Finite-Difference Solutions of Radial Equations: Handling the Origin for D > 1?

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty in solving Schroedinger's equation for a central force, specifically the challenge of eliminating the coordinate singularity at the origin. Various approaches, such as using boundary conditions and expanding the field variable, are mentioned but have their limitations. The conversation ends with a question about finding a better method for handling the 1/r potential.
  • #1
I have a problem that I've been unable to find a simple solution for.

When solving Schroedinger's equation for a central force, the nonradial part of the solution can be found with spherical harmonics, but the radial part is much more difficult.

[itex]E\psi = - \frac{1}{2m}\left(\frac{d^2\psi}{dr^2} + \frac{2}{r}\frac{d\psi}{dr} - \frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}\psi\right) + V(r)\psi[/itex]

E = energy, V = potential, m = mass, [itex]\psi[/itex] is the field variable.

The problem is the coordinate singularity at the origin.

For zero angular momentum [itex]l[/itex], one can solve for [itex]r\psi[/itex], and one gets an equation without a coordinate singularity. One can easily finite-difference it and then solve it as an eigensystem.

But for nonzero angular momentum, that coordinate singularity cannot be eliminated by this means. Is there some alternative way of handling that coordinate singularity in this case?
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  • #2
The usual way is to impose a boundary condition at r=0. If it is cylindrically or spherically symmetric, then at r=0 you can impose a symmetry boundary condition, like putting the gradient at r=0 to 0.
In a finite difference scheme, the unknowns at r=0 can now be eliminated and expressed in terms of the unknowns at the neighboring nodes.
  • #3
That I understand, but the problem is handling behavior like [itex]r^l[/itex] near the origin.

I'm now trying a different approach: expanding (psi) as [itex]\psi(r) = \sum_k \psi_k r^m J_n(x_k(r/r_{max}))[/itex]
where n = dim/2 + l - 1
and m = 1 - dim/2
The x_k's make the J's zero at r = rmax.

The Schroedinger kinetic-energy term is automatically handled, but the potential term requires constructing integrals of the potentials multiplied by pairs of the J's.

I've found Mathematica's NIntegrate useful for high-quality integrals, but useless for fast ones, so I've been doing the integrals with the midpoint rule and caching the Bessel-function evaluations for additional speed.

That works for the harmonic oscillator, but fails miserably for the 1/r potential. Any better ideas?
  • #4
Assuming the ψ is sufficiently well-behaved so that dψ/dr=0 at the origin, then

[tex]\frac{d\psi}{dr} \approx r \frac{d^2 \psi}{dr^2} [/tex]

where the 2nd derivative on the RHS is evaluated at r=0. Thus you get an r to cancel out the 1/r in the differential equation.
  • #5

I understand the difficulty you are facing in solving the radial part of the Schroedinger's equation for a central force. The coordinate singularity at the origin adds an extra layer of complexity to the problem. However, there are several approaches that can be used to handle this issue.

One solution is to use a transformation of variables, such as the logarithmic or square root transformation, which can remove the singularity at the origin. This allows for a more straightforward finite-difference solution to be applied.

Another approach is to use a different numerical method, such as the finite-element method, which can handle singularities in a more efficient manner. This method can also be combined with the transformation of variables mentioned above for better accuracy.

Additionally, there are specialized numerical techniques, such as the asymptotic iteration method, that have been developed specifically for solving problems with singularities at the origin.

It is also worth considering if there are any symmetries in your specific problem that can be exploited to simplify the solution. For example, if the potential is spherically symmetric, then the problem can be reduced to a one-dimensional problem, which may be easier to solve.

In conclusion, while the coordinate singularity at the origin does present a challenge in solving the radial part of the Schroedinger's equation for a central force, there are various approaches and techniques that can be used to handle it. It may require some experimentation and trial and error to find the most suitable method for your specific problem.

Related to Finite-Difference Solutions of Radial Equations: Handling the Origin for D > 1?

1. What is the purpose of finite-difference solutions for radial equations?

The purpose of finite-difference solutions for radial equations is to numerically approximate the solution to a differential equation in a given domain. It is often used in physics and engineering to solve problems involving partial differential equations.

2. What is the significance of handling the origin in this context?

In the context of finite-difference solutions for radial equations, handling the origin is significant because it allows for a more accurate approximation of the solution. This is because the origin is a singular point in many equations, and traditional methods may fail to accurately represent the behavior of the solution near the origin.

3. What are the limitations of using finite-difference solutions for radial equations?

One limitation of using finite-difference solutions is the need for a fine grid, which can be computationally expensive for problems with high dimensions. Additionally, this method may not be suitable for equations with highly oscillatory solutions.

4. How does the dimensionality of the problem affect the handling of the origin?

The handling of the origin for finite-difference solutions becomes more challenging as the dimensionality of the problem increases. In one-dimensional problems, the origin can be easily included in the grid. However, in higher-dimensional problems, special techniques are needed to accurately handle the origin.

5. What are some potential applications of finite-difference solutions for radial equations?

Finite-difference solutions for radial equations have many potential applications, including modeling heat transfer in cylindrical or spherical geometries, solving the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics, and simulating fluid flow in cylindrical or spherical domains.

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