Dark Matter: Interacting Particles & Gravitational Forces

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of dark matter and its constituents, specifically their potential for weak interactions and the possibility of them being WIMPS. The cosmological data suggests that dark matter is likely made up of massive particles, and while there are candidates that do not fit the WIMP model, weakly interacting particles are a commonly proposed option. The "W" in WIMP does not necessarily refer to the weak nuclear force, but simply signifies low interaction with normal matter.
  • #1
I didn't know where to post this. Astrophysics? Particle physics?
I know very little of dark matter. I've read that it's sometimes supposed to interact only gravitationally, and also that weakly interacting particles have been proposed as its constituents. Is there a reason why they should participate in weak interactions, other than the hope to be able to detect them?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is good reason to believe DM is a WIMP, like a neutrino, but, somewhat less interactive. Neutrinos can pass through light years of lead without a collision.
  • #3
someGorilla said:
I didn't know where to post this. Astrophysics? Particle physics?
I know very little of dark matter. I've read that it's sometimes supposed to interact only gravitationally, and also that weakly interacting particles have been proposed as its constituents. Is there a reason why they should participate in weak interactions, other than the hope to be able to detect them?

The cosmological data just says that dark matter has to be "cold" which means that it's likely to involve massive particles. The "weak" part comes from certain possible particle candidates, but there are cold dark matter candidates that aren't WIMPS, namely axions, shadow matter, and some other candidates.

  • #4
someGorilla said:
I didn't know where to post this. Astrophysics? Particle physics?
I know very little of dark matter. I've read that it's sometimes supposed to interact only gravitationally, and also that weakly interacting particles have been proposed as its constituents. Is there a reason why they should participate in weak interactions, other than the hope to be able to detect them?
The W in WIMP doesn't necessarily mean the weak nuclear force specifically. All it means is that they don't interact much with normal matter or each other. But yes, weak-force interacting dark matter is one common model for dark matter.
  • #5

I am excited to see your interest in dark matter and its potential constituents. Dark matter is a fascinating area of research that spans across multiple fields, including astrophysics and particle physics. It is a mysterious substance that makes up about 85% of the matter in the universe, yet we still know very little about it.

One of the main challenges in studying dark matter is its elusive nature. It does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible to traditional telescopes. Therefore, scientists have to rely on indirect methods to study it, such as observing its gravitational effects on visible matter.

You mentioned the possibility of dark matter particles interacting only gravitationally. This is one of the leading theories about dark matter, known as Cold Dark Matter. In this theory, dark matter particles do not interact with each other or with regular matter, except through gravity. This explains why we have not been able to detect them directly.

However, there are other theories that propose dark matter particles may also interact through weak interactions. This is based on the idea that dark matter particles may have a small mass and therefore could potentially interact with other particles through the weak force. This could potentially lead to the detection of dark matter through experiments like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.

The reason for considering weak interactions as a possible avenue for detecting dark matter is not just based on hope, but also on theoretical and observational evidence. For example, the existence of dark matter is supported by observations of the rotation curves of galaxies, which cannot be explained by the known laws of gravity. Additionally, the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the known particles and their interactions, does not provide a candidate for dark matter. Therefore, scientists have proposed theories that extend the Standard Model and include new particles, such as weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), as possible dark matter candidates.

In conclusion, while the exact nature of dark matter is still unknown, the possibility of it interacting through weak interactions is a promising avenue for further research and potential detection. As scientists, we continue to explore and test different theories in order to better understand this mysterious substance and its role in the universe.

Related to Dark Matter: Interacting Particles & Gravitational Forces

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up about 27% of the universe. It does not interact with light, and therefore cannot be seen or detected using traditional telescopes. Its presence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. What are interacting particles in dark matter?

Interacting particles in dark matter refer to hypothetical particles that make up dark matter and interact with each other through unknown forces. These particles are thought to be electrically neutral and do not interact with normal matter except through gravity.

3. How does dark matter affect gravitational forces?

The presence of dark matter affects gravitational forces by increasing the amount of mass in a given area. This means that objects, such as galaxies, have more mass than can be accounted for by visible matter, causing them to have stronger gravitational pull.

4. What are some proposed theories about the nature of dark matter?

There are several theories about the nature of dark matter, including the WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) theory, which suggests that dark matter is made up of massive particles that interact weakly with normal matter, and the MACHO (Massive Compact Halo Objects) theory, which proposes that dark matter consists of large celestial objects, such as black holes or brown dwarfs.

5. Why is dark matter important to study?

Dark matter is important to study because it is believed to play a crucial role in the formation and evolution of the universe. Understanding the nature of dark matter can also help us better understand the laws of physics and potentially lead to new discoveries in the field of cosmology.

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