Explore 20 Years of UFO Reports: U Database Maps & Graphs

In summary, the U Database Maps & Graphs allows users to explore 20 years worth of UFO reports, providing a comprehensive and interactive database for researching and analyzing sightings. The tool includes maps and graphs that can be filtered and customized to display specific information, such as the location and frequency of sightings. It also offers advanced search options and statistical data to further understand patterns and trends in UFO reports. With this tool, users can gain a deeper insight into the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects and potentially uncover new information.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
If anyone is interested in seeing what a serious effort to catalog UFO sightings looks like, try here:
*U* is a serious 20 year UFO research effort to catalog, map, and do statistics on reports worldwide.... Discovered hoaxes and misidentified mundane events are weeded out. Fireballs, night-lights and other lame reports with low information content are derated or passed over entirely.... Cult and contactee tales are extremely suspect. Still, an amazing 18,370 UFO / OVNI sightings are listed, from a large set of reference sources. None of this proves or disproves the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), alien abductions, time travel, extra space dimensions and so on. This website shows *U* Database maps and graphs with the hope that real patterns or clues might emerge, some ufology at least.

and how can you not like this:

There is no creepy background music, nothing flashing or scrolling by, no vapid grey aliens or large inconclusive photos.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Nor are there any sales ploys or 'come to our weekend retreat to learn how to make psycic contact aliens for only $2500' on the site as well. Gotta love that! Thanks Chronos!
  • #3
Thanks Chronos. I'm posting this in the napster.
  • #4
That was a great link..except there's a dot right over where my cabin is in northern Michigan :eek:

Related to Explore 20 Years of UFO Reports: U Database Maps & Graphs

1. What is "Explore 20 Years of UFO Reports: U Database Maps & Graphs"?

"Explore 20 Years of UFO Reports: U Database Maps & Graphs" is a database that contains information and data on reported UFO sightings over the past 20 years. It includes maps and graphs that visualize the data for easier understanding and analysis.

2. Who is responsible for creating this database?

This database was created by a team of scientists and researchers who are interested in studying and understanding UFO sightings and their patterns.

3. How accurate is the information in this database?

The information in this database is based on reported UFO sightings from various sources such as government agencies, eyewitness accounts, and media reports. While the team strives to ensure the accuracy of the data, it is important to note that some sightings may be misidentified or have other explanations.

4. Can anyone access this database?

Yes, this database is open to the public and can be accessed by anyone who is interested in learning more about UFO sightings.

5. What can be learned from this database?

This database allows for the analysis and visualization of UFO sightings over the past 20 years, which can provide insights into patterns, trends, and potential explanations for these events. It also serves as a resource for further research and study on the topic of UFOs.
