George W. Bush: personality profile

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  • Thread starter Loren Booda
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In summary, the conversation discusses the identity of President George W. Bush and whether or not he may have Attention Deficit Disorder or another psychological diagnosis. It is noted that there are many people who have done personality profiles on Bush, but it is difficult to find a dispassionate one due to preexisting biases. The conversation then shifts to Bush's reputation among associates, friends, and foes, with some individuals praising him for his Christian beliefs and others criticizing his actions as president. The conversation also touches on Bush's handling of the war in Iraq, the treatment of wounded veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and the firing of U.S. Attorneys for political reasons, all of which are seen as examples of the Administration's arrogance, incompetence
  • #1
Loren Booda
Who is the man behind the mask - does the American public have any idea what the identity of President George W. Bush is? Has he deceived even himself? Might his personality fit into the category of Attention Deficit Disorder or another psychological diagnosis?
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  • #2
There are plenty of people who have done personality profiles on Bush - some of them are even pshrinks. But since most of them do it because they hate him already, it is tough to find one that you can believe is dispassionate.

Are you asking for people here to do it? You'll run into the same problem.
  • #3
I suppose I would believe a more practical and more definite measure - his reputation among associates, friend and foe alike.

Any quotes, folks?
  • #4
Loren Booda said:
I suppose I would believe a more practical and more definite measure - his reputation among associates, friend and foe alike.

Any quotes, folks?

Well Chavez said that after he left(some sort of world conference) He could still smell the sulphur in the air :smile: but I don't think that's precisely what you mean.

Neocons seem to love him, you can please some of the people...
  • #5
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Neocons seem to love him, you can please some of the people...

Of course they do. After all, he's an avowed Christian, and that makes him into a paragon of morality.
  • #6
arildno said:
Of course they do. After all, he's an avowed Christian, and that makes him into a paragon of morality.

But among the less spiritual creatures alive. ADD? Well the guy is an idiot, a zealot, and an a-hole who seems to be delusional or at least monstrously grandiose who has greater trust in the bible than a dozen Nobel laureates.

It's funny, lame duck that he is, simultaneously trying to appease moderates with talk of all these breakthru technologies in energy--at least Carter, bedeviled by lust in his heart, knew "breakthrus" cost $$--all this while still clinging to the cause in Iraq. I guess that's Plan B.

But Iraq basically gave away its oil resources a couple months ago--I thought that would be the white flag we needed to get outtathere.

Sorry, I have ADD as well, but it alone cannot account for his ineptitude.
  • #7
arildno said:
Of course they do. After all, he's an avowed Christian, and that makes him into a paragon of morality.

I've seen Muslims that are more Christian than Bush :smile:
  • #8
russ_watters said:
Are you asking for people here to do it? You'll run into the same problem.
A large enough sample will get a good cross-section. Right? Right?? :biggrin: :biggrin:
  • #9
Loren Booda said:
I suppose I would believe a more practical and more definite measure - his reputation among associates, friend and foe alike.

Any quotes, folks?

I wish I could remember the man's name, but served as a fellow corporation Board member with Bush, said to the effect, "of all the people in the world, I would have thought of him near last as a future president."
  • #10
An Administration's Epic Collapse,9171,1607243,00.html

The first three months of the new Democratic Congress have been neither terrible nor transcendent. A Pew poll had it about right: a substantial majority of the public remains happy the Democrats won in 2006, but neither Nancy Pelosi nor Harry Reid has dominated the public consciousness as Newt Gingrich did when the Republicans came to power in 1995. There is a reason for that. A much bigger story is unfolding: the epic collapse of the Bush Administration.

The three big Bush stories of 2007--the decision to "surge" in Iraq, the scandalous treatment of wounded veterans at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys for tawdry political reasons--precisely illuminate the three qualities that make this Administration one of the worst in American history: arrogance (the surge), incompetence (Walter Reed) and cynicism (the U.S. Attorneys).

Iraq comes first, as always. From the start, it has been obvious that personal motives have skewed the President's judgment about the war. Saddam tried to kill his dad; his dad didn't try hard enough to kill Saddam. There was payback to be had. But never was Bush's adolescent petulance more obvious than in his decision to ignore the Baker-Hamilton report and move in the exact opposite direction: adding troops and employing counterinsurgency tactics inappropriate to the situation on the ground.

. . . .

On April 3, the President again accused Democrats of being "more interested in fighting political battles in Washington than providing our troops what they need." Such demagoguery is particularly outrageous given the Administration's inability to provide our troops "what they need" at the nation's premier hospital for veterans. The mold and decrepitude at Walter Reed are likely to be only the beginning of the tragedy, the latest example of incompetence in this Administration. "This is yet another aspect of war planning that wasn't done properly," says Paul Rieckhoff of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

. . . .
America deserves better.

I think there will be enormous pressure on the next president to fix the current mess.
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  • #11
If not exactly fixing the mess, a dignified withdrawal is perhaps the best one can hope for..
  • #12
Astronuc said:
I think there will be enormous pressure on the next president to fix the current mess.
Yes. This is why the candidate to run following a disastrous campaign is usually a sacrifice. He's doomed. The parties keep their hole card back.

Related to George W. Bush: personality profile

1. What are some common traits of George W. Bush's personality?

Some of the common traits of George W. Bush's personality include being confident, optimistic, and outgoing. He is also known for being decisive and having a strong sense of loyalty and patriotism.

2. Was George W. Bush a good leader?

The answer to this question is subjective and can vary depending on personal opinions. However, some people believe that George W. Bush's leadership was effective in certain areas, such as his response to the 9/11 attacks and his efforts to combat HIV/AIDS in Africa. Others criticize his handling of the Iraq War and the 2008 financial crisis.

3. How did George W. Bush handle criticism?

George W. Bush was known for having a thick skin and not being easily affected by criticism. He often addressed criticism with humor and maintained a positive attitude, even in the face of harsh criticism.

4. Did George W. Bush have any notable accomplishments during his presidency?

Some notable accomplishments during George W. Bush's presidency include the No Child Left Behind Act, the Medicare prescription drug program, and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. He also signed numerous free trade agreements and led the response to Hurricane Katrina.

5. What is George W. Bush's personality like outside of politics?

Outside of politics, George W. Bush is described as being down-to-earth, personable, and approachable. He is also known for his love of sports and spending time with his family. In his post-presidency, he has also taken up painting as a hobby.

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