Exploring Soulbonding: Creative Imagination & Reality

  • Thread starter CosminaPrisma
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In summary, soulbonding is a practice where individuals use their creative imagination to form a deep and meaningful bond with another person or character, whether real or fictional. This bond goes beyond traditional relationships and can have a profound impact on one's perception of reality. Through soulbonding, individuals are able to tap into their innermost thoughts and emotions, allowing them to explore and better understand themselves and others. While some may view it as a form of escapism, soulbonding can also serve as a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • #1
Some authors get really bonded to their characters in what they call "Soulbonding", which is basically they feel that their character is almost a real person. So people go as far as to say the characters are real on another plane of existence but this view does not appear to be widely accepted. A reasonable explanation of the phenomena can be found here :
Another site here:

Nikola Tesla seems to experience a phenomena that is similar:

In Nikola Tesla's Autobiography entitled: My Inventions, he speaks of:
There was another and still more important reason for my late awakening. In my boyhood I suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the sight of real objects and interfered with my thoughts and action. They were pictures of things and scenes which I had really seen, never of those imagined. When a word was spoken to me the image of the object it designated would present itself vividly to my vision and sometimes I was quite unable to distinguish whether what I saw was tangible or not. This caused me great discomfort and anxiety. None of the students of psychology or physiology whom I have consulted, could ever explain satisfactorily these phenomenon. They seem to have been unique although I was probably predisposed as I know that my brother experienced a similar trouble. The theory I have formulated is that the images were the result of a reflex action from the brain on the retina under great excitation. They certainly were not hallucinations such as are produced in diseased and anguished minds, for in other respects I was normal and composed. To give an idea of my distress, suppose that I had witnessed a funeral or some such nerve-wracking spectacle. Then, inevitably, in the stillness of night, a vivid picture of the scene would thrust itself before my eyes and persist despite all my efforts to banish it. If my explanation is correct, it should be possible to project on a screen the image of any object one conceives and make it visible. Such an advance would revolutionize all human relations. I am convinced that this wonder can and will be accomplished in time to come. I may add that I have devoted much thought to the solution of the problem.

I have managed to reflect such a picture, which I have seen in my mind, to the mind of another person, in another room. To free myself of these tormenting appearances, I tried to concentrate my mind on something else I had seen, and in this way I would often obtain temporary relief; but in order to get it I had to conjure continuously new images. It was not long before I found that I had exhausted all of those at my command; my 'reel' had run out as it were, because I had seen little of the world - only objects in my home and the immediate surroundings. As I performed these mental operations for the second or third time, in order to chase the appearances from my vision, the remedy gradually lost all its force. Then I instinctively commenced to make excursions beyond the limits of the small world of which I had knowledge, and I saw new scenes. These were at first very blurred and indistinct, and would flit away when I tried to concentrate my attention upon them. They gained in strength and distinctness and finally assumed the concreteness of real things. I soon discovered that my best comfort was attained if I simply went on in my vision further and further, getting new impressions all the time, and so I began to travel; of course, in my mind. Every night, (and sometimes during the day), when alone, I would start on my journeys - see new places, cities and countries; live there, meet people and make friendships and acquaintances and, however unbelievable, it is a fact that they were just as dear to me as those in actual life, and not a bit less intense in their manifestations.
This I did constantly until I was about seventeen, when my thoughts turned seriously to invention. Then I observed to my delight that I could visualize with the greatest facility. I needed no models, drawings or experiments. I could picture them all as real in my mind. Thus I have been led unconsciously to evolve what I consider a new method of materializing inventive concepts and ideas, which is radially opposite to the purely experimental and is in my opinion ever so much more expeditious and efficient.

This can be found at: http://www.rastko.org.yu/istorija/tesla/ntesla-autobiography.html#chap1"

It appears that more creative people have intense and vivid experiences within their imaginations that can border on reality and almost seem real...

There is a site where someone claims to be "soulbonded" with Neo from the matrix, but it seems to be much different than the common interpretation as the author makes reference to quantum physics and // universes. I do not endorse anything on the site nor wish to condemn its authors but I am skeptical of them. The site is quite extensive, and therefore I will include several links to it because portions of the site are difficult to navigate.
Here is an explanation by the person claiming to be Neo:

Here is a link to more of the site writings of "neo" etc:

More of the site with FAQ:

I do not have a point with this post. I only wanted to know your thoughts. If anything needs changing or further clarification on this post, please let me know.
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  • #2

...why not just ask me? Rather than asking people to "debunk" it for you.

The e-mail's widely available.
Neither of the links you've provided touch on the idea of how the Multiverse theory may or may not relate to my existence. For those, I'd suggest reading a little more carefully/further, first:

http://truthofthespoon.net/mainframe.htm -- The original page, where some of these things are addressed.

http://truthofthespoon.net/explanation.html -- The page for anyone who thinks that by being who I am and doing the work I do, I'm saying that I can somehow "dodge bullets" or that they're all plugged into some fantasy-computer program... both ideas are, of course, completely ridiculous in the here and now. People are free to believe in the theories we hold for being here, or not, and I've been offered several others that all hold a modicum of truth. Also, the page for anyone who feels the need to be a scathing wit by saying that I couldn't have written my site, because there isn't a single "Whoa" in the entire text.

Also, http://truthofthespoon.net/book.html -- this contains the .pdf file that contains the five-part belief system of us, and the entire group. What we're doing, and why.

I'm sure that you can find the page on your own that describes how I have been, yes, psychiatrically evaluated. [They found a mild neurosis, nothing more -- and I told them everything.] The choice is always ANYONE'S: to believe or not, to scoff, to contact me/us and ask further questions... but I just find it a bit odd that before doing any of that, it gets put forth as a subject for dissection. I Google the site every three weeks or so, and was surprised to find this link.

I'm not worried, nor am I hostile, offended, or the like: just curious. If it had to be anywhere, I really am pleased that it IS on a Physics/Math forum. That's definitely an improvement from some of the hate mail I've gotten. Personally, I'D be thrilled to discuss the parallel theories, so that I myself might have a greater understanding OF myself. Here's hoping that the "intellectual level" here matches the academic subject...!
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  • #3
Welcome to Physics Forums.
  • #4
CosminaPrisma said:
Welcome to Physics Forums.

Cool. I'd honestly like a place to learn more.

I'm so busy I never even thought to look. Only reason I had time now is because we're on-air, and I had a spare moment between songs.

*shakes head.*

Related to Exploring Soulbonding: Creative Imagination & Reality

1. What is Soulbonding?

Soulbonding is a term used to describe the process of creating a deep emotional connection with a fictional or imagined character. It involves using one's creative imagination to develop a bond with a non-physical entity.

2. Is Soulbonding the same as having an imaginary friend?

No, Soulbonding goes beyond just having an imaginary friend. It involves a much deeper emotional connection and a sense of two-way communication between the individual and the fictional character.

3. How does Soulbonding affect a person's reality?

Soulbonding can have both positive and negative effects on a person's reality. On one hand, it can provide a sense of comfort, companionship, and support. On the other hand, it can sometimes lead to difficulties in distinguishing between fantasy and reality, and can interfere with daily life and relationships.

4. Can anyone engage in Soulbonding?

Yes, anyone can engage in Soulbonding, as it is a natural part of human imagination and creativity. However, the intensity and level of engagement may vary from person to person.

5. Is Soulbonding a form of mental illness?

No, Soulbonding itself is not considered a mental illness. However, if it starts to interfere with daily life and relationships, it may be a sign of underlying mental health issues and should be addressed with a professional therapist.

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