Complete photonic view like the CMBR version

In summary: It's also worth noting that the universe might have ended in a big crunch 10-30 billion years ago, so the evidence for an infinitely expanding universe is not as strong as it once was.In summary, Olber's paradox still seems to suggest that the universe is finite, although there is some debate about whether or not space itself is infinite.
  • #1
Ignoring what we know. I was curious as to if anyone had overlayed all of the spectrum's of light on top of each other in a complete photonic view like the CMBR version, only with a much more varied scale, that being the entire light spectrum. And if so what did this produce? I only ask because I was thinking of Olber's shell model that he used in his paradox to decide whether or not the universe was infinite. And if this picture did or didn't produce an infinitely bright view, whether or not this would be sufficient evidence of the universe being infinite or not. Of course taking into account the flaws in his model, and also the time delay for photons of light to reach us since looking in particular at the CMBR, clearly large amounts of these photons are a lot older then those reaching us now.
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  • #2

I don't know the answer to your specific question, but I think it's generally agreed that the distribution of matter through space is finite, but whether space it's self is infinite is probably open for debate.
  • #3

How can you tell if the distribution of matter throughout space is finite since you can't tell if there is anything beyond the light horizon of our universe, say another preexisting universe that isn't running parallel?
  • #4

The observable universe is finite (about 90Bn lyr across) with a finite amount of matter in it.
whats beyond the obsevable universe doesn't matter
  • #5

Well yea, but how do you know that the universe expands with the event horizon and doesn't go beyond it? And therefore there is something, anything, beyond that horizon that is undetectable to us? Saying "what's beyond it doesn't matter" isn't exactly helpful if say it can enter back across to our side of the horizon?
  • #6

Simon Malzard said:
I only ask because I was thinking of Olber's shell model that he used in his paradox to decide whether or not the universe was infinite. And if this picture did or didn't produce an infinitely bright view, whether or not this would be sufficient evidence of the universe being infinite or not.
Olber's paradox implicitly assumes a steady-state universe of uniform density that is not expanding. That the sky is not the temperature of a star is necessary but not sufficient evidence of the Big Bang theory. While the dark sky we see at night is one piece of confirming evidence of the finite age of the universe, it is not conclusive evidence. For example, an infinite universe of infinite age could also have a dark night sky if that infinitely sized/infinitely old universe was expanding or if that universe was not of a uniform density.
  • #7

Ahh ok that makes much more sense. Thanks D H
  • #8

Olber's paradox remains a powerful argument the universe is observationally finite. It tells us nothing about any unobservable parts - which is pretty unsurprising.

Related to Complete photonic view like the CMBR version

1. What is the "CMBR version" of a complete photonic view?

The "CMBR version" refers to the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, which is a remnant of thermal radiation from the early universe. It is considered the oldest light in the universe and provides a complete photonic view of the universe.

2. How is the complete photonic view obtained from the CMBR version?

The complete photonic view is obtained through the use of specialized telescopes and instruments that can detect and map the CMBR. These instruments allow us to see the entire universe, including its structure and evolution, in the form of photons.

3. What information can we learn from the complete photonic view?

The complete photonic view allows us to study the early universe and its expansion, the distribution of matter and energy, and the formation of structures such as galaxies and clusters. It also provides evidence for the Big Bang theory and can help us understand the origins of the universe.

4. Are there any limitations to the complete photonic view like the CMBR version?

While the CMBR provides a complete photonic view of the universe, there are some limitations. For example, the CMBR only gives us a snapshot of the universe at a specific time, and it may not capture all the details of the universe's evolution. Additionally, some areas of the universe may be difficult to observe due to interference from other sources of light.

5. How does the complete photonic view like the CMBR version support scientific research?

The complete photonic view, including the CMBR version, is a valuable tool for scientific research. It provides evidence for theories about the origins and evolution of the universe and can help us understand the fundamental laws of physics. It also allows us to study the large-scale structure of the universe and can provide insights into the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

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