Doubt can actually be essential to our living

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In summary: Your name] In summary, doubt can be a powerful motivator in our decision-making process, but intentional discouragement can be harmful. It is important to surround ourselves with positive and supportive individuals and to believe in ourselves. We should not let others dictate our capabilities and should go after our dreams, as demonstrated by the forum poster's experience in obtaining a Ph.D. in Physics despite facing discouragement from a classmate. As a scientist, we can embrace doubt and use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
  • #1
Doubt, as odd as this may sound, can actually be essential to our living. We all make decisions and later have questions on whether we made the right choice or not so doubt will help influence our next decision when it comes to the same question or choice. While doubt is a natural part of the human conflict in all of us, discouragement in itself is a different story. Intentional discouragement can be uncalled for at times. I get upset when I hear someone tell another person “oh, you’ll never be able to do that.” Such pessimistic statements like that one end up destroying a person and their self esteem.

When I was in high school, I had no idea what I wanted to study in college. I was thinking of going into engineering because I grew up with the mentality that “all Asian males should become engineers or doctors.” I had a strong interest in the social sciences but I geared myself towards the math and science that I very well knew I would be pushed towards. After I graduated from high school, I registered as a Physics major. It had its advantages. I could grow my hair long and people wouldn’t question it! At registration, I signed up for Introductory Calculus with some question as to whether I was adequately prepared for it. Well, if I wasn’t prepared, I would prepare before classes start. I immediately went home, gathered a few of my Calculus textbooks, and began to immediately grind away at some basic concepts.

I met this guy in my Calculus class who was a complete jerk. This guy seemed to know everything under the sun and anything I said, he would immediately argue with and many times I just wanted to punch him really hard across his face. Anything he said was derogatory towards me. Just to preserve my peace, I sat far away from him as possible. Anyway, I did so-so on the first two tests, but I was determined to do well on the third test. The only problem was that I also had a US History exam and an English exam on the same day so I had to learn how to manage my time…

Test day came. I walked into the classroom with blood-shot eyes. I was unshaven and clearly stressed out. The test was even worse. For some odd reason, I couldn’t seem to remember how to do this or how to do that. After about two hours, I walked out of the classroom with frustration and I called my father and told him about the test. I remember sitting at the edge of the sidewalk next to the student center with my phone to my ear, my hand on my head and my eyes closed and contemplating about tomorrow. Many times, I questioned if I had what it takes to go into Physics and wondered if I can make it. I ended up dropping Calculus that semester but I still attended every class (the professor was kind enough to allow me to attend).

Upon hearing my struggle, my jerk-of-a-classmate walks right up to me and goes “hey Philip, you say want a Ph.D. in Physics right? Well you know Georgia Tech has a really tough Physics program and you have problems with Calculus. You can’t do it.” That did it for me. I looked up and said “and who says I can’t? There were many before me and many that will follow. I struggle for a while but I’m not alone. You are no one to tell me what I can and cannot do.”

It turns out that my classmate ended up getting a mid C in the class. When I took Calculus the next semester, I ended up with a high B (which I’m proud of). The lesson here, however, is that you should not let others tell you what you can and cannot do. Don’t allow people like my classmate to discourage you from achieving what you want to do.

Anything you wish to do, I say go for it. I for one wish you the best of luck.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your personal experience with doubt and discouragement in your academic journey. I can attest to the fact that doubt can indeed be a powerful motivator in our decision-making process. It can push us to question our choices and strive for improvement in our future decisions.

However, as you mentioned, intentional discouragement can be harmful and uncalled for. It is important to surround ourselves with positive and supportive individuals who believe in our abilities and encourage us to pursue our goals. It is also important for us to believe in ourselves and not let negative comments or doubts from others hold us back.

I am glad to hear that you did not let your classmate's discouraging words deter you from your goal of obtaining a Ph.D. in Physics. Your determination and perseverance paid off in the end, and you should be proud of your achievement. Your message to not let others dictate our capabilities and to go after our dreams is a valuable one.

I have faced my own doubts and challenges in my career, but I have learned to embrace them and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Doubt can be a powerful tool if we learn to harness it in a positive way. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and encourage you to continue pursuing your passions, despite any doubts or discouragement that may come your way.

Related to Doubt can actually be essential to our living

What is doubt and why is it important?

Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction about something. It is important because it allows us to question our beliefs and ideas, leading to critical thinking and personal growth.

How can doubt be beneficial in our daily lives?

Doubt can be beneficial in our daily lives as it helps us to be open-minded and consider new perspectives. It also encourages us to seek evidence and think critically, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Can doubt be harmful?

Yes, doubt can be harmful if it becomes excessive and leads to constant skepticism and distrust. It can also hinder our ability to make decisions and take action, causing us to miss out on opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Is it normal to experience doubt?

Yes, doubt is a natural and common human experience. It is a natural response to uncertainty and can even be a sign of intellectual curiosity and growth.

How can we embrace doubt in a healthy way?

We can embrace doubt in a healthy way by acknowledging and accepting our doubts, but also seeking evidence and considering different perspectives. It is important to not let doubt consume us and to balance it with trust and belief in ourselves and others.

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