Exploring ABJM-like Theories and M-theory on dS4 x X7

In summary, the ABJM model and its extensions, along with the concept of cosmological supersymmetry breaking, provide interesting avenues for exploring the connection between M-theory and our universe. The possibility of a noncommutative standard model and incorporating ideas from loop quantum gravity also adds to the richness of this exploration.
  • #1
mitchell porter
Gold Member
The ABJM model is a super-Chern-Simons theory in 2+1 dimensions which is dual to M-theory on AdS4 x S7/Z_k. Other ABJM-like theories are being explored which are dual to M-theory on other AdS4 x X7 backgrounds.

One difficulty of dS/CFT is that you can't match up supersymmetries as you do in AdS/CFT. But Tom Banks proposes to use this to our advantage: "cosmological supersymmetry breaking", in which SUSY is broken by cosmological boundary conditions.

So perhaps we are living in an M-theory universe with an ABJM-like theory on its boundary, but the topology of space is dS4 x X7 and that is why SUSY is broken.

And maybe SUSY is broken a la https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=485247": hiding in plain sight. The ABJM-like boundary fields might be regarded as the preons of the model.

AdS/CFT is usually studied in the large-N limit. I hear that for small N - which is the real-world case - the compact dimensions may become noncommutative.

So perhaps our world is described at low energies by the noncommutative standard model of Connes et al. In that model, the particle masses and mixing matrices help to parametrize the Dirac operator which defines the theory.

The final, most speculative, and vaguest idea is that something from the perspective of https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=3206455".

Just to close the conceptual circle, remember that this is ultimately meant to be obtained from a 4-dimensional de-Sitter M-theory background where the 7 small dimensions are noncommutative, and which is holographically dual to an ABJM-like theory with a gauge group of low rank.
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I find your ideas and speculations very intriguing. The concept of "cosmological supersymmetry breaking" is definitely a unique approach to explaining the breaking of supersymmetry in our universe. It would be interesting to explore this idea further and see if it is supported by any observational evidence.

Additionally, the possibility of a noncommutative standard model and its connection to the ABJM-like theories and M-theory on AdS4 x X7 backgrounds is also an interesting avenue to explore. It would be valuable to see if this model can accurately describe the particle masses and mixing matrices in our universe.

Your suggestion of incorporating ideas from loop quantum gravity is also thought-provoking. It would be interesting to see if there is any connection between loop quantum gravity and the holographic duality proposed in the ABJM-like theories.

Overall, your ideas present a unique and exciting way to approach the complexities of our universe and its underlying theories. I believe it is important to continue exploring and investigating all possible explanations and connections in order to gain a deeper understanding of our world. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and contributing to the ongoing scientific discourse.

Related to Exploring ABJM-like Theories and M-theory on dS4 x X7

1. What are ABJM-like theories?

ABJM-like theories are a class of supersymmetric gauge theories that were first introduced in the context of string theory. They are named after the physicists who proposed them - D. Gaiotto, S. Minwalla, S. Sethi, and N. Seiberg. These theories have been extensively studied in the field of string theory and are believed to be closely related to M-theory on curved backgrounds.

2. What is M-theory?

M-theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify the five known string theories into one cohesive theory. It is a 11-dimensional theory that is believed to be the underlying theory of everything. M-theory has been extensively studied in the context of string theory and has led to various groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the universe.

3. What is dS4 x X7?

dS4 x X7 refers to a 4-dimensional de Sitter space (dS4) multiplied by a compact 7-dimensional space (X7). De Sitter space is a mathematical model of a universe that is expanding at an accelerating rate, while the compact space X7 is a compactification of the extra dimensions in M-theory. The combination of these two spaces is of particular interest in the study of ABJM-like theories and M-theory.

4. How do ABJM-like theories and M-theory relate to each other?

ABJM-like theories are believed to be closely related to M-theory on curved backgrounds. In some cases, these theories can be described as dual to each other, meaning that they are different mathematical descriptions of the same underlying physical theory. Studying these theories and their relationship to M-theory has provided valuable insights and advancements in our understanding of string theory and the nature of our universe.

5. Why is exploring ABJM-like theories and M-theory on dS4 x X7 important?

Exploring these theories is important because it allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws that govern our universe. By studying the relationship between ABJM-like theories and M-theory on dS4 x X7, we can gain insights into the nature of space, time, and matter. This research also has the potential to lead to new discoveries and advancements in physics and cosmology.

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