Giancoli's Treatment of GR & Cosmology: Shockingly Inaccurate

In summary: Supposedly Texas, a huge market, got sick of the liberal biases and forced publishers to clean up their act.Anyway, each time I forwarded four or five pages of incorrect and misleading accounts to the course development administrator in my school superintendents office.In summary, this textbook contains many misconceptions about relativity and cosmology.
  • #1
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My daughter's high school physics class is using Giancoli (6th ed.) as their text. I'd previously looked at the treatment of SR, and it seemed OK, although old-fashioned. But this morning I started flipping through ch. 33, "Astrophysics and Cosmology," and I was pretty shocked. It reads like a catalog of common mistakes and misconceptions. The impression I get is that the author simply doesn't know GR.

He states the equivalence principle, and uses it to show that a beam of light crossing an accelerating elevator appears curved. Then: "If a light beam can follow a curved path, as discussed above, then perhaps we can say that space itself is curved and that it is the gravitational mass that causes the curvature." [his italics] After that he briefly mentions that the curvature is really a curvature of spacetime, but after that he abandons spacetime curvature and talks only about curved space. He talks about the "curvature of the universe" when he means the spatial curvature. The idea that's completely absent is that gravity *is* the curvature of spacetime.

In a section on black holes, he forgets about curvature and reverts to calling gravity a force. Light emitted from within the event horizon is "pulled back in by gravity."

The discussion of cosmology seems to have been written backwards compared to the logical order, and it contains mistakes. First he makes assertions about the "curvature of the universe." Then he introduces the special-relativistic equation for the Doppler shift of light, and speaks as though it can be applied to cosmologically distant objects, which is wrong. (He admits in a footnote that it's wrong, which raises the question of why he did it that way.) He uses this as evidence for Hubble expansion. For some reason there is a section on the steady-state model, which hasn't been viable for half a century, and some of the technical details are wrong. (He says the steady-state model violates conservation of mass-energy, whereas in fact the stress-energy tensor has zero divergence in the steady-state model.) Then he discusses the CMB.
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  • #2
bcrowell said:
The impression I get is that the author simply doesn't know GR.

I would be surprised if an author of a high-school textbook actually knew GR, just as I would be surprised if I found a modern treatment of SR which does not include relativistic mass. The point is that knowing relativity at the level required to write this properly is not really a prerequisite for writing a high-school textbook in physics. The focus is generally going to be more on more basic physics like Newton's laws. I would not be surprised to learn that some authors chew off more than they can bite with regards to relativity and cosmology.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
I would be surprised if an author of a high-school textbook actually knew GR, just as I would be surprised if I found a modern treatment of SR which does not include relativistic mass.

It's marketed as a college textbook.

And big commercial texts like this one usually have a long list of advisors and consultants. However, that elaborate process is often carried out very poorly. For example, it's often found that the people listed as consultants on a K-12 school text didn't actually know they were being listed and had not read the book or provided any feedback.

Considering that Giancoli costs a college student $222, I do think there's a responsibility on the part of the publisher to try to get facts right.
  • #4
The few percent of kids that will take additional courses after HS will hopefully get the right story. Those that do not won't remember what they learned anyway.

Look, the poor author has only had six stabs at getting it right; Whadda you expect for $222?

I reviewed local HS American History texts twice. It was an abysmal experience about 10 years ago; about 6 years ago the text being used was much more accurate. For example, a separate page supposedly devoted to President Reagan, a staunch conservative, started out with FOUR paragraphs of liberal philosophy!

Supposedly Texas, a huge market, got sick of the liberal biases and forced publishers to clean up their act. Anyway, each time I forwarded four or five pages of incorrect and misleading accounts to the course development administrator in my school superintendents office. I found by checking my on line school budget breakdown, they got paid around $130,000 annually at the time, likely 60% to 80% more than average teacher salary. So go get 'em if you are inclined!

PS: Don't expect a reply.
  • #5
bcrowell said:
Considering that Giancoli costs a college student $222, I do think there's a responsibility on the part of the publisher to try to get facts right.
I have in general found that pulling out misconceptions from students from earlier courses in modern physics and at high school is a large part of my work when I teach SR. Going back to the textbook that was used when I took my first modern physics course at university, I found that apparently atmospheric muons travel about 700 m in their rest frame in order to reach the Earth's surface ...
  • #6
Orodruin said:
Going back to the textbook that was used when I took my first modern physics course at university, I found that apparently atmospheric muons travel about 700 m in their rest frame in order to reach the Earth's surface ...

What is wrong with that? I must be missing something.
  • #7
In a muon's rest frame, it doesn't travel (in space). :biggrin:
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  • #8
bcrowell said:
It's marketed as a college textbook.
My first exposure to relativity was through a small add-on chapter in Serway. It was similarly bad and I think contributed to how long it took me to learn SR.
  • #9
Dale said:
My first exposure to relativity was through a small add-on chapter in Serway. It was similarly bad and I think contributed to how long it took me to learn SR.

Serway has now been inflicted on students unto the ninth edition. It just goes on and on, like one of those families where grandma introduces the grandkids to her fentanyl dealer.
  • #10
My first SR text was Taylor & Wheeler, the first edition. I hadn't realized how lucky I was.

(Of course, my first GR text was MTW, which at the time was way over my head--I couldn't follow much of it beyond the initial SR chapters. So I guess it all balances out. :wink:)
  • #11
bcrowell said:
Serway has now been inflicted on students unto the ninth edition. It just goes on and on, like one of those families where grandma introduces the grandkids to her fentanyl dealer.
Yeah, mine is third edition. Vintage confusion.

Unfortunately, I suspect that a lot of student's first intro to relativity is through a similar "afterthought".
  • #12
Orodruin said:
I would not be surprised to learn that some authors chew off more than they can bite with regards to relativity and cosmology.

This part of the sentence bothers me way too much for me to read the rest of the thread...

Related to Giancoli's Treatment of GR & Cosmology: Shockingly Inaccurate

1. How accurate is Giancoli's treatment of General Relativity and Cosmology?

Giancoli's treatment of General Relativity and Cosmology is shockingly inaccurate. Many scientists have pointed out numerous errors and misconceptions in his explanations and equations. It is not considered a reliable source for understanding these complex topics.

2. Can Giancoli's treatment of GR & Cosmology be used as a reference for research?

No, it is not recommended to use Giancoli's treatment of GR & Cosmology as a reference for research. It is important to use reputable and accurate sources when conducting scientific research.

3. Why is Giancoli's treatment of GR & Cosmology considered inaccurate?

Giancoli's treatment of GR & Cosmology is considered inaccurate because it contains numerous errors and misconceptions. It also oversimplifies complex concepts, leading to a lack of understanding and potentially incorrect conclusions.

4. Are there any alternative sources for understanding GR & Cosmology?

Yes, there are many alternative sources for understanding General Relativity and Cosmology. Textbooks written by renowned physicists and published research papers are considered more reliable and accurate sources of information.

5. How can I determine if a source is reliable for understanding GR & Cosmology?

To determine if a source is reliable for understanding General Relativity and Cosmology, it is important to check the author's credentials and the sources they have used. Additionally, looking for peer-reviewed publications and consulting experts in the field can help ensure the accuracy of the information.

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