is used to annotate genes and proteins with functional terms, allowing researchers to better understand the roles of specific genes in biological processes. It is also used to compare and analyze gene functions across different species.

3. Who maintains GOA?

GOA is maintained by the Gene Ontology Consortium, a collaboration of scientists and bioinformatics experts from around the world. The consortium regularly updates and expands the GOA database to reflect new research findings.

4. Can anyone access GOA?

Yes, GOA is an open access resource and can be accessed by anyone through the Gene Ontology Consortium website. However, some features may require registration or subscription to access.

5. How accurate is GOA?

GOA is constantly updated and reviewed by experts in the field, making it a reliable and accurate resource. However, as with any database, it is important to critically evaluate the information and consider the source of the data.

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