Zero point energy in thermal noise spectrum?

In summary, zero point energy is a type of energy that exists even in a system at its lowest possible energy state, known as the ground state. This energy can contribute to the thermal noise spectrum, which is a measure of the random fluctuations in a system due to temperature. The amount of zero point energy present in a system is dependent on factors such as the quantum properties of the system and the temperature at which it is being measured. Understanding and accounting for zero point energy is important in various fields such as quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials science.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
This is a question about the proper form for thermal noise from a resistor. This is purely academic for me - I always work in the regime where [itex] \hbar \omega << k T [/itex] so the noise spectrum is simply P \approx kT. When this no longer holds, quantum effects matter of course. Then I have seen two different expressions for the spectral density. There is the Planck result
P = \frac{\hbar \omega}{ exp(\hbar \omega / k T) - 1}
that we learn about in basic modern physics. Then there is the result that uses the actual energy levels of the quantum harmonic oscillator, which adds in the zero point energy
P = \frac{\hbar \omega}{2} + \frac{\hbar \omega}{exp(\hbar \omega / k T) - 1}.
For the thermal noise problem, the Planck result shows up in Nyquist's original 1928 paper of course, while the last result shows up in Callen and Welton's 1951 paper. (my grad work was in plasma physics, so the fluctuation dissipation theorem is a tool I suposedly learned at one point - but I have only used the classical limit). I have tried google, google scholar, and stat mech books in the library at work, but have not been able to get a definitively clear understanding of which is correct, and more importantly why! Many books (Pathria 3rd edition stat mech book for example) simply sweep it under the rug with less than one sentence of discussion.

One argument I have seen for the Planck result is that the energy available for noise generation is from transitions between states, so the reference/zero-point energy is irrelevant. Seems reasonable to me. An argument the other way goes like this: the Planck result yields zero energy as T->0, violating the energy-time uncertainty principle. Given my lack of true understanding of quantum mechanics I do not know how good/bad this argument is, especially since if this expression is multiplied by the density of modes in a cavity the blackbody radiation formula once again has the ultraviolet catastrophe that Planck was trying to fix!

By the way, this is a question from an engineer who has taken only 1 quantum mechanics class ~20 years ago and has worked mostly in the classical world ever since. My stat-mech background is essentially self-taught out of Statistical and Thermal Physics by Reif - I primarily worked through the classical chapters and did solve a fair number of the problems (in other words, I learned enough to be able to survive my plasma physics courses). Perhaps I just do not understand enough physics to be able to sort this out - but I am hoping someone here can enlighten me!


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  • #2
Hi Jason,

this is a very good question.Don't worry that you should have been able to know the answer - the presence of the zero point energy term is one of the greatest difficulties in the quantum theory of EM field.

The problem is that when you sum up the zero point spectrum (which is proportional to ##\omega^3##) over frequencies, you will get positive infinity, which means that something is wrong in the theory.

When the thermal spectrum is measured and compared to the Planck formula, they agree - no zero -point energy term is needed. For this reason, it is usual to think that the zero - point energy term, even if it is in the formula, is irrelevant and of no consequence.

But there are many papers which argue that the zero-point energy is real and has measurable consequences, like the Casimir and van der Waals forces, both in quantum and classical theory of electromagnetism (see the papers by Welton, Milonni and Boyer).

One possible solution of the divergence is the idea that the zero point energy term ##\propto \omega^3## is present, but only up to certain high frequency, while for frequencies higher this term drops down to zero. The total energy is then finite and the explanation of various phenomena based on the zero-point energy is preserved.

The remaining difficulty is that the cut-off would have to be at quite a high frequency and this would already require too great zero-point energy with non-negligible gravitating effects, which are not observed. For this reason the idea of zero-point field was criticized, e.g. by Jaynes, and he argued that some phenomena such as spontaneous emission and the Lamb shift, which are often thought to be tied to the fluctuations of the zero-point field, can actually be explained without them.

So the status of the zero--point term is quite problematic. If you can do without it, then it is probably better to do so.
  • #3
Jano L.,

Thanks for the reply. I didn't realize this was an issue still up for grabs. No wonder I couldn't sort out the various literature I was able to dig up ... as someone who primarily just understands classical physics I had a tough time sorting it all out.

  • #4
(see the papers by Welton, Milonni and Boyer).
Can you be a bit more specific? I don't know whether to look in the Tibetan Journal of Physics or the Arkansas Academy of Sciences. :smile:
  • #5
I did some search and come up with this list of papers. I read very few of it and there are many things I disagree with, but I think they may be an interesting reading:

Boyer, popular article on zero/point fluctuations
T. Boyer, "The Classical Vacuum," Scientific American 253, No.2, August, 70-78 (1985).

Boyer On Casimir effect in 1D

Welton on effects of fluctuations of EM Field:

Boyer derivation of the vdW forces:

Boyer connection of stochastic electrodynamics with the quantum theory of Casimir effect:

Boyer derivation of the blackbody spectrum using zero/point fluctuations

Milonni, review on NR theory of radiation, sec. 5

Milonni, Physical interpretation of the Casimir force:

Milonni on another way to get Casimir effect (without zero-point field)

Milonni and Smith on radiation reaction and vacuum fluctuations:
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Related to Zero point energy in thermal noise spectrum?

1. What is zero point energy in thermal noise spectrum?

Zero point energy refers to the minimum amount of energy that a physical system can possess, even at absolute zero temperature. In thermal noise spectrum, zero point energy is the energy associated with the random motion of particles due to thermal fluctuations.

2. How is zero point energy related to temperature?

As temperature increases, so does the amount of thermal energy and thus, the level of thermal noise. This results in an increase in zero point energy in the thermal noise spectrum.

3. What is the significance of zero point energy in thermal noise spectrum?

Zero point energy is significant because it contributes to the overall energy of a system and can affect its properties. In some cases, it can even lead to fluctuations and instability in the system.

4. Can zero point energy be harnessed for practical applications?

There is ongoing research on potential applications of zero point energy, but currently there are no practical applications that have been developed. Some scientists believe that harnessing zero point energy could potentially revolutionize energy production and storage.

5. How is zero point energy related to quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics plays a crucial role in understanding zero point energy as it explains the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. According to quantum mechanics, particles are always in motion, even at absolute zero temperature, contributing to the existence of zero point energy in the thermal noise spectrum.

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