Converting Cylindrical Coordinates to Orthogonal and Spherical Coordinates?

In summary, the point given in cylindrical coordinates is converted to orthogonal coordinates as (0, 2, -4) and to spherical coordinates as (2√5, π/2, arccos(-2/√5)). The formulation is correct, but it is recommended to use the formula arctan2(y, x) instead of arctan(y/x) for theta. When calculating phi, it should be noted that the range of arctan is limited to (-π/2, π/2], making the correct answer π/2 instead of -π/2, and the range of phi in spherical coordinates is [0, π].
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

We are given the following point in cylindrical coordinates. We have to write in orthogonal and spherical coordinates.
The point is $\left (2, \frac{\pi}{2}, -4\right )$.

First of all, do orthogonal coordinates mean cartesian coordinates?? (Wondering)

The cylindrical coordinates are of the form $(r, \theta , z)$, that are defined by $x=r \cos \theta , y=r \sin \theta , z=z$.

The orthogonal coordinates are of the form $(x, y, z)$.

$x=r \cos \theta=2 \cos \frac{\pi}{2}=0 , y=r \sin \theta =2 \sin \frac{\pi}{2}=2 , z=z=-4$

So, the orthogonal coordinates of the point are $(0, 2, -4)$.
The spherical coordinates are of the form $(\rho, \theta , \phi)$, where $\rho =\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}, \theta=\arctan \left (\frac{y}{x}\right ), \phi=\arccos \left (\frac{z}{\rho}\right )$.

$\rho=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}=\sqrt{0^2+2^2+(-4)^2}=2 \sqrt{5}, \theta=\arctan \left (\frac{y}{x}\right )=\arctan \left ( \frac{2}{0}\right ) \Rightarrow \theta=\frac{\pi}{2}, \phi=\arccos \left (\frac{z}{\rho}\right )=\arccos \left (\frac{-4}{2\sqrt{5}}\right )=\arccos \left ( \frac{-2}{\sqrt{5}}\right )$

So, the spherical coordinates of the point are $\left (2 \sqrt{5}, \frac{\pi}{2}, \arccos \left ( \frac{-2}{\sqrt{5}}\right )\right )$.
Is the formulation correct?? (Wondering)

Could I improve something?? (Wondering)
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  • #2
mathmari said:
Hey! :eek:

We are given the following point in cylindrical coordinates. We have to write in orthogonal and spherical coordinates.
The point is $\left (2, \frac{\pi}{2}, -4\right )$.

First of all, do orthogonal coordinates mean cartesian coordinates?? (Wondering)

The cylindrical coordinates are of the form $(r, \theta , z)$, that are defined by $x=r \cos \theta , y=r \sin \theta , z=z$.

The orthogonal coordinates are of the form $(x, y, z)$.

$x=r \cos \theta=2 \cos \frac{\pi}{2}=0 , y=r \sin \theta =2 \sin \frac{\pi}{2}=2 , z=z=-4$

So, the orthogonal coordinates of the point are $(0, 2, -4)$.
The spherical coordinates are of the form $(\rho, \theta , \phi)$, where $\rho =\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}, \theta=\arctan \left (\frac{y}{x}\right ), \phi=\arccos \left (\frac{z}{\rho}\right )$.

$\rho=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}=\sqrt{0^2+2^2+(-4)^2}=2 \sqrt{5}, \theta=\arctan \left (\frac{y}{x}\right )=\arctan \left ( \frac{2}{0}\right ) \Rightarrow \theta=\frac{\pi}{2}, \phi=\arccos \left (\frac{z}{\rho}\right )=\arccos \left (\frac{-4}{2\sqrt{5}}\right )=\arccos \left ( \frac{-2}{\sqrt{5}}\right )$

So, the spherical coordinates of the point are $\left (2 \sqrt{5}, \frac{\pi}{2}, \arccos \left ( \frac{-2}{\sqrt{5}}\right )\right )$.
Is the formulation correct?? (Wondering)

Could I improve something?? (Wondering)


It's perfect. (Nod)

If anything, be careful with $\theta=\arctan \left (\frac{y}{x}\right )$, because it is not generally true.
Properly, it should be something like $\theta=\operatorname{atan2}(y, x)$.
That's because the range of $\arctan$ is limited to $(-\pi/2,\pi/2]$, while $\theta$ really has the full range.
  • #3
Nice! (Happy)

I applied the formula $\rho=\sqrt{z^2+r^2},\ \ \theta=\theta , \ \ \phi=\arctan \left (\frac{r}{z}\right )$ for the point in cylindrical coordinates $\left (1, -\frac{\pi}{6}, 0\right )$.

To calculate $\phi$ do we write it as followed?? $$\phi=\arctan \left (\frac{1}{0}\right )$$
Or is there an other way to write it?? (Wondering)

Do we say: "Since it $\frac{1}{0}$ is not defined and we know that $\tan $ is not defined at $\frac{\pi}{2}$, we conclude that $\phi=\frac{\pi}{2}$." ?? (Wondering)

Is the formulation correct?? Could I improve something?? (Wondering)
  • #4
mathmari said:
Nice! (Happy)

I applied the formula $\rho=\sqrt{z^2+r^2},\ \ \theta=\theta , \ \ \phi=\arctan \left (\frac{r}{z}\right )$ for the point in cylindrical coordinates $\left (1, -\frac{\pi}{6}, 0\right )$.

To calculate $\phi$ do we write it as followed?? $$\phi=\arctan \left (\frac{1}{0}\right )$$
Or is there an other way to write it?? (Wondering)

Do we say: "Since it $\frac{1}{0}$ is not defined and we know that $\tan $ is not defined at $\frac{\pi}{2}$, we conclude that $\phi=\frac{\pi}{2}$." ?? (Wondering)

Is the formulation correct?? Could I improve something?? (Wondering)

You should add that the range of $\phi$ in spherical coordinates is [$0,\pi$], which is why $\frac{\pi}{2}$ is the correct answer as opposed to $-\frac{\pi}{2}$. (Nerd)
  • #5
Ok... Thank you very much! (Smile)

Related to Converting Cylindrical Coordinates to Orthogonal and Spherical Coordinates?

What are coordinates of a point?

Coordinates of a point are a set of numbers used to locate a specific point on a plane or in space. They are typically written as (x,y) for two-dimensional coordinates, and (x,y,z) for three-dimensional coordinates.

How are coordinates of a point determined?

The coordinates of a point are determined by finding its distance from two or three perpendicular reference lines, known as axes. The horizontal axis is usually labeled as the x-axis, and the vertical axis is labeled as the y-axis. In three-dimensional coordinates, there is also a third axis, known as the z-axis, that is perpendicular to both the x and y axes.

What is the significance of the origin in coordinates of a point?

The origin is the point (0,0) on the coordinate plane or in space. It serves as the reference point from which all other points are measured. The x-coordinate of the origin is 0, and the y and z coordinates are also 0 in two and three-dimensional coordinates, respectively.

How do positive and negative coordinates work?

Positive coordinates are located to the right of the origin on the x-axis and above the origin on the y-axis. Negative coordinates are located to the left of the origin on the x-axis and below the origin on the y-axis. In three-dimensional coordinates, positive coordinates are located in front of the origin on the z-axis, and negative coordinates are located behind the origin.

What is the difference between Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates?

Cartesian coordinates, also known as rectangular coordinates, use the x and y axes to locate a point. Polar coordinates use distance and angle from the origin to locate a point. In polar coordinates, the distance from the origin is known as the radius, and the angle from the positive x-axis is known as the theta (θ) angle.

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