Boundaries of Time in The Evolution of The Universe

In summary, the Hawking-Hartle state is an initial state of the very early universe. If the universe expands forever, its entropy will also increase forever, as there is no maximum possible number of degrees of freedom. The idea of a "maximum entropy" assumes a maximum number of degrees of freedom, but in an expanding universe, the number of degrees of freedom can increase without bound. Some theories suggest that a contracting de Sitter phase in the remote past could explain a low entropy beginning of expansion. However, the idea of a contracting universe raises questions about the cosmological principle and homogeneity.
  • #1
Given The Hawking-Hartle state is an initial state of the very early universe

If the universe very far in the future asymptotically approaches 0K, what is the name of this final state of Maximum Entropy

Does time stop at Maximum Entropy final state of the universe

Given the assumption that the Arrow of Time is a function of Entropy
Space news on
  • #2
Quantizer said:
Does time stop at Maximum Entropy final state of the universe

No, because there is no such "final state". More precisely, if the universe will expand forever, then its entropy will also increase forever; it will never reach a maximum because there is no maximum, i.e., there is no upper bound to how large it can get.
  • #3
Our U apparently began expansion with very low entropy. Peter, how might that have happened (if it did) from prior high entropy conditions such as you imagine? Any thoughts on this recent paper?
Our Universe from the cosmological constant
Aurelien Barrau, Linda Linsefors
(Submitted on 14 Jun 2014)
In this article, we consider a bouncing Universe, as described for example by Loop Quantum Cosmology. If the current acceleration is due to a true cosmological constant, this constant is naturally conserved through the bounce and the Universe should also be in a (contracting) de Sitter phase in the remote past. We investigate here the possibility that the de Sitter temperature in the contracting branch fills the Universe with radiation and causes the bounce and the subsequent inflation and reheating. We also consider the possibility that this gives rise to a cyclic model of the Universe and suggest some possible tests.
5 pages

My comment: The standard LambdaCDM cosmic model assumes a positive cosmological constant Lambda. What Barrau Linsefors say is if that is true (which it seems likely to be) then putting that with other conventional assumptions together with the LQC cosmological bounce (quantum corrections akin to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle make gravity repel at extreme density and cause a rebound instead a singularity), you get that a low entropy beginning of expansion is NOT improbable.
On the contrary one eventually must occur---is in fact inevitable---somewhere.
  • #4
marcus said:
Our U apparently began expansion with very low entropy. Peter, how might that have happened (if it did) from prior high entropy conditions such as you imagine?

I wasn't imagining that our universe came from a prior high entropy condition. (Neither was the OP, as far as I can tell.) I'll have to read through the paper you link to, but just from the excerpts you post, one obvious question I have is how the contracting de Sitter phase came into existence. I don't see any obvious way for our current expanding de Sitter phase to turn into a contracting de Sitter phase.
  • #5
This may not be the proper place to bring this up, but, how do you get a contracting universe without violating the cosmological principle?
  • #6
Chronos said:
This may not be the proper place to bring this up, but, how do you get a contracting universe without violating the cosmological principle?

Astute question! You should write immediately to Linda Linsefors and ask her.
I decided that they just go ahead and let the universe violate homogeneity when it gets a huge tract of empty space which is effectively deSitter. Makes sense to me.

But why not ask? Linda is a postdoc, how much correspondence does she get? What would be the harm? If she answers please let me know what she says. AFAICS homogeneity is a vague scale-dependent idea to be used in constructing approximate models *as long as it is pragmatically useful*. It is supported by no physical law. The U is obviously not homog at all scales and when you have unlimited expansion leading to widely scattered matter among vast tracts of void then you are on track to automatically violate homog at very large scale.
New concept: the Lambda-dominated era. :^)
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
No, because there is no such "final state". More precisely, if the universe will expand forever, then its entropy will also increase forever; it will never reach a maximum because there is no maximum, i.e., there is no upper bound to how large it can get.
However, beyond the Black Hole era, post Hawking Radiation, there should be near nothing to decay, and there is nothing but near emptiness, how can Entropy increase unbounded, if there is nothing to propagate further disorder, surely Entropy must reach a maximum, and does this happen as the temperature asymptotically approaches 0K
  • #8
PeterDonis said:
No, because there is no such "final state". More precisely, if the universe will expand forever, then its entropy will also increase forever; it will never reach a maximum because there is no maximum, i.e., there is no upper bound to how large it can get.

Why would the entropy increase in an adiabatic expanding universe? I think the only time in our universe the entropy increased was during the inflation...
  • #9
Entropy is increasing due to 2nd Law of Thermodynamics towards Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Maximum Entropy ...
  • #10
thanks- i was wrong
  • #11
Quantizer said:
beyond the Black Hole era, post Hawking Radiation, there should be near nothing to decay, and there is nothing but near emptiness, how can Entropy increase unbounded

Because the universe is still expanding, and that expansion adds gravitational degrees of freedom. If the universe expands forever, it continues to add degrees of freedom forever. The whole idea of a "maximum entropy" implicitly assumes that there is a maximum possible number of degrees of freedom; if the number of degrees of freedom can increase without bound, so can entropy.
  • #12
marcus said:
I decided that they just go ahead and let the universe violate homogeneity when it gets a huge tract of empty space which is effectively deSitter.

As I read the paper you linked to, it looks to me like the argument is based on the fact that whether you view de Sitter spacetime as "expanding" or "contracting" depends on how you slice the spacetime into space and time. One and the same de Sitter spacetime can have a slicing that is "expanding" *and* a slicing that is "contracting". Which slicing is "natural" for a given region of the spacetime depends on what the matter and energy in that region are doing.

In our region of spacetime, the matter and energy are expanding, so the expanding slicing is natural; but before what we call the Big Bang, the matter and energy were contracting, so the contracting slicing was natural. They then invoke the "bounce" idea from Loop Quantum Gravity to explain how the matter and energy changed their state of motion once they got compressed enough.

As far as homogeneity goes, I think this model *needs* it in order to make sense, because the whole idea of using different slicings on de Sitter spacetime requires the spacetime to be maximally symmetric, which de Sitter spacetime is. Any violation of homogeneity makes it less symmetric, and correspondingly makes the idea of "switching slicings on the fly" less viable. At least, that's how it looks to me.
  • #13
PeterDonis said:
Because the universe is still expanding, and that expansion adds gravitational degrees of freedom. If the universe expands forever, it continues to add degrees of freedom forever. The whole idea of a "maximum entropy" implicitly assumes that there is a maximum possible number of degrees of freedom; if the number of degrees of freedom can increase without bound, so can entropy.
Good answer, can there exist conditions, a specific scenario whereby dark energy or equivalent repulsive forces causing expansion to become zero in the very far future post Hawking Radiation Era, such that there is no increase in degrees of freedom in any variable, only then can we achieve Maximum Entropy.

Furthermore are quantum processes still possible due to uncertainty principle, when there is such a state of Maximum Entropy, to seed a future Big Bang to appear out of nothing at Maximum entropy
  • #14
Quantizer said:
can there exist conditions, a specific scenario whereby dark energy or equivalent repulsive forces causing expansion to become zero in the very far future post Hawking Radiation Era, such that there is no increase in degrees of freedom in any variable

Not due to dark energy or any "equivalent repulsive forces", no. Those can only produce an expansion that accelerates forever.
  • #15
PeterDonis said:
Not due to dark energy or any "equivalent repulsive forces", no. Those can only produce an expansion that accelerates forever.
The reason why I ask is in relation to recent posts on this thread ...
What physical processes can cause a DeSitter Contraction to kick in an already expanding DeSitter Phase very far in the future of the Universe, thanks
  • #16
Quantizer said:
What physical processes can cause a DeSitter Contraction to kick in an already expanding DeSitter Phase very far in the future of the Universe, thanks

I'm not sure how the paper marcus linked to answers that question; they only seem to talk about the "bounce" part (contraction to expansion).

In a "pure" de Sitter spacetime, as I said in a previous post, "contraction" vs. "expansion" is just a choice of coordinate chart; nothing physical actually has to change. But of course, in a "pure" de Sitter spacetime, there is no ordinary matter or energy; the spacetime is vacuum other than the cosmological constant. So for a particular region to "switch" from expansion to contraction in the actual universe, where ordinary matter and energy are present, yes, something physical should have to change, and I don't see anything in the paper that really addresses that.

Related to Boundaries of Time in The Evolution of The Universe

What is the concept of "time" in the evolution of the universe?

Time is a fundamental aspect of the universe, which is the measurement of the duration of events and the intervals between them. It is an important factor in the study of the evolution of the universe, as it allows us to understand how the universe has changed and evolved over billions of years.

How do scientists determine the boundaries of time in the evolution of the universe?

Scientists use a variety of methods to determine the boundaries of time in the evolution of the universe. This includes studying the cosmic microwave background radiation, the expansion rate of the universe, and the age of the oldest known objects in the universe, such as stars and galaxies.

What are the current theories about the beginning of time in the evolution of the universe?

The current theories about the beginning of time in the evolution of the universe include the Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since. Another theory is the multiverse theory, which proposes that the universe is just one of many parallel universes.

Can the boundaries of time in the evolution of the universe be accurately measured?

While scientists have made significant progress in understanding the boundaries of time in the evolution of the universe, it is still a topic of ongoing research and debate. As our technology and understanding of the universe advances, we may be able to more accurately measure and define the boundaries of time in the future.

How do the boundaries of time in the evolution of the universe impact our understanding of the universe?

The boundaries of time in the evolution of the universe are crucial to our understanding of the universe and its origins. By studying these boundaries, scientists can gather information about the age of the universe, the rate of its expansion, and the processes that have shaped it over time.

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