Exploring the Connections between Number Theory and Group Theory

In summary, the author suggests that, while number theory often benefits from a group theory perspective, this is not always the case, and there are other ways in which the two fields are related. He recommends reading a book on the subject if you're interested.
  • #1
I wonder if somebody could point me to a book (preferably), or paper, link, etc. which explores the relations between number theory and group theory.

For example, I am (more or less) following Burton's "Elementary Number Theory" and there is no mention of groups. I also have the Hardy/Wright book as a reference, and there is no mention there either.

Which is a pity, because I feel some subjects, or to put an example, Euler's totient function, or primitive roots, are better understood in the context of the multiplicative group modulo n.
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  • #2
Actually, they are very strongly related, and in fact, number theory is sometimes taught with a group theory perspective ... A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory by K. Ireland and M. Rosen ... it's not an easy read, but it should give you a better idea of how they're related ... in essence, mod n forms the field Zn ... you can google the book, they've got a lot of the pages up, last time I checked was about 1-2 months ago :)
  • #3
Hey, thanks. That book's name keeps floating around, it's not the first time I hear it; I believe it is a graduate book (I'm undergrad here). But I will have an eye on it.
  • #4
Follow up: for anyone interested in this subject, here is a nice article:

As the author says, this is not original work, but a survey of existing work, for the benefit of a course. (I think his terminology is a bit flawed - what does he mean by "subgroups of Zn", when the multiplicative identity is other than 1?; but it is an interesting article anyway.)

A quick summary: we know that the coprimes to n form a multiplicative group modulo n. But, more generally, the numbers x sharing a common gcd(x,n) also form a group - only that the identity is no longer 1. But that's OK if we are not looking for subgroups of a bigger one, but for groups on their own.

For an example, if {1,3,7,9} is the multiplicative group of coprimes to 10, it also happens that {2,4,6,8}, the set of all x where gcd(x,10)=2, (a total of phi(10/2) of them), is also a group, with identity 6.

As it turns out, for any 'partition' of n into coprime factors, namely n=ab and gcd(a,b)=1, there is a group formed by the numbers x which share gcd(x,n)=a, with the identity being a^phi(b) (mod n). If you call U the group of coprimes to n, this same group is given by the set aU.
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  • #5
Dodo said:
Hey, thanks. That book's name keeps floating around, it's not the first time I hear it; I believe it is a graduate book (I'm undergrad here). But I will have an eye on it.

I also recommend it. I used it as an undergrad -- though of course the class didn't finish it.
  • #6
If "A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory" would happen not to fit, I recommend reading "An Introduction to Number Theory", by G. Everest and T. Ward. As with the first, it is on the whole not an undergraduate-level text, but the first few chapters are not too complicated, and would probably not be too hard to get through. Additionally, from what I understood from the preface, the authors had in mind exactly what you described as being what you were looking for.
If I remember correctly they wrote that number theory often enjoyed advantages from presentations from various points of view - each of which contributes with their own insights, and so on. In the early part of the text (the part that I have read) they present very clear proofs of some different theorems in the context of elementary group and ring theory.

Perhaps this could be of interest?
  • #7
Thank you, Jösus; I'm browsing it in Google Books and I'm liking what I see.

Related to Exploring the Connections between Number Theory and Group Theory

1. What is number theory?

Number theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of numbers, particularly integers. It involves studying patterns, properties, and relationships within the set of whole numbers, and is considered to be one of the oldest and most fundamental areas of mathematics.

2. What is a group in mathematics?

A group is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of elements and a binary operation that combines any two elements in the set to produce another element in the set. Groups are used to study symmetry and transformations in mathematics, and they have many applications in other fields such as physics and chemistry.

3. What are some important concepts in number theory?

Some important concepts in number theory include prime numbers, divisibility, modular arithmetic, and Diophantine equations. Other important topics include number systems, number patterns, and the distribution of prime numbers.

4. How is number theory related to cryptography?

Number theory is closely related to cryptography, which is the study of techniques for secure communication. Many cryptographic algorithms rely on number theory concepts such as prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and number systems to encrypt and decrypt information.

5. What are some real-life applications of number theory and groups?

Number theory and groups have numerous real-life applications, including cryptography, coding theory, computer security, and error-correcting codes. They are also used in various areas of engineering, such as signal processing and image compression. Additionally, group theory has applications in physics, chemistry, and biology, particularly in the study of symmetries and patterns.

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