Finding Points Closest and Furthermost from Origin using LaGrange Multipliers

In summary, LaGrange Multipliers can be used to find the closest and furthest points from the origin in a given set of points. This method involves maximizing or minimizing the distance from the origin while also satisfying the constraints of the problem. By setting up and solving the necessary equations, the points that are closest and furthest from the origin can be determined. This approach is useful in various fields, such as optimization and physics.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Using the method of lagrange multipliers, find the points on the curve 3x² - 4xy + 6y² = 140 which are closest and furthermost from the ORIGIN and the corresponding distances between them

The Attempt at a Solution

I have done roughly half the question but appear to be stuck!

Firstly I find distance from a point (x,y) to the (0,0) using distance equation.
This yields:

d² = x² + y² = f(x,y)

My constraint equation is given by the equation of the curve given, i.e.

g(x,y) = 3x² - 4xy + 6y² = 140

Now I want to use grad(f) = λgrad(g)

2xi + 2yj = λ[(6x-4y)i + (-4x+12y)j]
And by equating coefficients,
2x = λ(6x-4y) (1)
2y = λ(-4x+12y) (2)

This is where I get stuck, I have never encountered a problem like this whereby one of the variables depends on itself. What is the best way to tackle this? Should I sub (1) into (2)?
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  • #2
Well it appears to me, you now have three equation for your three unknowns x, y, lambda (one of which is not linear). It further appears to me that subbing these equation into one another might be helpful, give it a try.

I would expect you to find four solutions, two corresponding to the max. distance and two corresponding to the min. distance.
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  • #3
If I sub (2) into (1), I get:

x = 3λx + 4λ²x - 12²λy

Doesn't help! :confused:
  • #4
You should try and eliminate one unknown after the other, for example you could solve your equation (1) for x, giving


If you plug this into equation (2) as well as into g(x,y)=140 you will be left with two equations involving only y and lambda. then you continue by solving this simplified system of equations.

Of course you can also start by eliminating x or lambda...

EDIT: It is probably easier to eliminate lambda first..but i didn't carry out the calculations, so this is only a guess:smile:
  • #5
hmmm, if I sub the x as shown in the above post into equation 2, I return y=0

seems fishy..
  • #6
Yes, one "solution" would be y=0, resulting in x=0 as well, but g(0,0) is not equal to 140 is it, so (0,0) is not a solution. If you plug


in (2) yu get a quadratic equation in y with two solutions --- one of which is zero... what about the other one... I suggest you play around a little with these equation, try what happens if you eliminate differnent variables first.
  • #7
One variable depends on itself? If you mean there is an x on both sides of one equation and a y on both sides of the other, problems like that are common in elementary algebra. Surely you have done problems like that before. Basically you have 3 equations in the three unknown values x, y, and [itex]\lambda[/itex].
Since [itex]\lambda[/itex] is not part of the information you need to get, one step that may help in a problem like this is to divide one equation by the other: x/y= (3x- 2y)/(-2x+ 6y). That gives x(-2x+ 6y)= y(3x- 2y) or -2x2+ 6xy= 3xy- 2y2 and finally 2x2+ 2y2+ 9xy= 0 Now the problem is to find where that intersects 3x² - 4xy + 6y² = 140.
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  • #8
Subbing [PLAIN] into (2)

returns y(18λ - 2 - 28λ²) = 0
therefore y=0 or (18λ - 2 - 28λ²) = 0

if y=0, x=0, but this does not satisfy g(x,y)=140 hence y=0 is not a solution

if (18λ - 2 - 28λ²) = 0 there are 2 cases (by factorising)
i) λ = 1/2
ii) λ = 1/7

CASE (i)
sub λ = 1/2 into [PLAIN]
this returns x=2y

subbing this into g(x,y) yields y(-2y+6)=140
thus y=140 or -67
subbing these two values into [PLAIN] seperately gives 2 points, P1=(280,140) and P2=(-67/2,67)

before proceeding to case ii) where λ = 1/7, is my method correct?
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  • #9

Related to Finding Points Closest and Furthermost from Origin using LaGrange Multipliers

1. What is LaGrange Multipliers and how does it relate to finding points closest and furthermost from origin?

LaGrange Multipliers is a mathematical method that allows us to find the extreme values (i.e. maximum or minimum) of a multivariable function subject to constraints. In the case of finding points closest and furthermost from origin, the distance from the origin is the constraint we are interested in optimizing.

2. How does LaGrange Multipliers work?

LaGrange Multipliers works by using the gradient of the function and the constraints to find the points where the gradient is parallel. These points are known as stationary points and can be used to determine the extreme values of the function.

3. Can LaGrange Multipliers be used to find the closest and furthermost points from origin in any dimension?

Yes, LaGrange Multipliers can be used to find the closest and furthermost points from origin in any dimension. This method is not limited to 2 or 3 dimensions, it can be applied to any number of dimensions.

4. Are there any limitations to using LaGrange Multipliers for finding points closest and furthermost from origin?

One limitation of using LaGrange Multipliers is that it can only find the extreme values of a function if the constraints are continuous and differentiable. It may not work for functions with discontinuous or non-differentiable constraints.

5. How is LaGrange Multipliers different from other optimization methods?

LaGrange Multipliers is a specific method used for constrained optimization problems. It differs from other optimization methods in that it uses the concept of gradients and constraints to find the optimal solution, rather than iterative algorithms or graphical methods.

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