Did Planck's Original Blackbody Radiation Theory Overlook Zero Point Energy?

In summary, The original derivation of Planck's blackbody radiation had some issues related to the zero point energy, which were solved later by Schroedinger's formulation of his equation. The problem revolved around the ability of Planck's distribution to result in equipartition at large temperatures. However, it was found that this equipartition can be obtained without the presence of the ZPE by expanding the exponential in the average energy of a single oscillator. This raises the question of whether the second term in the average energy equation was really a cause for concern before Schroedinger's formulation. Further research showed that the inclusion of the ZPE in the calculation was necessary for accurate results, leading to Einstein and Stern's assumptions about the temperature dependence
  • #1
Hi all,

in a couple of books I read that Planck's original derivation of the blackbody radiation
had some problem related to the zero point energy, which was solved after quite
a few years (when Schroedinger formulated his equation).

I sort of see this problem, but I'm not sure the above story has some real basis.
The point seems to be the ability of Planck's distribution to result in equipartition
at large temperatures.
It seems to me that formally equipartition can be equivalently obtained independent
of the presence of the ZPE, by expanding the exponential in the average energy of a single
oscillator. The somewhat tricky point in this respect is that the expansion is truncated at
different powers of [tex]\beta \hbar\omega[/tex] in the two cases.

In particular, if one does not consider the ZPE and does not stop at the first perturbative order the energy is

[tex]\langle\epsilon\rangle = k T - \frac{\hbar \omega}{2}+ ...[/tex]

where the dots are a power series of [tex]T^{-1}[/tex]. If the ZPE is considered the second term is canceled out.

Now my question is: before Schroedinger was people really disturbed by that second term?
Because if one naively thinks to the limit of "infinite temperatures" it surely does not matter, and equipartition is safe.

I see that [tex]k T[/tex] is comparable with [tex]\hbar \omega[/tex] e.g. considering room temperature (or even ten times larger) and visible light.
But in that case, does it really make sense to consider so few perturbative terms?
I mean, if they are comparable [tex]\hbar \omega/k T[/tex] is not small, and the expansions
found in books are not really correct. On the other hand, as I say, if the temperature is really large, the ZPE does not really matter.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I did some research and read a paper by Einstein and Stern (1913) referred to by Wikipedia :redface:

They show that the experimental data for the specific heat of a gas of rotating molecules fit the formula including the ZPE,
under the assumption that [tex]\nu[/tex] depends on the temperature , where [tex]\nu[/tex] is the frequency of the oscillators involved in Planck's calculation.
If the same calculation is performed without ZPE the result has nothing to do with the experimental data.
On the other hand, if one ignores the temperature dependence of the frequency the two formulas give the same result, which is not so bad...

Uhm... I do not know... Einstein and Stern's assumptions look a bit simplistic and weird to me...
And anyway they do not sound particularly sure about the conclusiveness of their results, hence I wonder whether this is an appropriate reference. By the way, after reading the article I am under the impression that the introduction of the ZPE has to be credited to Planck himself, and not to Stern and Einstein as claimed by Wikipedia. I have some recollection about this from courses I took ages ago. I'll look it up.

It seems to me that the hints to this problem that I found so far in undergraduate books are useless or even a bit misleading (Alonso & Finn "Fundamental University Physics", Greiner & Stocker "Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics").
Does anybody know a book where this issue is discussed satisfactorily?
  • #3

I would say that the issue of zero point energy and Planck's distribution is a complex and ongoing topic of discussion in the field of quantum mechanics. While Planck's original derivation of blackbody radiation did not take into account the concept of zero point energy, later developments in quantum mechanics, such as Schroedinger's equation, have shed more light on this topic.

The idea of equipartition, or the equal distribution of energy among all degrees of freedom, is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics. However, its application to the zero point energy is still being debated. Some argue that the presence of zero point energy should not affect the equipartition principle, while others argue that it should be taken into account.

One important point to consider is the temperature at which the system is being studied. At high temperatures, the influence of the zero point energy may be negligible and the first order expansion of the average energy may be sufficient. However, at low temperatures, the zero point energy becomes more significant and may need to be taken into account in order to accurately describe the system.

Overall, the issue of zero point energy and its relationship to Planck's distribution is a complex one and requires further research and discussion. As scientists, it is important to continue exploring and questioning these concepts to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental workings of our universe.

Related to Did Planck's Original Blackbody Radiation Theory Overlook Zero Point Energy?

1. What is ZPE and how does it relate to Planck distribution?

ZPE stands for zero-point energy, which is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have. Planck distribution is a mathematical function that describes the distribution of energy among particles in a system at a given temperature. ZPE is related to Planck distribution because it dictates the minimum energy that particles can have, which affects the overall distribution of energy in a system.

2. How is ZPE calculated?

ZPE is calculated using the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states that the more precisely the position of a particle is known, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa. This uncertainty leads to the existence of zero-point energy, as particles cannot have a definite position and momentum at the same time. The exact calculation of ZPE varies depending on the system and the equations used.

3. Can ZPE be harnessed for energy production?

While ZPE is a fascinating concept, it is currently not possible to harness it for energy production. The energy levels involved are extremely small and difficult to measure or manipulate. Additionally, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle makes it impossible to extract energy from ZPE without changing the system and altering the energy levels.

4. How does ZPE impact the behavior of particles in a system?

ZPE plays a significant role in the behavior of particles in a system, particularly at the quantum level. It affects the movement and interactions of particles, as well as their energy levels and stability. ZPE also influences the properties of materials, such as their density and heat capacity.

5. What are the real-world applications of ZPE and Planck distribution?

ZPE and Planck distribution have several real-world applications, particularly in the fields of quantum physics and materials science. They are used in the development of new technologies, such as quantum computers and advanced sensors. ZPE is also being researched for potential applications in renewable energy and space propulsion systems.

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