Geophysicist not really "into" rocks

  • Thread starter jbrussell93
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of a geophysicist's lack of interest in rocks. The individual is a physics major and is planning to go to graduate school for seismology. They have a fascination with tectonic questions but do not share the same passion for rocks as their fellow peers in the solid Earth REU program. They question if it is normal for a geophysicist to not be interested in rocks and if their lack of familiarity is due to their physics background. The conversation also touches on the individual's hopes for developing an interest in rocks in graduate school and the expectations for a seismologist's knowledge of rocks.
  • #1
Is it weird for a geophysicist not to be interested in rocks? I'm a rising senior in physics who is planning to go to grad school for seismology. I'm fascinated by the large scale tectonic questions about the Earth and feel that seismology is the best approach for exploring most tectonic questions. Unfortunately, I just can't get excited about rocks for the sake of rocks...

I'm currently doing a solid Earth REU and I'm the only physics major. All of the other students are geo and obsessed with rocks. Everywhere we go, they are always identifying rocks and collecting samples. I basically know nothing about rocks beyond what I learned in my intro physical geology course and don't really desire to learn more. I've also taken a planetary geology and plate tectonics course and absolutely loved the tectonics class. In fact, I feel that I have a better grasp on tectonic processes than some of the geo students but not even comparable when it comes to rocks/minerals in hand. Is this normal for a geophysicist? Will I gradually become more interested in rocks in grad school after taking metamorphic/igneous petrology, mineralogy, structural geology, etc? I'm hoping that my lack of interest is due to my lack of familiarity with rocks.
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  • #2
No - people in geophysics will come from different backgrounds. I can't really tell you if you will develop an interest in rocks later on. I spent 1.5 years doing research on volcanoes and I did learn some stuff about rocks during this time. There was some stuff I thought was neat, but I didn't become a massive fan of rocks. :P
  • #3
You reminded me of a scene from "What's up Doc?", I looked it up but when you can't see the actors it doesn't come across so well in print.
" HOWARD: No, my igneous rocks; I hope they're not broken! CABBIE: I know how you feel, Mister. I hate it when my igneous rocks are even touched! (full quote)"
  • #4
Don't let those stamp collectors put you down with their pseudo-knowledge. You're a Physicist. Supreme High Commander of Nature and it's governing dynamics. These "rocks" are merely the result of magnificent physical processes that they can't begin to wrap their tiny little brains around.


But seriously, those geo majors you've described sound pretty silly the way they behave. And plus, as a physics major I'd bet you're not expected to have the same knowledge of rocks. You're there for different reasons.
  • #5
Mmm_Pasta said:
No - people in geophysics will come from different backgrounds. I can't really tell you if you will develop an interest in rocks later on. I spent 1.5 years doing research on volcanoes and I did learn some stuff about rocks during this time. There was some stuff I thought was neat, but I didn't become a massive fan of rocks. :P

That is good to hear. Hopefully I will pick more up as I go along with research.

epenguin said:
You reminded me of a scene from "What's up Doc?", I looked it up but when you can't see the actors it doesn't come across so well in print.
" HOWARD: No, my igneous rocks; I hope they're not broken! CABBIE: I know how you feel, Mister. I hate it when my igneous rocks are even touched! (full quote)"

Those are the conversations that I have been hearing for the past 8 weeks!

esuna said:
Don't let those stamp collectors put you down with their pseudo-knowledge. You're a Physicist. Supreme High Commander of Nature and it's governing dynamics. These "rocks" are merely the result of magnificent physical processes that they can't begin to wrap their tiny little brains around.


That's the physicist mentality that I'm trying not to have :P
That's the thing. I can't figure out what is so fascinating to them. Every time they show me a rock I ask how and at what depth it was formed because that is the most interesting thing to me, but they can almost never answer. They can name every mineral that makes up the rock though...

esuna said:
And plus, as a physics major I'd bet you're not expected to have the same knowledge of rocks. You're there for different reasons.

That's kind of what I'm banking on for graduate school. Lower expectations when it comes to the rocks.
  • #6

Why not catch up with some geology knowledge? I laughed out loud when I read the title. I'm not sure that's the impression you want to make when you meet someone geo-related and they start yammering about rocks.
  • #7
verty said:
Why not catch up with some geology knowledge? I laughed out loud when I read the title. I'm not sure that's the impression you want to make when you meet someone geo-related and they start yammering about rocks.

That is what I will have to do in graduate school, I'm sure; Catch up. But to what extent? How much does a seismologist really need to know about rocks?

That's partly why I'm a little worried... I have very little desire to learn about rocks/minerals without some type of motivation. For example, I know something about olivine, a mineral prevalent in the mantle, because it causes seismic wave anisotropy providing a way to measure strain beneath the Earth's surface. Whereas the geologists seem to have a passion for rocks for their own sake. Where does the motivation come from if not to learn something about the physical processes that formed the rocks?

Related to Geophysicist not really "into" rocks

1. What exactly does a geophysicist do?

A geophysicist is a scientist who studies the physical properties and processes of the Earth through a combination of field observations, laboratory experiments, and data analysis. They use various techniques and technologies to understand the structure, composition, and behavior of the Earth's interior and exterior.

2. How is a geophysicist different from a geologist?

While both geophysicists and geologists study the Earth, their approaches and focuses are different. Geologists primarily study rocks, minerals, and the processes that shape the Earth's surface. Geophysicists, on the other hand, use physics and mathematics to study the Earth's physical properties and processes, such as gravity, magnetic fields, and seismic waves.

3. What are some common techniques used by geophysicists?

Geophysicists use a variety of techniques, including seismic imaging, magnetic and gravity surveys, electromagnetic surveys, and remote sensing. They also use computer modeling and data analysis to interpret and understand the data collected from these techniques.

4. Why might a geophysicist not be interested in rocks?

While rocks are an important part of the Earth's structure, geophysicists may focus more on the physical processes that create and shape them rather than the rocks themselves. They may also be more interested in other aspects of the Earth's systems, such as plate tectonics, climate change, or natural resource exploration.

5. What are some career opportunities for geophysicists?

Geophysicists can work in a variety of industries, including oil and gas exploration, mining, environmental consulting, and government agencies. They may also conduct research and teach at universities or work for engineering and geophysical consulting firms. Some geophysicists also work in disaster response and mitigation, using their knowledge to monitor and predict natural hazards such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

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