Did I Just Make a Fool of Myself in Front of My Crush?

  • Thread starter Echo 6 Sierra
  • Start date
In summary, an embarrassed man had headphones on and didn't notice when the boss was introducing the auditor to everyone in the office so he took them off, turned around, and stood up eye-to-eye with the most dreamy woman he's been in arms-reach of. He immediately started to go flush and sweat buckets and was suddenly aware the boss was introducing him. He spun around to sit back down and banged his knee on his desk. The woman was going to be here for three weeks so he had to use a whole other set of stairs and elevator, change his lunch schedule, buy flowers and candy, and practice writing thank yous for wedding gifts.
  • #1
Echo 6 Sierra
Embarrassed myself today like I haven't in a loooong time. So I had the headphones on this morning and didn't notice when the boss was introducing the auditor to everyone in the office so she tapped me on the shoulder. I took off my headphones, turned around, stood up, and was eye-to-eye with the most dreamiest woman I've been in arms-reach of in a long time. I immediately started to go flush and sweat buckets and heard the boss introduce me (at least I think that's what she was doing) so I held out my hand to shake and suddenly realized that it was SWEATY TOO! (yuk) The look on her face was like...Isn't...that...nice. Have you ever started to speak and saliva runs down your throat so you kind of choke...yeah, that too. I spun around to sit back down and bonked the bajeezes out of my knee on the edge of my desk to add insult to injury. She's going to be here for 3 weeks so I have to use a whole other set of stairs and elevator, change my lunch schedule, buy flowers and candy, practice writing thank you's for our wedding gifts, naming our children...you know, the usual.:!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :!) :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: Is there a vaccine I can get?! I'm still kind of gooey and swervy and its been almost 8 hours. I need a drink of water.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No vaccine, but there is an operation that'll fix it...
  • #3
I don't think we needed to know it made you gooey too. :rolleyes: :blushing: o:)
  • #4
Good luck E6S! When something clicks like that, you've got to give it a shot. When I met my wife, I was immediately infatuated. I had dated prettier ladies and females that I had the "hots" for, but the freshness and honesty of this one knocked the legs out from under me. 30+ years later, we're still together and happy.
  • #5
Hmmm. I think asking out the temporary auditor (or plying her with gifts, etc.) would be construed as a conflict of interest, or worse. Sorry to add more frustration to your situation, but it looks like all you can do is ask for her phone number, and promise to call her when her auditing work is done. Looks like it's going to be an even longer three weeks than you had anticipated. Sorry bud!
  • #6
I have to agree with berkeman - no fraternizing with the auditor. But after the audit - fair game. o:) Good luck! :biggrin:
  • #7
Well, I guess that at least gives him 3 weeks to relearn how to swallow without choking and for the bruise on his knee to heal and to keep turning up the heat in the building so he can blame the flushing and sweaty palms on the malfunctioning A/C system. :biggrin:
  • #8
Moonbear said:
I don't think we needed to know it made you gooey too.
Not like that silly, like I'm going to talk in techni-color or reverse eat. I guess you could say that I've officially swooned. The girl that sits across from me laughed at me all day long and that embarrassed me even more.

And it's a fed audit so if anythings goobered up I see pink slips because we're not talking about chump change here. Also, I wouldn't think of doing anything while the audit is in process. Good thing there's 3 elevators and 4 ladderwells so I can avoid her. I need a drink of water. Someone fan me. Ice chips please...no, smaller...thanks.

Related to Did I Just Make a Fool of Myself in Front of My Crush?

1. What are the potential negative consequences of embarrassing oneself?

There can be a range of negative consequences, including feelings of shame, social isolation, and damaged relationships. It may also affect one's self-esteem and confidence.

2. How can someone overcome the embarrassment they experienced today?

One way to overcome embarrassment is to acknowledge and accept the situation, apologize if necessary, and move on. It may also help to talk to someone about it, practice self-compassion, and focus on positive aspects of oneself.

3. Is it common to feel embarrassed in social situations?

Yes, it is very common to feel embarrassed in social situations. It is a natural human emotion and can be triggered by various factors such as making a mistake, being the center of attention, or feeling judged by others.

4. How can someone prevent themselves from being easily embarrassed?

It may be challenging to completely prevent oneself from feeling embarrassed, but some strategies include practicing self-awareness, building self-confidence, and reframing thoughts about embarrassment.

5. Can embarrassing oneself be a learning experience?

Yes, embarrassing oneself can be a valuable learning experience. It can help one develop resilience, empathy, and self-improvement by recognizing and addressing areas for growth.

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