Born Alive Infant Protection Act

In summary: The article lists the following possible problems that may occur to a premature baby if he or she survives: cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, seizures, lasting neurologic problems or developmental delays, retinal problems, and not performing well in school.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Gold Member
In 2002, President Bush signed into law that requires abortion doctors to attempt to save babies born alive during an abortion. Reading my local news today, this act will be enforced much greater since our government is choosing to take on more morality issues. The beauty of this law (IMO) is that it does not interfere with a woman's right to choose, yet attempts to satisfy those who are pro-life. It also gives the fetus born alive status of being a person.

But the biggest problem I see is, most fetuses that are aborted are less then 16 weeks-impossible for them to live on their own for any length of time because the womb provides it with everything it needs to grow healthy. So if these fetuses survive being out of the womb for the 5-6 months they need, what development issues will they have? Who will pay for their expensive hospital care? If the mother is willing to abort the child, yet it lives, does she sign a waiver of parental responsibility? Who will take care of these children with potential health and developmental disabilities?

While I see this act has good intentions, are we creating another issue at hand?
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  • #2
IMHO, the intention of this bill is to dodge the issue of abortion rather than decisivly adress it. The chances of a 16-week old fetus surviving outside the womb, even with the grace of modern medical technologies, are very small.

It also gives the fetus born alive status of being a person.

As far as I know that was the case even before this bill.
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  • #3
Berislav said:
IMHO, the intention of this bill is to dodge the issue of abortion rather than decisivly adress it. The chances of a 16-week old fetus surviving outside the womb, even with the grace of modern medical technologies, are very small.

not sure if dodging the issue is what the intent of the bill is, but rather an alternative approach to the whole pro-life stand. the reason for the legality of abortion has more to do with practical reasons above moral reasons, thus the focus of the morality is shifted off the woman seeking an abortion and placed upon something that is most likely to fail-the fetus not surviving life outside the womb.

so if this law becomes more enforced, and many fetuses die (because we know it is inevitable), will the pro-lifers then move to the next step of accusing the women of attempted murder because the fetus did not survive outside the womb and she has a direct contribution to its death?
  • #4
That the fetus is so unlikely to survive should cast new light on when a fetus is considered a fully-formed life form (that can survive separately on it's own, i.e., not upon conception) rather than just potential life (but still dependent on another, existing life form to become life). In any event, potential life should not be given priority over undebatable existing life.
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  • #5
After 23 weeks a fetus reaches viability. Most states prohibit abortion after this period. Here is a list of state regulations on abortion.
Unfortunately, many of the premature babies that survive will face serious lifelong problems.
If your baby is premature, how well he or she will thrive depends largely on the baby's gestational age at birth. Risks are greatest for the babies born most prematurely — those born between 23 and 26 weeks gestation.

About a third of these smallest survivors, who weigh less than 2 pounds at birth, will have serious medical problems such as cerebral palsy, fluid accumulation in the brain (hydrocephalus), seizures, lasting neurologic problems or developmental delays. Another third will have some less-serious chronic problems, such as mild cerebral palsy, the need to wear glasses and have ongoing eye care, or more mild developmental delays.

Other babies born at 23 to 25 weeks do very well at first and may show no signs of problems when they go home from the hospital. But as childhood progresses, many of these children display some difficulties related to their premature birth. In particular, they may not perform as well in school as other children their age.

Very premature babies are also at risk of other conditions:

Bleeding in the brain (intracranial hemorrhage). If this occurs, it's usually in the first week to 10 days of life. The more severe the bleeding, the greater the likelihood that the child will develop serious problems, including developmental delays, seizures, learning disabilities and fluid accumulation in the brain.
Retinal problems. Another complication seen in the youngest and most vulnerable premature babies is retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), an abnormal growth of blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive inner lining of the eye. ROP probably occurs because the vascular system in the baby's eye hasn't fully developed. Many cases of ROP disappear on their own, but sometimes the condition leads to scarring. The most serious cases may be treated with cryotherapy, a procedure in which an extremely cold instrument is used to help prevent the baby's retina from becoming detached. Sometimes lasers are used in a similar manner to treat ROP.
Intestinal problems. Some preemies are also at risk of a potentially severe intestinal problem known as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). In the most serious cases, this condition can be life-threatening. Infants who have milder cases of NEC need to be fed intravenously and given antibiotics for 1 or 2 weeks.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Premature babies are at increased risk of SIDS, a mysterious condition that claims the lives of about 2,500 infants each year.
But not all preemies have medical or developmental problems. By 28 to 30 weeks, the risk of these complications is much lower. And for babies born between 32 and 35 weeks, most medical problems are short-term and may even have resolved by the time the baby comes home from the hospital.
It is very doubtful that a baby that survives the abortion procedure will live for any length of time, and if they do they face severe medical difficulties and have no parents to care for them. Requiring doctors to attempt to save the lives of abortion survivors seems unfair to the babies. Few, if any, will have the chance to lead a productive life. Most of them will suffer longer before they die naturally. The conscience of the doctor that performed the operation is spared at the expense of the suffering of the infant.

(edit) What emotional consequences would the mother feel knowing that she went in for an abortion and the baby is still alive? Wouldn't it be better to carry the baby full term and give it up for adoption? At least then the baby would be healthy.
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  • #6
Well here in California, the government will take responsibility for babies left at a hospital when they are at the most, 3 days old (obviously not a inforced time limit). This is for a woman who had a kid and decided that it isn't the best use of their money :-/. So i suppose its not a big problem since the government does this in a way anyhow. But this is California... we make the federal governments deficit look like nothing :D
  • #7
Huckleberry said:
(edit) What emotional consequences would the mother feel knowing that she went in for an abortion and the baby is still alive? Wouldn't it be better to carry the baby full term and give it up for adoption? At least then the baby would be healthy.

adoption isn't always an easy option for a mother who wishes to conceal she had ever been pregnant. also, she may not have health insurance to pay for pre-natal care, but not qualify for state help. sure logically it would be better for the baby for her to carry it full term, but that's not the reality of what women will do. when she is choosing abortion, she is putting her needs before the baby's-so why would she be so concerned about the baby once she leaves the clinic?

i am not so sure this law is in the best interest of these babies who
might be kept alive, and if so, they will endure some huge medical struggles. but i suppose of those who are in support of this law care so much for life, then they can bear the financial responsibilities for their care.

any thoughts to the responsibility of the mother who chose to abort, yet her baby lives?
  • #8
Kerrie said:
any thoughts to the responsibility of the mother who chose to abort, yet her baby lives?
I think a woman that goes in for an abortion has the expectation that the fetus will not survive. This is not an easy decision to make. She has decided that it is in her best interest physically and/or emotionally to not carry the baby full term. If the baby survives, and is given rights to protect its life, this defeats the purpose of the woman's decision. Now she must bear the guilt that she wished to avoid. She is a mother that does not know her child. To make matters worse, the child she did not want to be in the world, if it survives, will most likely have lifelong medical problems that are a direct result of her decision. The law leaves her vulnerable to her guilt.

I imagine having an abortion would be a difficult decision for any woman. I had the good fortune to read some poetry from one woman who had an abortion. The theme dominated her work. It underlied everything. She was wracked by guilt, but still managed to carry on with her life with a certain amount of hope and cheerfulness. How low would her self-esteem be if the baby lived and had cerebral palsy? This is just one case, but it seems pretty typical to me.

I think this law may be motivated to reduce the number of abortions. When women make their decision to have an abortion or give the baby up for adoption they will consider what would happen if the baby survives the abortion. More women may choose to carry the baby.

Related to Born Alive Infant Protection Act

1. What is the Born Alive Infant Protection Act?

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act is a federal law that was enacted in 2002. Its purpose is to protect infants who are born alive after a failed abortion procedure. The law requires that any infant who is born alive, regardless of the circumstances of their birth, be afforded the same legal protections and medical care as any other infant.

2. Who does the Born Alive Infant Protection Act apply to?

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act applies to all infants who are born alive, regardless of the circumstances of their birth. This includes infants who are born during an attempted abortion procedure, as well as infants who are born prematurely or with medical conditions. The law also applies to healthcare providers who are responsible for the care of these infants.

3. What are the penalties for violating the Born Alive Infant Protection Act?

The penalties for violating the Born Alive Infant Protection Act can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the violation. Healthcare providers who intentionally fail to provide medical care to a born alive infant can face fines and imprisonment, and may also face loss of their medical license. The law also allows for civil lawsuits to be brought against healthcare providers who violate the law.

4. How does the Born Alive Infant Protection Act impact abortion procedures?

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act does not directly impact abortion procedures. It only applies to infants who are born alive after a failed abortion. However, the law does require that healthcare providers who perform abortions provide appropriate medical care to any infant who is born alive during the procedure.

5. Is the Born Alive Infant Protection Act still in effect?

Yes, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act is still in effect. It has not been repealed or overturned by any court rulings. It is still a federal law that applies to all infants who are born alive in the United States.

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