Does Ignorance Influence Voting Preferences?

In summary, a recent poll showed that there is a correlation between people's ignorance and their political affiliation. Those who believed WMD had been found in Iraq were more likely to vote for George W. Bush, while those who knew that no WMD had been found were more likely to support John Kerry. The poll also suggests that a media campaign aimed at correcting common misconceptions could benefit Democrats. Additionally, there is a high correlation between being a college graduate and voting Republican, according to several sources. However, it is unclear if those with graduate degrees who vote Democratic are primarily from academia.
  • #1
The poll also showed a correlation between people's ignorance and their political affiliation. Among those who believed WMD had been found in Iraq, 72 per cent said they would vote to re-elect Mr Bush in November and 23 per cent said they supported his Democratic challenger, John Kerry. Among those who knew that no WMD had been found,74 per cent supported Mr Kerry and 23 per cent backed the President.

Democrats would benefit from a huge media campaign that focused only on correcting common misconceptions.
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  • #2
Ignorance is when you can't even punch holes through a card when you vote.

Democrats and republicans alike would benefit most from re-electing George W. Bush for another four glorious years.
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  • #3
Democrats and republicans alike would benefit most from re-electing George W. Bush for another four glorious years.


But seriously, I am only making a single, undeniable point: Kerry would benefit if more Americans knew the facts about Iraq's WMD capabilities and (nonexistent) operational ties with al-Qa'ida. There is a strong correlation between ignorance on these issues and support for Bush.
  • #4
I'm willing to bet that those most who have the most positive views of any particular politicians are more ignorant than those who view them with suspicion. The more than you know, the less (or at least the lower the percentage of total knowledge) that there is to like.

I also think that conservatives and right-wingers (I am not equating the two terms here, fyi), especially the of the social type (rather than just with regards to taxes and other financial matters), tend to be more ignorant of the world around them, content with and believing in the prejudices that their own particular surroundings imbue them with, instead of invoking their critical abilities as often as they should. I'm referring to the people that still refer to environmentalists as "hippies" and refer to liberals as "Commies" or support whatever military action their government makes wholeheartedly (at least, as long as it's a Republican).
  • #5
I'm *Holding my nose* because there's something fishy smelling about this. I'd find it credible only after I had a chance to see the actual poll questions and results.
  • #6
I'm watching this closely...I don't think it speaks to "ignorance" so much as getting your news from biased right-wing sources. Can you be blamed if you don't know you are being lied to?
  • #7
Here you go kat:
There are two pdf files at the bottom of the page giving exactly what you want.
  • #8
Although the journalist freely plagiarized from the report, he injected the term “ignorance”. The term was not used in the report. The report attributes Kay’s statement and those from other experts to be similar. That was not the case. The report does not refer to the financial interest of Clarke and Blix in book sales. A private company that has a leftist agenda and Canadian affiliations did the actual polling.

There is a high correlation with being a college graduate and voting republican.
  • #9
There is a high correlation with being a college graduate and voting republican.

Yes, a negative correlation.
  • #10
Ragesk8- Thanks!
  • #11
There is a high correlation with being a college graduate and voting republican.

I don't think there is "high correlation", but I'll grant a statisical trend. Here is a link that shows party affiliation (and the degree of affiliation) by educational level. By this survey, for voters with bachelor degrees Republicans have a slight but statistically relevant edge on Democrats. However, Democrats have a bigger edge over Republicans in voters with graduate level education. So, by the data, Democrats have more support in the polar ends of the educational spectrum and Republicans have more support in the middle. This is interesting.
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  • #12
Nice post Rage and good link.

I don't think there is "high correlation", but I'll grant a statisical trend. Here is a link link that shows party affiliation (and the degree of affiliation) by educational level. By this survey, for voters with bachelor degrees Republicans have a slight but statistically relevant edge on Democrats. However, Democrats have a bigger edge over Republicans in voters with graduate level education. So, by the data, Democrats have more support in the polar ends of the educational spectrum and Republicans have more support in the middle. This is interesting.

The Census Bureau supports your link. Data from 1996 election:

Grade school only --- 82% voted dem. vs. 18% rep.
High school --- 60% voted dem. vs. 40% rep.
College + --- 49% voted dem. vs. 51% rep.

That’s about as much as the CB broke it down.

It would be interesting to know if those holding graduate degrees and vote democratic are primarily from academia.
  • #13
It would be interesting to know if those holding graduate degrees and vote democratic are primarily from academia.

I doubt it, but I am not sure. Generally in statistics like these "graduate" includes masters, phd's, mba's, law degrees, Md's, etc. The majority of people with phd's (even in something like English) do not end up working in academia (because the market is very competitive and the economic pay out is comparatively small).
  • #14
In the most recent government class that I took, we had a book called American Government: Using MicroCase ExplorIt (with CD-ROM). It had a huge collection of data from at least the GSS, if not other surveys as well. The book discussed a "liberalizing effect" of education, and the statistics backed it up. According to the measures used, higher education increased liberality, and there was a positive correlation between the amount of time spent in college and the liberality of the populations. Positions on several key issues were used as indicators, and I think that party affiliation used, too.
  • #15
Marginally more marginal Republicans with Bachelor's degrees (1077R vs 995 D)
More Democrats with Master's degrees (466 cs 373)
  • #16
IQ by State:

:biggrin: :wink:
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  • #17
This site has been discussed on other forums. The author doesn't give any source for his numbers except to state they are based on Raven A.P.M. Given the amount of junk IQ stuff that exists on the web, I am leary.
  • #18
I see that New York is ranked 4th on the list. With the high percentage of blacks and hispanics in New York State it is nice to see that there has been a major improvement. The president's educational programs are starting to pay off!

Related to Does Ignorance Influence Voting Preferences?

1. What is the relationship between ignorance and political support?

The relationship between ignorance and political support is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, lack of knowledge and understanding about political issues can lead to blind support for a certain political figure or party. On the other hand, political support can also be influenced by factors such as personal values, social pressure, and emotional appeals rather than informed decision-making.

2. How does ignorance affect the political system?

Ignorance can have negative effects on the political system, as it can lead to uninformed and unengaged citizens who are less likely to participate in the political process. This can result in a lack of accountability for politicians and a less representative government. Additionally, ignorance can make individuals more susceptible to manipulation and misinformation, which can further disrupt the functioning of the political system.

3. Can ignorance be a deliberate strategy used by politicians?

Yes, ignorance can be used as a deliberate strategy by politicians to maintain power and control over the population. By keeping the public uninformed and disengaged, politicians can push their own agendas and make decisions that may not align with the best interests of the citizens. This is often seen in authoritarian regimes where access to information is restricted and opposition is suppressed.

4. How can education and information improve political support?

Education and access to accurate and unbiased information are crucial in improving political support. When individuals are well-informed about political issues and have a basic understanding of how the government works, they are more likely to make informed decisions and hold their elected officials accountable. Additionally, education can promote critical thinking skills and help individuals recognize and resist manipulation and misinformation.

5. Is it possible to eliminate ignorance from the political system?

While it may not be possible to completely eliminate ignorance from the political system, steps can be taken to reduce its impact. This includes promoting education and media literacy, encouraging open and transparent communication between politicians and the public, and holding politicians accountable for their actions. It is also important for individuals to actively seek out diverse perspectives and engage in civil discourse to combat ignorance and promote a more informed and engaged society.

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