Did Grace Slick Try to Slip Richard Nixon LSD at the White House?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: yeah, like she would have had knowledge of that? without evidence that it was retaliation in kind, i will just hold both in...
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
Tonight I was watching the biography of Grace Slick. I never knew that she had the intent, and the opportunity, almost, to slip LSD into then President Richard Nixon's tea.

Okay, tell me about trying to slip Richard Nixon acid at the White House.
See, Trish Nixon’s daughter went to Finch College, and it was so small that she invited all of the alumni to a tea at the White House. But my name when I went there was Grace Wing, that doesn’t mean anything right? Now, Grace Slick meant something. So I get an invitation to the White House and I call up Abbie Hoffman and say [Sing-songy] “Guess what I have….I’ve got an invitation to the White House.” So I put 600 mics of acid under a long fingernail I had for cocaine, and we go and we’re standing in line, and the security guard comes up to me and says, “I’m sorry you can’t go in. You’re a security risk.” And I go, “What?!” And he says, “You’re on the FBI list.” And I go, “What??” And I found out that the members of Jefferson Airplane were on a list because of “suspect lyrics.” They didn’t know why I was a security threat, but they were right.

Read more: http://www3.timeoutny.com/chicago/blog/out-and-about/2007/09/grace-slick-shes-a-trip/#ixzz0xh06F3N6

Perhaps tricky Dick would have been known as trippy Dick?

Grace Slick
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  • #2
Well, at least there's another possible excuse for his behaviour eliminated.
  • #3
Danger said:
Well, at least there's another possible excuse for his behaviour eliminated.

Can you imagine what would of happened if she had succeeded? She should be damned glad she didn't pull it off. She would probably still be in prison; or dead.
  • #4
Ivan Seeking said:
Can you imagine what would of happened if she had succeeded? She should be damned glad she didn't pull it off. She would probably still be in prison; or dead.
Even worse, he might have stayed in office. :eek:
  • #5
wow, no idea. poisoners go on my list of most contemptible people.
  • #6
From the article,
So I put 600 mics of acid under a long fingernail...

Sounds like she had enough for Nixon and herself. Maybe she though tripping with him would be fun. :bugeye:
  • #7
Proton Soup said:
wow, no idea. poisoners go on my list of most contemptible people.

Turn around is fair play. In order to avoid the bad press at the Republican National Convention, Nixon's men had planned to drug protesters [mostly college age] and haul them down to Mexico. This is according to G Gordon Liddy himself.
  • #8
Her song "Across the Board" is a trip in itself. Can anyone find a video of it?

Unknowingly ingesting LSD can lead to permanent psychoses and suicidal ideation. I know.
  • #9
Loren Booda said:
Her song "Across the Board" is a trip in itself. Can anyone find a video of it?

Unknowingly ingesting LSD can lead to permanent psychoses and suicidal ideation. I know.

Someone I know was slipped a high dose (the perps did it to steal his van). It took very long time to recover, he was hospitalized for several weeks. It's nothing to mess around with.

I hope she wasn't truly planning to go through with it. Maybe she was, um, just trippin'.
  • #10
lisab said:
Someone I know was slipped a high dose (the perps did it to steal his van). It took very long time to recover, he was hospitalized for several weeks. It's nothing to mess around with.

I hope she wasn't truly planning to go through with it. Maybe she was, um, just trippin'.

I have heard of the government slipping LSD into officers drinks in the 40's and 50's, though I cannot confirm the date for sure...

One of my old high school teachers had a son who got all messed up from acid. I don't know the details, but I heard that his son never really returned back to what he used to be.

In the hands of an inexperienced person or someone who is simply ignorant to the capacity of LSD (not in a derogitory way. It is something that, in my mind, must be approached with caution and one must do research onto the effects and what to expect) can have their ankles end up by their head (not literally lol).
  • #11
I'm not sure I buy the idea that LSD in significant doses is a debilitating event. I know of only one guy in high school who indulged, but he seemed fine the day after.

Yeah, what do I know? I was never in the drug crowd.
  • #12
Ivan Seeking said:
Turn around is fair play. In order to avoid the bad press at the Republican National Convention, Nixon's men had planned to drug protesters [mostly college age] and haul them down to Mexico. This is according to G Gordon Liddy himself.

yeah, like she would have had knowledge of that? without evidence that it was retaliation in kind, i will just hold both in contempt.
  • #13
Proton Soup said:
yeah, like she would have had knowledge of that? without evidence that it was retaliation in kind, i will just hold both in contempt.

I wasn't implying that she knew about it; just that Nixon [or at least his guerrillas] were no better.
  • #14
I told this story recently somewhere here...

When in high school, our psychology class visited [then called] Napa State Mental Hospital, which is where Charles Manson is held. At one point we were allowed to enter ward E4 [still remember], which is where the non-violent but serious cases were found. One guy thought he was a chicken; another thought he was a long-distance runner who had just won a race; others just stared or walked around aimlessly, and one person was in the corner rocking back and forth in a fetal position. It was amazing and shocking to see people who had suffered so much damage.

One guy was sitting quitely on a bench and just watching everyone else, so I sat next to him and struck up a conversation. He seemed pretty normal, so I asked how he got here. With a somewhat confused look on his face, he said that he didn't really know. The last thing he remembered was that he was sitting on a park bench after taking some acid. He said that he took, IIRC, about 30 hits of acid [all at once!]. The next thing he knew, he was here.

Wow <adds "never take acid" to checklist>.

A few other distinct memories: Everyone smoked. The cigarette lighters were built into the walls [an exposed coil that got hot when you pressed the button next to it], and the doctors in E4 seemed a lot like the patients in the lower wards.
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  • #15
What if he was just a guy who thought he was overdosing on LSD?
  • #16
Office_Shredder said:
What if he was just a guy who thought he was overdosing on LSD?

..had overdosed on... He had been there for some time.

Heh, never thought of that! But I would bet dollars to donuts that his story was legit.
  • #17
Glad Grace didn't pull it off! Nixon was dangerous enough in his lucid moments!

Related to Did Grace Slick Try to Slip Richard Nixon LSD at the White House?

1. Did Grace Slick really try to slip Richard Nixon LSD at the White House?

There have been various accounts and rumors about Grace Slick attempting to slip LSD to Richard Nixon while performing at the White House in 1970. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim and it is still a subject of debate.

2. Why would Grace Slick want to drug Richard Nixon?

According to some sources, Grace Slick was a vocal critic of the Nixon administration and was known for her anti-establishment views. It is speculated that she wanted to make a statement or protest by trying to slip LSD to Nixon.

3. Did Grace Slick ever admit to trying to drug Richard Nixon?

No, Grace Slick has never publicly admitted to attempting to slip LSD to Richard Nixon. In fact, she has denied the allegation multiple times and stated that it was just a prank that she never actually went through with.

4. Was Richard Nixon aware of Grace Slick's alleged attempt to drug him?

It is unclear if Richard Nixon was aware of the alleged attempt to drug him. Some sources claim that he was informed about the incident afterwards, while others state that he was completely unaware of the incident until it became a public rumor.

5. What happened during Grace Slick's performance at the White House?

During the performance, Grace Slick reportedly said "I'd like to thank you for the invitation to bring my freaky self to the White House. I mean, it's not like we're going to slip acid in your tea or anything like that – tonight." This statement has been interpreted as a joke or a political statement, rather than an actual attempt to drug Nixon.

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