Einstein & UFOs: What Would He Say?

  • Thread starter Mt. Nixion
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In summary: I don't know, an hour, it's hard to say for sure.In summary, Einstein would say that unless you were taken to Alpha Centauri and back in an hour, it's hard to say for sure if UFOs defy the laws of physics.
  • #1
Mt. Nixion
Please forgive me if I put this in the wrong forum, but I couldn't help but wonder...you know that UFOs defy the laws of physics, right? Well, What would Einstien say about UFOs?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
i don't know i think i will call him him and ask him
  • #3
blimkie said:
i don't know i think i will call him him and ask him

Dude its past 10pm, you can't just call people like that.
  • #4
sorry o yea last time i called einstein this late he got really cross with me, he needs his sleep
  • #5
blimkie said:
sorry o yea last time i called einstein this late he got really cross with me, he needs his sleep

Since Einstien is dead, and you called him, I am assuming you are psychic?
  • #6
no he's not really dead, he's just hiding and working, in a few years he will amaze us all with new theories, he will also tell you that aliens are real!
  • #7
blimkie said:
no he's not really dead, he's just hiding and working, in a few years he will amaze us all with new theories, he will also tell you that aliens are real!

What a figment of your imagination! In your hopeless dreams boy!
  • #8
Mt. Nixion said:
Please forgive me if I put this in the wrong forum, but I couldn't help but wonder...you know that UFOs defy the laws of physics, right? Well, What would Einstien say about UFOs?

Einstein would say you need to go back and learn some physics. :)
  • #9
yea he would throw a grade 11 physics book at your face
  • #10
me and einstein are tight sersiouly though ill ask him for you tommorow
  • #11
Tide said:
Einstein would say you need to go back and learn some physics. :)

I was asking what would Einstien say about people saying that UFOs defy physics. I do not need to learn physics and in fact, I am taking it in high school now. So if you said that I need to learn physics, I'll say, in the words of Bart Simpson...

"Eat my shorts!"
  • #12
no thanks i allreyad had some for lunch, and in that case he would probably tell them that they need to learn some physics.
  • #13
Mt. Nixion said:
I was asking what would Einstien say about people saying that UFOs defy physics. I do not need to learn physics and in fact, I am taking it in high school now. So if you said that I need to learn physics, I'll say, in the words of Bart Simpson...
"Eat my shorts!"

You didn't say anything about other people in your original post. It was also your own assumption that "you know UFOs defy the laws of physics, right?" To whoever made that assertion Einstein would say go back and learn some physics -- and eat your own shorts! :)
  • #14
Well of course they need to learn physics! I agree. Nothing, absouletely nothing can defy the laws of physics. There has to be an scientific explination; UFOs don't violate physics because they are subject to them.

Also tide, the eat my shorts part was a joke, so please don't get offended.
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  • #15
i don't even understand your question anymore or what ur point is
  • #16
If there are extraterrestrials, they won't "defy physics" since a definition of physics is the laws and rules our universe runs on. So unless they don't live in our universe... well you get the point.

It's not that they defy physics... its that they defy our level of technological capabilities. We know its possible physically... we just can't imagine how they are doing it.
  • #17
Pengwuino said:
If there are extraterrestrials, they won't "defy physics" since a definition of physics is the laws and rules our universe runs on. So unless they don't live in our universe... well you get the point.

It's not that they defy physics... its that they defy our level of technological capabilities. We know its possible physically... we just can't imagine how they are doing it.

Not only that, but to assert that UFOs defy the laws of physics presumes that you know the properties of UFOs and the original poster has neglected to cite even one such property. Let's put the burden back onto him.
  • #18
the greatests minds on the planet are constantly making new discoveries and new theories and testing old theories such as relativety that goes to show how little we understand thus far
  • #19
They are not exactly out there making reality altering discoveries such as E=mc^2... Saying we understand little means that you already know what all the knowledge in the world is...
  • #20
What makes you say UFO's defy the laws of physics?

Credible sightings have reported that they go really fast and accelerate real fast but that doesn't violate any laws of physics that I know of. We thought that breaking the sound barrier was impossible once.

There are non-credible sightings that may seem to but they can't be taken seriously and are usually easily debunked.

Unless you know for a fact you were taken to Alpha Centauri and back in less than 8 years, I don't know of any sightings that actually violate a law of physics.
  • #21
Read about Albert Einstein's knowledge of the UFO phenomenon here:


"A massive build-up of sightings over the United States in 1952," wrote Gerald K. Haines in an article for the CIA, "especially in July, alarmed the Truman administration." It led the Truman administration to give the order that the flying saucers be shot down. On July 26, 1952, the Air Force obeyed and gave the order to "Shoot them down!"

"Several prominent scientists, including Albert Einstein, protested the order to the White House and urged that the command be rescinded, not only in the interest of future intergalactic peace, but also in the interest of self-preservation: Extraterrestrials would certainly look upon an attack by the primitive jet firepower as a breach of the universal laws of hospitality."

"The ‘shoot them down’ order was consequently withdrawn on White House orders by five o’clock that afternoon." That night the saucers were back.

Captain Edward Ruppelt, who had just taken over Project Blue Book was called July 28,1952 by Brigadier General Landry, at the request of President Truman to brief the General on the Washington sightings and the phenomena itself.


The CIA had decided to end the UFO problem with a massive debunking plan that would kill of the public and media belief in UFOs once and for all. That was the role they gave to the Robertson panel, a group that they had described as a group of scientists gathered together to review the information available on UFOs.
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  • #22
We are going to need a source for official documents [*.gov, or even a *.edu historical account] that support the statements made here.
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  • #23
Samuel Goudsmit, an associate of Einstein was on the Robertson Panel.

From: http://ufologie.net/htm/ruppeltwhoiswho.htm

Hynek, Dr. J. Allen

Dr. Hynek has been the consultant astronomer to Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book. I won't say that he's a "believer" but he's darn interested. He has devoted a great deal of his valuable time to the project. He has read almost every UFO report in the Air Force files. In the summer of 1952 he debated with Menzel at the American Optical Society meeting in Boston and blasted Menzel right out of the hall. He sat on the panel in Washington in January 1952 and was very much pro-UFO. Dr. Hynek is Head of the Ohio State Univ. Astronomy Department, Director of the Perkins Observatory and Assistant Dean of the USU Graduate School. He is still working for Blue Book.

Hynek told about his involvement with the Robertson Panel:

"I can remember that day very well...I had very mixed feelings, being among such a group of highly respected and high-power scientists: Dr. Robertson, Chairman of the panel; Samuel Goudsmit, an associate of Einstein; Louis Alvarez, later to win the Nobel Prize; Thornton Page, astrophysicist; and the distinguished Lloyd Berkner."

"At that time, I was somewhat a newcomer and a junior - an associate member of the Robertson Panel. I guess I was somewhat nervous and apprehensive - but also quite interested in UFOs, having spent some four years, at that time, working with Air Force officials investigating sightings."

"I was called in Thursday to that room. The members were seated around a table, a conference table like this one. I sat in the back until it was my turn to speak. During the meeting there were two films of UFO sightings that were of great interest to everyone at the time. One was shot by a Navy officer in Utah and another shot in Great Falls, Montana. The Utah film was to result in over a thousand man-hours of analyzing the phenomena captured on the film. Oddly enough, there wasn't any movie screen, so these films were projected right on the wall."

"After one-thousand hours of analysis on the Utah film...the Navy photograph interpretation labs...concluded that what we saw was not birds, balloons, aircraft, or reflections, but that these were 'self-luminous' unidentified objects. In spite of this conclusion, the panel rejected the Navy's findings and decided that it must have been birds."
  • #24
I'm locking this until I have a little time to check on the sources and claims made here. I was just about to log off so it will have to be later.

Related to Einstein & UFOs: What Would He Say?

1. What is the connection between Einstein and UFOs?

Einstein's theories of relativity and space-time have been used to study and explain the possibility of interstellar travel and the potential existence of extraterrestrial life. He also expressed his belief in the existence of intelligent life beyond Earth.

2. Did Einstein ever comment on UFO sightings or encounters?

There is no evidence that Einstein ever made a direct comment on UFO sightings or encounters. However, he did acknowledge the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the potential for it to reach Earth.

3. What would Einstein say about the current state of UFO research and investigations?

It is impossible to say for certain as Einstein passed away in 1955, long before the current state of UFO research. However, based on his interest in the topic and his belief in the possibility of extraterrestrial life, he may have been intrigued by the advancements in technology and research methods used today.

4. Did Einstein believe in the existence of UFOs?

As a scientist, Einstein would have required evidence to believe in the existence of anything, including UFOs. However, he did express his belief in the possibility of intelligent life beyond Earth, which could include the existence of UFOs.

5. What impact has Einstein had on the study of UFOs?

Einstein's theories of relativity and space-time have been used to explore and understand the potential for interstellar travel and the existence of extraterrestrial life. His interest in the topic has also sparked curiosity and research in the scientific community, leading to advancements in technology and methods for studying UFOs.

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