Dark energy + missing antimatter

In summary, the leading hypothesis is that the missing energy in the early universe came from the 1000 particles of antimatter that were canceled out by each other. This energy was changed into photons, which we detect as the CMBR.
  • #1
dark energy + "missing" antimatter

Did dark energy stop antimatter from being produced in the early universe
and is this why there is not much antimatter around today?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
no, antimatter was stopped from being produced because, at the beggining of the early universe, there were 1000 antimatter particles, for ever 1001 matter particles. They all canceled each other out, and matter obviously won.. that is the leading hypothesis i believe..
  • #3
if so where did the missing energy go from the 1000 particles canceled out by each other??
wouldnot the energy recondence into a 50/50 normal vs antimater state

second question can neutron be anti matter, will it react with a normal matter
do all things have anti matter twins ? photons, or other bits without charge
would an anti matter sun put out normal photons
  • #4
Yes neutrons have antiparticles too.
  • #5
ray b said:
if so where did the missing energy go from the 1000 particles canceled out by each other??
wouldnot the energy recondence into a 50/50 normal vs antimater state
Yes, this went on until the resulting annihilation energy was insufficient to create matter/anti-matter pairs; crudely, what was 'left' was photons, which collided vigourously with the (largely) protons and electrons (and some alpha particles) until the universe cooled sufficiently that the p and e could form H atoms. At this time, matter and radiation 'decoupled', forming 'the surface of last scattering', whose vastly redshifted (z > 1000) photons we detect today as the CMBR.
  • #6
hope this answers the quest.

ray b said:
if so where did the missing energy go from the 1000 particles canceled out by each other??
wouldnot the energy recondence into a 50/50 normal vs antimater state

When the Matter and the antimatter was canceling each other out, the extra one particle of matter, survived (1000 AM vs. 1001 M particles) THe rest were all "destroyed" i believe, but there were so many matter particles, which weren't canceled out, that we have a universe off of them today.
  • #7
pnjabiloafer said:
no, antimatter was stopped from being produced because, at the beggining of the early universe, there were 1000 antimatter particles, for ever 1001 matter particles. They all canceled each other out, and matter obviously won.. that is the leading hypothesis i believe..

That is the most comical hypothesis I have ever heard :biggrin: Somehow, it seems all too easy to be true, but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't.
  • #8
For an easy to understand explanation of anti-matter and how it came to exist, read "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown :wink: It's a great book. Meanwhile, I found something that might be of interest. The contents of this site is posted below...

Particles which are identical to ordinary particles such as protons, electrons and neutrons in every way except one. The antiparticle of the electron, called the positron, has the same cloud-like nature as the electron and same mass, but has a positive electric charge. The antiproton has the same mass as the proton but carries a negative charge. The antineutron has opposite magnetic moment to a neutron.
We never meet these antimatter particles in normal life, and that is a good thing, because when matter meets antimatter they annihilate each other and their matter energy is changed into radiation. Antiparticles are real, however, and can be made in high energy particle accelerators.

Some people believe that some regions of the Universe may be made of antimatter. Perhaps whole galaxies might be made of antimatter, separated from normal matter galaxies by vast oceans of empty space? Based on our current understanding of the early events in the Universe, this seems very unlikely. Particles and antiparticles were created close together in the young Universe. Nobody has yet thought of a way they could have been separated into different galaxies.

If a spaceship came to Earth from some distant galaxy we would not be able to tell whether it was made of antimatter just by looking at it since matter and antimatter look the same. But if it was antimatter it would explode when it tried to land!

By adding a positron to an antiproton it is possible to make an antiatom of hydrogen. This was first achieved in 1995 at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) by firing antiprotons through a xenon gas jet. Some of the antiprotons hit protons in the xenon nuclei, creating pairs of electrons and positrons. A few of these positrons then stuck to the antiprotons to form antihydrogen.

Antiatoms do not last very long on Earth. Each antiatom produced at CERN survived for only about forty-billionths of a second before it met ordinary matter and changed into gamma radiation.

Related to Dark energy + missing antimatter

What is dark energy?

Dark energy is a term used to describe the mysterious force that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. It is believed to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe.

What is missing antimatter?

Antimatter is a type of matter that has the same mass as normal matter but has the opposite charge. It is believed that the Big Bang should have created equal amounts of matter and antimatter, but in our observable universe, there is a significant lack of antimatter.

Why is dark energy important to study?

Dark energy is important to study because it is a fundamental aspect of our universe and has a major impact on its evolution. Understanding dark energy can help us understand the fate of the universe and the underlying physics that govern it.

What are some theories about the relationship between dark energy and missing antimatter?

One theory is that dark energy and missing antimatter are related, with dark energy somehow suppressing the creation of antimatter during the early universe. Another theory suggests that dark energy is responsible for the disappearance of antimatter through interactions with parallel universes.

How do scientists study dark energy and missing antimatter?

Scientists use a variety of methods to study dark energy and missing antimatter, including observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, measurements of the expansion rate of the universe, and experiments with particle accelerators. However, these are still ongoing areas of research and there is much we still do not know about these phenomena.

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