Conjugate Subgroups of a Finite Group

In summary: The goal is to show that if ##xA = yA##, then ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##. So assume ##xA = yA##. Thus ##x## and ##y## are in the same coset of ##A##. Therefore ##y^{-1}x \in A##. By definition of ##A##, this means that ##(y^{-1}x)H(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H##. Can you finish the proof from here?The goal is to show that if ##xA = yA##, then ##xHx^{-1} = yHy
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two subgroups of G, H and K are conjugate if an element a in G exists such that aHa^-1= {aha^-1|elements h in H}= K

Prove that if G is finite, then the number of subgroups conjugate to H equals |G|/|A|.

Homework Equations

A={elements a in G|aHa^-1=H}

The Attempt at a Solution

Stabilizer of H also known as NG(H) is {a: aHa^-1 = H}.
By Lagrange's Theorem, number of left cosets in H = |G|/|H|.
NG (H) is a normalizer and NG (H) = {elements g in G| gHg^-1 = H}.
A is normalizer and A= NG (H) because A={elements a in G|aHa^-1=H}.
Therefore, no. of subgroups conjugate to H, is |G|/|A|.

This argument is terribly weak and I have no idea how to formalize the proof. I want to just use the concept of subgroup/group properties not normalizers/stabilizers/centralizers because I clearly do not understand the latter well enough to do so.

I appreciate any help. Thank you.
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  • #2
Try defining a mapping from ##G/A## (the set of cosets of ##A##) to the set of conjugates of ##H##. The natural thing to try is to map the coset ##xA## to the conjugate ##xHx^{-1}##. Can you show that this is a well-defined mapping, i.e., if ##xA = yA## then ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##? Is the mapping a bijection?
  • #3
ψ: G/A -> H, where G/A = {elements x, y in A| xA=Ax and yA=Ay} and H = {elements x, y in H|xHx^-1 and yHy^-1 = H}
I do not think the mapping is defined correctly.
  • #4
Justabeginner said:
ψ: G/A -> H, where G/A = {elements x, y in A| xA=Ax and yA=Ay} and H = {elements x, y in H|xHx^-1 and yHy^-1 = H}
I do not think the mapping is defined correctly.
No, you've created new definitions for G/A and H, but they are already defined!

G/A is the set of (left) cosets of A. In other words, ##G/A = \{xA | x \in G\}##.

##H## is a subgroup of ##G## as given in the problem statement. Let's define ##X = \{xHx^{-1} | x \in G\}##, the set of conjugates of ##H##.

My suggestion is to define ##\psi : G/A \rightarrow X## by ##\psi(xA) = xHx^{-1}##.

If you can show that ##\psi## is a well-defined bijection, then we can conclude that the size of ##G/A## must be equal to the size of ##X##, which is the result you need.

So you need to show:
1. ##\psi## is well defined, i.e. if ##xA = yA## then ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##
2. ##\psi## is a bijection
  • #5
1. xA= yA if x^-1y is in H
A = x^-1y

Similarly, Ax^-1y= Ay^-1 if x^-1y is in H. Again, A= x^-1y.
Then, the mapping is defined.

2. (xA)^-1 = (yA)^-1
(xA) (xA)^-1 = (xA) ((yA)^-1) e = (xA) ((yA)^-1)
e(yA) = (xA)((yA)^-1)(yA)= yA = xA
So, (xA)^-1 = (yA)^-1 <---> yA = xA
The homomorphism is bijective.

Therefore, if xA has order n in G/A, then xHx^-1 in X also has order n.
Since G/A and X have the same order, and X is the set of conjugates on H, then |X| = |G|/|A|.

Is this accurate?
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  • #6
Justabeginner said:
1. xA= yA if x^-1y is in H
You mean ##x^{-1}y \in A##, not ##H##. Also, this is an "if and only if", which will be useful later.
A = x^-1y
No, this makes no sense. The left hand side is a set of elements (indeed, a subgroup of ##G##), whereas the right hand side is a single element.

Similarly, Ax^-1y= Ay^-1 if x^-1y is in H.
You mean "is in ##A##".
Again, A= x^-1y.
Again, this makes no sense.

The goal is to show that if ##xA = yA##, then ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##. So assume ##xA = yA##. Thus ##x## and ##y## are in the same coset of ##A##. Therefore ##y^{-1}x \in A##. By definition of ##A##, this means that ##(y^{-1}x)H(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H##. Can you finish the proof from here?

2. (xA)^-1 = (yA)^-1
(xA) (xA)^-1 = (xA) ((yA)^-1) e = (xA) ((yA)^-1)
e(yA) = (xA)((yA)^-1)(yA)= yA = xA
So, (xA)^-1 = (yA)^-1 <---> yA = xA
The homomorphism is bijective.
I have no idea what you're doing here. You need to show that ##\psi## is a bijection. (By the way, it won't be a homomorphism.) To show that ##\psi## is a bijection, you need to show that it is an injection and a surjection. Let's show that it is an injection. To do this, we need to show that if ##xHx^{-1}= yHy^{-1}## then ##xA = yA##. So suppose that ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##. Multiplying on the left by ##y^{-1}## and on the right by ##y##, we get ##y^{-1}xHx^{-1}y = H##. Can you finish the proof?
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  • #7
jbunniii said:
The goal is to show that if ##xA = yA##, then ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##. So assume ##xA = yA##. Thus ##x## and ##y## are in the same coset of ##A##. Therefore ##y^{-1}x \in A##. By definition of ##A##, this means that ##(y^{-1}x)H(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H##. Can you finish the proof from here?

If xy^-1Hyx^-1 = H, and y^-1Hy = H then x(y^-1Hy)x^-1 = xHx^-1. So, when xHx^-1 = H = H, the mapping of H (onto itself) is well defined.

jbunniii said:
I have no idea what you're doing here. You need to show that ##\psi## is a bijection. (By the way, it won't be a homomorphism.) To show that ##\psi## is a bijection, you need to show that it is an injection and a surjection. Let's show that it is an injection. To do this, we need to show that if ##xHx^{-1}= yHy^{-1}## then ##xA = yA##. So suppose that ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##. Multiplying on the left by ##y^{-1}## and on the right by ##y##, we get ##y^{-1}xHx^{-1}y = H##. Can you finish the proof?

If y^-1xHx^-1y = H, and H = xHx^-1 , then y^-1Hy = H and H = H?
  • #8
Justabeginner said:
If xy^-1Hyx^-1 = H, and y^-1Hy = H
No, you cannot assume that ##y^{-1}Hy = H##. It won't be true in general. If you go back to what I wrote above, I showed that if ##xA = yA##, then ##(y^{-1}x)H(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H##. The goal is to show that this implies that ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##. So you need to show how to go from
$$(y^{-1}x)H(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H$$
$$xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}$$
If y^-1xHx^-1y = H, and H = xHx^-1
Same problem here. You can't assume that ##H = xHx^{-1}##. It is not true in general. You need to show that if ##y^{-1}xHx^{-1}y = H##, then ##xA = yA##. I'll do another step for you. Given that ##y^{-1}xHx^{-1}y = H##, we can rewrite this slightly as
$$y^{-1}xH(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H$$
Therefore, ##y^{-1}x \in A##. (Why?)
  • #9
jbunniii said:
No, you cannot assume that ##y^{-1}Hy = H##. It won't be true in general. If you go back to what I wrote above, I showed that if ##xA = yA##, then ##(y^{-1}x)H(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H##. The goal is to show that this implies that ##xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}##. So you need to show how to go from
$$(y^{-1}x)H(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H$$
$$xHx^{-1} = yHy^{-1}$$

Then (y^-1x)H(x^-1y) = H and xHx^-1 = yHy^-1 by multiplication.

jbunniii said:
Same problem here. You can't assume that ##H = xHx^{-1}##. It is not true in general. You need to show that if ##y^{-1}xHx^{-1}y = H##, then ##xA = yA##. I'll do another step for you. Given that ##y^{-1}xHx^{-1}y = H##, we can rewrite this slightly as
$$y^{-1}xH(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H$$
Therefore, ##y^{-1}x \in A##. (Why?)

y^-1x is contained in A because if x and y are in the same coset of A, and xy^-1 is contained in A, then y^-1x should also be contained in A. (Is x ~ y an equivalence relation in A?)
  • #10
Justabeginner said:
Then (y^-1x)H(x^-1y) = H and xHx^-1 = yHy^-1 by multiplication.
Looks good.
y^-1x is contained in A because if x and y are in the same coset of A, and xy^-1 is contained in A, then y^-1x should also be contained in A. (Is x ~ y an equivalence relation in A?)
No, this is arguing circularly. You need to explain why
$$y^{-1}xH(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H$$
$$y^{-1}x \in A$$
What is the definition of ##A##?
  • #11
jbunniii said:
Looks good.

No, this is arguing circularly. You need to explain why
$$y^{-1}xH(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H$$
$$y^{-1}x \in A$$
What is the definition of ##A##?

A={elements a in G|aHa^-1=H}

I do not understand if we cannot use the assumption that xHx^-1 = H then how can we come to the conclusion that y^-1x is in A?
  • #12
Justabeginner said:
A={elements a in G|aHa^-1=H}

I do not understand if we cannot use the assumption that xHx^-1 = H then how can we come to the conclusion that y^-1x is in A?
Look again at ##y^{-1}xH(y^{-1}x)^{-1} = H##. If I define ##a = y^{-1}x##, then this equation becomes
$$aHa^{-1} = H$$
Therefore...? What can you say about ##a##?
  • #13
Then element a is contained in A (and H).
  • #14
Justabeginner said:
Then element a is contained in A
Yes. So what can you conclude?
(and H).
Not necessarily!
  • #15
jbunniii said:
Yes. So what can you conclude?

Oh I realize my mistake. H is a subgroup of A?

If a is an element in A, then y^-1x is also contained in A. Then xA = yA?
  • #16
Justabeginner said:
Oh I realize my mistake. H is a subgroup of A?
Yes, that's correct. The following relation holds: ##H \unlhd A \leq G## (in words, ##H## is a normal subgroup of ##A##, and ##A## is a subgroup of ##G##). Incidentally, ##A## is called the normalizer of ##H##, because it is the largest subgroup of ##G## in which ##H## is normal.
If a is an element in A, then y^-1x is also contained in A. Then xA = yA?
Right, ##a = y^{-1}x##, so ##y^{-1}x \in A##. Therefore, ##x \in yA##, in other words, ##x## and ##y## are in the same coset of ##A##, in other words, ##xA = yA##.
  • #17
jbunniii said:
Yes, that's correct. The following relation holds: ##H \unlhd A \leq G## (in words, ##H## is a normal subgroup of ##A##, and ##A## is a subgroup of ##G##). Incidentally, ##A## is called the normalizer of ##H##, because it is the largest subgroup of ##G## in which ##H## is normal.

Right, ##a = y^{-1}x##, so ##y^{-1}x \in A##. Therefore, ##x \in yA##, in other words, ##x## and ##y## are in the same coset of ##A##, in other words, ##xA = yA##.

And now because ψ is well defined and isomorphic, we determine that |G|/|A| = |X|.
  • #18
Justabeginner said:
And now because ψ is well defined and isomorphic, we determine that |G|/|A| = |X|.
Almost correct. In fact, ##\psi## is a bijection but it is not necessarily a homomorphism. (Indeed, ##G/A## is not even a group unless ##A## happens to be normal in ##G##.) But if you change one word, it's correct:

And now because ψ is well defined and bijective, we determine that |G|/|A| = |X|.

(Here we have used the fact that ##|G/A| = |G|/|A|## by Lagrange's theorem.)

By the way, you have shown that ##\psi## is an injection, but you haven't yet shown that is a surjection. Fortunately, that part is easy. Can you see why it's true?
  • #19
jbunniii said:
By the way, you have shown that ##\psi## is an injection, but you haven't yet shown that is a surjection. Fortunately, that part is easy. Can you see why it's true?

For every xA in G/A, there must be an xHx^-1 in X. This is explained by the mapping of Psi(xA) onto xHx^-1, therefore the mapping is surjective as well?
  • #20
Justabeginner said:
For every xA in G/A, there must be an xHx^-1 in X. This is explained by the mapping of Psi(xA) onto xHx^-1, therefore the mapping is surjective as well?
The goal is to show that ##\psi : G/A \rightarrow X## is a surjection. Therefore your proof should start with "for every ##xHx^{-1} \in X##, the element ____ of ##G/A## satisfies ##\psi(##___##) = xHx^{-1}##." (Fill in the blank.)
  • #21
So for every xHx^-1 in X, the element xA of G/A satisfies Psi(xA) = xHx^-1.
  • #22
Justabeginner said:
So for every xHx^-1 in X, the element xA of G/A satisfies Psi(xA) = xHx^-1.
Correct. That's all there is to it. Do you see why this means that ##\psi## is surjective?
  • #23
Yes, it is because from every xHx^-1, there is a xA mapped to it.
Just as for every t in T, there is an s in S such that t = f(s).
  • #24
Justabeginner said:
Yes, it is because from every xHx^-1, there is a xA mapped to it.
Just as for every t in T, there is an s in S such that t = f(s).
Yes, exactly!
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Related to Conjugate Subgroups of a Finite Group

1. What is a conjugate subgroup?

A conjugate subgroup of a finite group is a subgroup that is obtained by applying an element of the original group to each element of the subgroup. This results in a subgroup that is "conjugate" to the original subgroup.

2. How do you determine if two subgroups are conjugate?

Two subgroups are conjugate if there exists an element in the original group that, when applied to each element of one subgroup, results in the other subgroup.

3. What is the significance of conjugate subgroups?

Conjugate subgroups play an important role in group theory, as they allow for the classification and study of finite groups. Additionally, the conjugacy classes of a group are determined by its conjugate subgroups.

4. Can a subgroup be conjugate to itself?

Yes, a subgroup can be conjugate to itself. In fact, every subgroup is conjugate to itself via the identity element of the group.

5. How are conjugate subgroups related to normal subgroups?

A subgroup is a normal subgroup if and only if it is conjugate to itself. This means that normal subgroups are a special case of conjugate subgroups.

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