Complicated Integral Using the Substitution Method

In summary, it seems that the integral cannot be evaluated using a simple u substitution. Further simplification produces an equation in terms of cosine and tangent functions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Evaluate the following integral using a change of variables:

Homework Equations

If [tex]f(x)=g(u(x))u'(x)[/tex]
and [tex]\int g(x)dx = G(x) +C [/tex]
then [tex]\int f(x)dx = G(u(x))+C [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

It seems helpful to first simplify a little to obtain [tex]\int\frac{dx}{\sqrt{1-\sin^4(x)}} = \int\frac{dx}{cos(x)\sqrt{1+\sin^2(x)}}[/tex]
From this, further simplification produces, [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\int\frac{dx}{cos(x)\sqrt{1-\frac{1}{3}\cos(2x)}}[/tex] from which I cannot determine a useful change of variable.
On another attempt, using some substitutions (leaving my work out), I obtained [tex]\frac{1}{2}\int\frac{du}{(2-u)\sqrt{u-1}\sqrt{u}}[/tex]

Hopefully I have not made any errors in my calculations. I cannot find a useful substitution from any of these steps. Is there any trick or further simplification that can be made in order to make this easier to evaluate? Thanks for the help!
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  • #2
I don't think this is an elementary integral that can be done with a simple u substitution. Maple gives a rather complicated expression in terms of Elliptic functions.
  • #3
LCKurtz said:
I don't think this is an elementary integral that can be done with a simple u substitution. Maple gives a rather complicated expression in terms of Elliptic functions.

Maxima gives a reasonably simple answer in terms of elementary functions. Looking at the answer I can see how the substitution works but I don't see any direct way to guess it.
  • #4
What if you were to let u = sin^2 x, then du = 2 cos x sin x , giving you
## \int \frac{ du }{2\sqrt{ (1- u) ( u )( 1-u^2)}}=\int \frac{ du }{2\sqrt{ u^4-u^3-u^2+u }}##
This is a polynomial to the (-1/2) power, and can be evaluated by partial fractions.
Again, I second what LCKurtz said above, this does not give a pretty answer.
  • #5
Here's a hint to derive a pretty answer. Take a factor out of the square root so you get a cos^2(x) in the denominator. Why? If you rearrange what's left under the square root, you'll see.
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  • #6
If I am understanding correctly, you mean to write [tex]\int\frac{dx}{\sqrt{1-\sin^4(x)}} = \int\frac{dx}{\cos^2(x)\sqrt{1+2\tan^2(x)}}[/tex]
An obvious substitution for this would then be [tex]u=tan(x) \implies \int\frac{dx}{\cos^2(x)\sqrt{1+2\tan^2(x)}} = \int\frac{du}{\sqrt{1+2u^2}}[/tex]
This is much easier to work with. I think I can find a solution to this now. Thanks a lot for the hint, Dick! It really helped. A pretty answer is near, indeed.
  • #7
After a few more substitutions, a few algebra tricks, and a lot of simplification, I think I have gotten the answer. It required only change of variables.
[tex]\int\frac{dx}{\sqrt{1-\sin^4(x)}} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{4}\ln\Biggr\vert 4\tan^2(x)+2\tan(x)\sqrt{2+4\tan^2(x)}+1 \Biggr\vert + C [/tex]
I was pretty careful during the calculation, so I hope I have not made an error. Thanks again for the help!
  • #8
Maburo said:
After a few more substitutions, a few algebra tricks, and a lot of simplification, I think I have gotten the answer. It required only change of variables.
[tex]\int\frac{dx}{\sqrt{1-\sin^4(x)}} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{4}\ln\Biggr\vert 4\tan^2(x)+2\tan(x)\sqrt{2+4\tan^2(x)}+1 \Biggr\vert + C [/tex]
I was pretty careful during the calculation, so I hope I have not made an error. Thanks again for the help!

Probably right, I can't check it right now. It comes out even nicer using the arcsinh function if you know inverse hyperbolics. (arcsinh(x))'=1/sqrt(1+x^2).

EDIT: Trying to check it... I don't think that looks right.
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  • #9
Maple users may find it interesting that if you give it the problem in this form:
$$\int\frac{dx}{\cos^2(x)\sqrt{1+2\tan^2(x)}}$$it cranks out an indecipherable answer including elliptic functions whereas if you make the ##u = tan(x)## substitution and give it this form$$
\int\frac{du}{\sqrt{1+2u^2}}$$it cranks out the nice arcsinh form. I guess that shows that Dick is smarter than Maple.:oldsmile:

Related to Complicated Integral Using the Substitution Method

What is the Substitution Method for solving complicated integrals?

The Substitution Method is a technique used in calculus to simplify integrals by replacing the variable with a new one. This new variable is chosen in a way that it reduces the integral to a simpler form that can be easily solved.

How do you choose the appropriate substitution for a complicated integral?

The key to choosing the right substitution is to identify which part of the integrand (the expression inside the integral sign) can be replaced by the new variable. This is usually done by looking for patterns or expressions that can be simplified.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using the Substitution Method?

One common mistake is forgetting to change the limits of integration when substituting the variable. Another is not substituting the entire expression, including the differential, leading to incorrect results.

Can the Substitution Method be used for all types of integrals?

No, the Substitution Method is only applicable to integrals that can be solved using the chain rule. It cannot be used for integrals involving trigonometric functions, logarithms, or exponentials.

What are some tips for solving complicated integrals using the Substitution Method?

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when using the Substitution Method:

  • Choose the substitution carefully, making sure it simplifies the integral.
  • Always remember to substitute the limits of integration.
  • Check your final answer by differentiating it to see if it matches the original integrand.
  • If the integral is still too complicated, try using other integration techniques in combination with the Substitution Method.

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