Exploring the Possibilities of Space Travel and Weaponry Development

  • Thread starter Quinapalus
  • Start date
In summary, the future of weaponry is uncertain but it is likely that infantry weapons will continue to be primarily kinetic-based. Energy-based weapons, such as lasers and plasma weapons, may be used in vehicles for defensive purposes. However, practical challenges, such as laser focusing and target tracking, may prevent these weapons from becoming widespread. Some individuals prefer the concept of coilguns, but the potential of ball lightning and plasma weapons is still unknown.
  • #1
Question #1: Let's say you had a space-ship that could accelerate to the speed light. Once you had attained this speed would it be possible to slow down from that speed? Or would this be impossible because the speed of light is constant? I'm already anticipating that some will say it's impossible to attain the speed of light in the first place. Well, what if your ship is traveling only at a mere 99% of c?

Question #2: What is the future of weaponry? Various sci-fi media like to show our heroes and villains wielding energy-based weapons. But as I understand it, it would be very difficult to harness such a huge amount of energy effectively for a small weapon and isn't really realistic. So how can we realistically expect weapons technologies to develop? (Edited for clarification)
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  • #2
Quinapalus said:
Question #1: Let's say you had a space-ship that could accelerate to the speed light. Once you had attained this speed would it be possible to slow down from that speed? Or would this be impossible because the speed of light is constant? I'm already anticipating that some will say it's impossible to attain the speed of light in the first place.

Right. It is impossible for us to travel at the speed of light. We can (theoretically) go very fast, like 99.999999% the speed of light, but never 100%.

Well, what if your ship is traveling only at a mere 99% of c?

One of the things to learn in relativity is that you are always traveling at a certain speed relative to something else. For all we know, we might already be traveling at 99% the speed of light relative to some observer, meaning that some observer on some far away planet might see us traveling at 99% the speed of light already. Of course, we don't see ourselves traveling the speed of light, in fact, we see ourselves not moving at all!

So let me clarify the scenario for you. You are sitting on a spaceship which is stationary on the earth. Then you leave Earth and accelerate until you are traveling 99% the speed of light relative to me, who is still sitting on the earth. Then you slow down again until I see you traveling at my speed again. Yes, this is theoretically perfectly possible. I don't know anything in physics that forbids this scenario. It's only an engineering problem. That is, we must find some way to accelerate you to 99% the speed of light. And we must somehow make sure the spaceship doesn't get destroyed by hitting some slower particles. So there are various practical challenges involved which I doubt we will ever solve, but theoretically it's possible.
  • #3
Thanks, that really helps. :)
  • #4
Question #2: TV trope has a section about it, Kineticsarejustbetter.
Otherwise i think infantry weapons will remain kinetics for a long time, vehicles can rather support lasers, and use them to take out inbound missiles, but they might still don't disappear (depending on laser focusing, and target tracking vs jamming efficiency).
Personally i like coilguns. We don't know too much about ball lightning, so i don't know what can be the plausability of SF plasma weapons?
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Related to Exploring the Possibilities of Space Travel and Weaponry Development

1. What are the potential benefits of space travel and weaponry development?

Exploring space and developing advanced weapons can have numerous benefits for humanity. For one, it can lead to technological advancements that can be used for various purposes, such as improving communication and transportation systems. Additionally, space travel can also allow us to discover new resources and potentially habitable planets. Weaponry development can also provide us with means of protection and defense against potential threats.

2. What are the risks associated with space travel and weaponry development?

Although there are potential benefits, there are also risks involved in exploring space and developing advanced weapons. Space travel carries physical and psychological risks for astronauts, including exposure to radiation and isolation. There are also ethical concerns surrounding the use of advanced weapons, as they have the potential to cause harm and destruction.

3. How does the development of space travel and weaponry impact the environment?

The development of space travel and weaponry can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. On one hand, advancements in space technology can lead to a better understanding of our planet and its resources, potentially leading to more sustainable practices. On the other hand, the use of advanced weapons can have detrimental effects on the environment, such as pollution and destruction of natural habitats.

4. What are the current limitations and challenges in space travel and weaponry development?

Despite significant advancements, there are still many limitations and challenges in the fields of space travel and weaponry development. These include the high costs and risks associated with space exploration, as well as the ethical and political implications of developing advanced weapons. Additionally, the vastness of space and the unknown factors present challenges for both travel and weapon accuracy.

5. How can we ensure responsible and ethical use of space travel and weaponry?

It is crucial to have strict regulations and ethical guidelines in place to ensure responsible use of space travel and weaponry. This can include international treaties and agreements, as well as strict monitoring and accountability measures. It is also essential for scientists and researchers to prioritize ethical considerations and potential consequences in their work to promote responsible use of these technologies.

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