From Aeon to Zeon to Zeit, simplifying the standard cosmic model

In summary, the universe is expanding at a rate that is 20% larger than the eventual constant rate. The present age of the universe is 0.8 zeons.
  • #211
RyanH42 said:
I am here again.Its really good.If you are ready to teach me then I am ready to learn.Whenever you want to start.Cause it seems times is there 10 pm.

I just missed you. It is like some comedy. I got sleepy and dozed off right around 10 pm last night. I am rather old, and it had been a big day. You are right---the dateline on your post says 10pm (pacific time). So I fell asleep on the couch where I was reading, just as you were sending your message.
I think actually these days I am not much good after 10 pm.

But I am happy with this---I just woke up (around 6am pacific) and got coffee and I am very glad (!) to see your posts. It will give me something interesting to think about

Here is the version of Lightcone that uses zeit and lightzeit

The most important button, I think, is "open column selection and definition"
there you get a menu with a number of choices, and also you can choose the number of decimal places.
It is very easy to make it draw curves instead of making tables.
Space news on
  • #212
To return to that example, we say there is a galaxy which, if we send a message today, will get the message at t=1.8
and we ask how far is that galaxy now?
and we also ask how far will it be when they receive the signal?

I integrate sinh(1.5*0.8)^(2/3)sinh(1.5*t)^(-2/3) and I get .60786...
I integrate sinh(1.5*1.8)^(2/3)sinh(1.5*t)^(-2/3) and I get 1.75520 ...

Oh WOW! I just looked back at your post! You got the same results! This is good. I will go get another cup of coffee to celebrate.

And the light can go farther than one lightzeit in the time of one zeit, because it is helped by expansion. So all is well.
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  • #213
The 1.755 lightzeit is the true distance between the two galaxies when they get the signal.
I think of it as measured from their perspective---each little step cdt which the light takes has been enlarged by the time the light gets to them, by the factor σ(1.8)/σ(t)

I am getting tired of writing "sinh(15*t)^(2/3)" all the time so I will write σ(t) with a Greek sigma sometimes.

And the 0.607... lightzeit is the correct distance between the two galaxies at the moment we send the signal.
Because each little step cdt which the light WILL take on its journey has to be shrunk down by the factor σ(0.8)/σ(t)
to give its size NOW when we send the signal. All those little steps which it will take, properly made smaller to give their present size, add up to the present distance to the galaxy.

I hope this makes sense to you.

BTW we could make it more precise by using 0.797 instead of 0.8. What is σ(0.8)/σ(1.8)?
We need that number if we want to use Lightcone to check our answers.
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  • #214
google says sinh(1.5*0.8)^(2/3)sinh(1.5*1.8)^(-2/3) = 0.34632345739
Just for a little more precision I think I will use t=0.797 : sinh(1.5*0.797)^(2/3)sinh(1.5*1.797)^(-2/3) = 0.3461246417

So now we can go to lightcone and put in S = 0.3461, and see what "distance then" and "distance now" are.
I go to
I put 0 for the number of steps, because I don't want a table. I want just one row.
and put .3461 in for Supper
[tex]{\scriptsize\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline T_{Ho} (Gy) & T_{H\infty} (Gy) & S_{eq} & H_{0} & \Omega_\Lambda & \Omega_m\\ \hline 14.4&17.3&3400&67.9&0.693&0.307\\ \hline \end{array}}[/tex] [tex]{\scriptsize\begin{array}{|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|} \hline a=1/S&S&T (zeit)&D_{now} (lzeit)&D_{then}(lzeit) \\ \hline 2.889&0.346&1.797051&0.608533&1.758257\\ \hline \end{array}}[/tex]
The default does not show Dnow so to get it to show the now distance I went to "open column selection and definition" menu and selected Dnow. I also "de-selected" a couple of things I didn't want
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  • #215
I am busy right now like yesterday again 1 hour later I will check again
  • #216
It's fine! : ^)
  • #217
I used lightcone and it seems complicated cause I don't know some of the terms.

D(t)=∫cdt/a(t) we used this formula to find "How much light traveled" not "How far the galaxy away"You saud me like that I guess.
  • #218
((s/1.315)^3+1)^(-1/2) integrated between .3463 and 1
gives .607813...
RyanH42 said:
I used lightcone and it seems complicated cause I don't know some of the terms.

D(t)=∫cdt/a(t) we used this formula to find "How much light traveled" not "How far the galaxy away"You saud me like that I guess.

I should speak more carefully. I sometimes say things like "how far the light has traveled with the help of expansion"
and "how far the light is from home"
I always mean to include the effect of expansion.

Sometimes I have forgotten to make that obvious. But in Nature space is always expanding so the the distance always includes the effect of expansion---this is why we have redshift or wavestretch. It is only with shorter distances and times that we can neglect the effect.
If the light is only traveling a few million years the expansion is negligible and we can neglect it. We can pretend that space is not expanding and as an approximation take the speed to be c.
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  • #219
How far is that now ? We don't have enough information isn't it ?.Why we call it 0.608 ? The distance of galaxy will be a(1.8)/a(0.8)*R when t=1.8
The distance which light traveled is integral 1.3dt/sinh(1.5t)^(2/3) t from 0.8 to 1.8
  • #220
I understand ok
  • #221
There must be a galaxy which he will receive a signal 1.8zeit when we send the signal in t=0.8
  • #222
RyanH42 said:
...D(t)=∫cdt/a(t) ...
That formula explicitly includes the effect of expansion. By itself, in a non-expanding space, the light would go a little step cdt
but that step is magnified by expansion, and we show that by the 1/a(t) factor
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  • #223
I got it now.Light travels just a little distance cdt but as you said universe expands ,thats the important thing so we can use that formula.
  • #224
RyanH42 said:
There must be a galaxy which he will receive a signal 1.8zeit when we send the signal in t=0.8
Well I was imagining something there, to make a definite place in space. It is some place for the signal to go. I hope this is OK. It does not have to be a galaxy but there should be some material destination (I think). Otherwise I am not sure how we can define the distance to it now and the distance to it then.

I'm glad to know that you visited the Lightcone calculator. It has a lot of things we have not discussed so must be confusing. But later...
  • #225
Yeah,Is it finished ? Is This the all thing ?
  • #226
I will check again ehat we did in a couple minutes and If I come up a question I wil ask you
  • #227
I understand the idea thank you there's no question to ask
  • #228
RyanH42 said:
Yeah,Is it finished ? Is This the all thing ?
I think that has to depend on you. I enjoy this kind of discussion and I could probably think of more cosmology topics to talk about if you wanted to continue. But I also understand that you must have many different areas of interest and other people you want to ask questions of. And sometimes one just needs to rest. So we should not feel compulsive, there is nothing we have to do. nothing that we *must* do.
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  • #229
RyanH42 said:
I understand the idea thank you there's no question to ask

Good. So now I will probably continue posting in this thread, because I like the model with zeits and lightzeits---but this will not be necessarily addressed to you. I will just be talking to nobody in particular, or to myself. It helps me organize my thoughts to post about this.
I am always here if you have questions.
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  • #230
Actually my only interest is Cosmology.I like GR,and Quantum mechanics but I am a high school student(I will pass university in two months and I will read physics engineering)

I think I need to do examples before I contiue.I have an idea.You can make me a quiz ,10 questions.If I fail let's stop here and I look again what I learn.If I pass the I can start to learn new things
  • #231
WOW! you are really serious, Ryan! I will make a little quiz (but I am not so experienced as a teacher, it may be kind of a dumb quiz---I will do my best to make it interesting)
I think I cannot make 10 questions all at once. Maybe I can propose questions only one or two or three at a time---and so gradually build up to 10.
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  • #232
Ok.Yeah I am serious:smile:.Its good for me I want to learn something
  • #233
I will going to go eat something.So don't hurry.You have least 30 min
  • #234
CMB stands for cosmic microwave background. It is very old light which used to be visible and near-visible infrared from temperature around 3000 kelvin, but is now stretched out to temperature 2.725 kelvin---or something like that.

It cools in proportion to expansion. When distances are twice what they are now, the CMB temperature will be half what it is now.

I like this question---you are transported somewhere and some time in the past. Your only way to tell the time is from the temperature of the CMB. (there is no one with a calendar and no big clock there to tell you)

You discover the CMB temperature is TWICE what it is today. What time is it. (I mean in zeits, the expansion age of universe).
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  • #235
Remember that H(S) = ((S/1.3)^3 + 1)^(1/2)

and remember that t = ln((H+1)/(H-1))/3
Or if we are using the reciprocal R = 1/H then recall that R(S) = ((S/1.3)^3 + 1)^(-1/2)

and that t = ln((1+R)/(1-R))/3
Maybe this is a bad question. Could be too hard. Or we didn't go over H and R enough.
  • #236
I am not confident of my ability to make up quiz questions that are the right level. Can you suggest a possible question that you would like to see on a quiz? I can use it as a model.
  • #237
(just ignore the first question if it is bad, too hard, too ridiculous or anything)

Second question: Some light comes in and you measure and discover it is stretched by a factor of 2. Its wavelengths are TWICE what they were when it left its source galaxy. How far is the light from its source?
  • #238
marcus said:
I am not confident of my ability to make up quiz questions that are the right level. Can you suggest a possible question that you would like to see on a quiz? I can use it as a model.

The question types which we did previous chapters or post.

I have just finished my lunch.I am looking the question right now
  • #239
S=2 then we can calculate S=1.3/a(t) a(t)=sinh(1.5t)^(2/3)=0.65
We need to find t here.Take the 3/2 power both sides
Then I will try to give numbers which fits the given answer.
t=0.338 ??
  • #240
You are asking the distance oppss
  • #241
Wait I will going to fimd it myself then I will take an integral so D(t)=1.3∫dt/sinh(1.5t)^(2/3) and 0.338 to 0.8
  • #242
I have an errand, I will be back in an hour or slightly more. Have to run.
  • #243
Integral answer is 0.6389
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  • #244
Ok,No problem

I find the solution in 20min that's bad.But I wasnt sure enough that I am doing right or wrong.My mistake
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  • #245
I am trying to find more easy way
D(t)=-∫dS/H the integral between S=1(Now) and S=2 H will be as you said H=[(S/1.3)^3+1]^(1/2)

I made and I found 0.6347

It took time to realize the question and prepare an answer.

Did I pass ?

And also I checked my answer to use lightcone(Which I learned I guess) and it seems my answer is true.

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