Can the digits of Pi be used to predict the future?

  • Thread starter yourdadonapogostick
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    Code Pi
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the pi code, which is similar to the well-known Bible code. The pi code involves converting the higher digits of pi from base 10 to base 26 and then assigning letters of the English alphabet to each digit. This creates an infinite string of letters that can be interpreted to predict the future. While some are skeptical of this concept, others find it intriguing and compare it to the idea of an infinite number of typing monkeys eventually producing a meaningful text. The conversation also mentions other works, such as Jorge Luis Borges' Library of Babel and Daniel Dennet's Darwin's Dangerous Idea, that explore similar concepts.
  • #1
almost everyone has heard of the Bible code. what about the pi code?
[PLAIN said:]Following[/PLAIN] the lead of prominent logologician Mike Keith of Salem, Ore., O'Leary converted the higher decimal digits of pi from base 10 to base 26. He then identified the 26 different base-26 digits with letters of the English alphabet: 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C,. . ., 25 = Z.

Here are the first 100 digits of pi expressed in this way:


In effect, "pi in base 26 emulates the mythical army of typing monkeys spewing out random letters," Keith says. "This implies that any text, no matter how long, should eventually appear in the base-26 digits of pi...

O'Leary discovered that the higher digits of pi are a rich repository of vital information. Interpreted in the right way, cryptic sentences, phrases, and words can be strung together and used to predict the future."

predicting the future with the Pi code!

infinite digits means all possible combinations, right?

if you get bored one day, you can predict the future.
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  • #2
great find
How did you find that link?
  • #3
wow I found one..well I should say my typeing monkey did
the first letter D
24th letter U
49th letter M
35th letter B
  • #4
ok I half to say I'm sorry, my young employee is NOT, i repeat NOT a monkey.
  • #5
You may be interested in Jorge Luis Borges' Library of Babel. Daniel Dennet takes the idea elsewhere in Darwin's Dangerous Idea. I always found it interesting.
  • #6
He then identified the 26 different base-26 digits with letters of the English alphabet: 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C,. . ., 25 = Z.

Here are the first 100 digits of pi expressed in this way:


Shouldn't it start out...


If D=3, B=1, E=4, F=5, etc? Or did I approach it incorrectly? It obviously isn't 3.3...
  • #7
Have you converted the decimal expansion to one in base 26 ?
  • #8
Gokul43201 said:
Have you converted the decimal expansion to one in base 26 ?

Ah, that's where they got it.. I somehow skipped the "Here are the first 100 digits of pi expressed in this way" when I first read through it *smacks head*


edit: Base 26 or no, still just letters to me.

Related to Can the digits of Pi be used to predict the future?

What is Pi and why is it important?

Pi (π) is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is important in mathematics and physics because it appears in many formulas and equations and is used to calculate various measurements in geometry and trigonometry.

What is a code and how can it be found in Pi?

A code is a system of symbols or letters used to represent information. In the case of Pi, some people believe that there is a hidden code or pattern within its digits. However, there is no conclusive evidence to support this claim and most mathematicians and scientists consider it to be a random and infinite number.

How many digits of Pi have been calculated and is there an end to it?

As of 2021, over 31 trillion digits of Pi have been calculated. However, it is an irrational number, meaning it has an infinite number of digits and there is no end to it. Even with advanced computing technology, it is impossible to calculate all the digits of Pi.

Why do some people believe there is a code in Pi?

Some people believe that Pi contains a code or pattern because humans naturally seek patterns and meaning in things. Additionally, the digits of Pi do appear to be random, but this randomness can sometimes create patterns that can be interpreted as a code by some individuals.

What is the significance of finding a code in Pi?

If a code were to be found in Pi, it could potentially have implications in various fields such as mathematics, computer science, and cryptography. It could also potentially change our understanding of the universe and provide new insights into the nature of reality. However, as of now, there is no evidence to support the existence of a code in Pi.
