Efficiently Solving Sudoku in C++

  • C/C++
  • Thread starter Fronzbot
  • Start date
  • Tags
    C++ Sudoku
In summary, the individual is teaching themselves C++ and is trying to create a sudoku solving program based on a project their friend did. They are having trouble figuring out a way to "brute force" through the puzzle without overwriting any of the given constants. They have an intermediate knowledge of C and are struggling with structures, classes, and object-oriented programming. They are open to guidance and suggestions for approaching the puzzle. They have included their code and the puzzle they are trying to solve. They have considered using recursion and have found a solution by copying the puzzle into an array and using a new array to track the location of the given values. However, they still need to tweak their program to make it work properly.
  • #1
Hey everyone, I'm trying to teach myself C++ and I recalled that a few years ago my Comp Sci major buddy of mine did a sudoku solving program as a project for a class so I decided to tackle it on my own. I'm getting some headway, but I'm having trouble figuring out a way to "brute force" through the puzzle without overwriting any of the given constants. I've included the whole code here and the puzzle I'm inputting is at the bottom.

I have about an intermediate knowledge of C so many of the basic concepts behind C++ I understand. Structures, classes and object oriented programming in general are pretty new to me so please bear with me. If anyone can give me some guidance or even suggest new ways to approach the puzzle (brute force just seemed like the easiest to implement!) feel free to let me know. Thanks in advance!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

ifstream puzzleFile;
string puzzleLoc;
int rows[9][9];
int setNum[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

int main(){
        //original plan involved searching for file to use as puzzle but was having trouble.  I'll figure that out later
	//cout << "Puzzle to solve: ";
	//getline(cin, puzzleLoc);

		cerr << "\nFAILURE!  Unable to open " << puzzleLoc << endl;
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	//Stores puzzle into array rows
		puzzleFile >> rows[i][j];
		if(i == 9){
			i = 0;
	i = 0;
	j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	THIS IS WHAT SOLVES THE PUZZLE.  I can't figure out how to go through the puzzle without
	accidentally overwriting the constants in the given puzzle.
	while(j <= 9){
		for(i = 0; i <= 9; ++i){
			if(rows[i][j] == 0){
				rows[i][j] == setNum[k];
				if(i != 0){
					while((rows[i-1][j] == rows[i][j])  &&  (k <= 10)){
						if(k == 10){
							rows[i][j] = setNum[k];
				k = 0;
				if(j != 0){
					while((rows[i][j-1] == rows[i][j]) && (k <= 10)){
						if(k == 10){
							rows[i][j] = setNum[k];
        //prints the puzzle solution on screen
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Solution: " << endl;
	cout << "+-----------------+" << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][0] << " " << rows[1][0] << " " << rows[2][0];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][0] << " " << rows[4][0] << " " << rows[5][0];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][0] << " " << rows[7][0] << " " << rows[8][0];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][1] << " " << rows[1][1] << " " << rows[2][1];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][1] << " " << rows[4][1] << " " << rows[5][1];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][1] << " " << rows[7][1] << " " << rows[8][1];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][2] << " " << rows[1][2] << " " << rows[2][2];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][2] << " " << rows[4][2] << " " << rows[5][2];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][2] << " " << rows[7][2] << " " << rows[8][2];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|-----+-----+-----|" << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][3] << " " << rows[1][3] << " " << rows[2][3];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][3] << " " << rows[4][3] << " " << rows[5][3];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][3] << " " << rows[7][3] << " " << rows[8][3];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][4] << " " << rows[1][4] << " " << rows[2][4];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][4] << " " << rows[4][4] << " " << rows[5][4];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][4] << " " << rows[7][4] << " " << rows[8][4];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][5] << " " << rows[1][5] << " " << rows[2][5];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][5] << " " << rows[4][5] << " " << rows[5][5];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][5] << " " << rows[7][5] << " " << rows[8][5];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|-----+-----+-----|" << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][6] << " " << rows[1][6] << " " << rows[2][6];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][6] << " " << rows[4][6] << " " << rows[5][6];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][6] << " " << rows[7][6] << " " << rows[8][6];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][7] << " " << rows[1][7] << " " << rows[2][7];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][7] << " " << rows[4][7] << " " << rows[5][7];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][7] << " " << rows[7][7] << " " << rows[8][7];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "|" << rows[0][8] << " " << rows[1][8] << " " << rows[2][8];
	cout << "|" << rows[3][8] << " " << rows[4][8] << " " << rows[5][8];
	cout << "|" << rows[6][8] << " " << rows[7][8] << " " << rows[8][8];
	cout << endl;
	cout << "+-----------------+" << endl;	

0 0 8 6 0 1 0 0 7
7 6 0 5 0 0 0 0 2
0 5 0 0 8 0 9 0 4
0 9 0 3 7 0 0 2 5
0 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 0
8 2 0 0 9 5 0 3 0
3 0 4 0 5 0 0 7 0
6 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 1
2 0 0 9 0 7 6 0 0
Last edited:
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  • #2
Without being specific, you could copy your puzzle state to a new one and manipulate that.

Incidentally, do you understand recursion?
  • #3
Yeah, I had actually thought about using recursion and may still do so. It's been a few years since I had any formal programming class (an Intro to C class my freshman year of college) so I'd just need to read some stuff to refresh my memory. Seems like the safest route to go.

I actually solved my problem by doing something similar to what you said. I just copied the puzzle into my array rows[9][9] and then tested to see if the value was 0 (which means a blank spot). If "rows" was 0 then I placed a 0 in a new array called constLoc (which shows me the location of all the given values). If "rows" was NOT 0, then a 1 was placed in constLoc. I then use that to test to see if I'm allowed to replace a value. That part works fine currently, but now I need to tweak my program some more because it's pretty much just printing the puzzle out with only one or two value changes on the first row and everything else is the same. Probably give it another good think-through later tonight as well as refresh my memory on recursion.


Related to Efficiently Solving Sudoku in C++

1. How do I input the Sudoku puzzle into the C++ program?

In order to input the Sudoku puzzle into the C++ program, you can use either a text file or the standard input stream. The puzzle should be represented as a 9x9 grid, with empty spaces represented by 0 or any other designated symbol.

2. How does the C++ program solve the Sudoku puzzle?

The C++ program uses a backtracking algorithm to solve the Sudoku puzzle. This algorithm works by trying different number combinations in each empty space until a solution is found. If the program reaches a point where no combination works, it backtracks to the previous space and tries a different combination.

3. Can I modify the C++ program to generate new Sudoku puzzles?

Yes, you can modify the C++ program to generate new Sudoku puzzles. You would need to incorporate a puzzle generator algorithm that creates a valid Sudoku puzzle and then use the existing solving algorithm to solve it. You can also use existing puzzle APIs or libraries to generate puzzles.

4. Is the C++ program capable of solving all Sudoku puzzles?

Yes, the C++ program is capable of solving all valid Sudoku puzzles. However, if the puzzle is not valid or has multiple solutions, the program may not be able to solve it correctly. It is important to make sure that the input puzzle is a valid Sudoku puzzle with a unique solution.

5. Can I improve the efficiency of the C++ program for solving Sudoku puzzles?

Yes, there are several ways to improve the efficiency of the C++ program for solving Sudoku puzzles. Some strategies include implementing more advanced algorithms, optimizing the code, and parallelizing the program. Additionally, you can also improve the efficiency by using better data structures and reducing the number of recursive calls in the backtracking algorithm.

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