Are Our Emotions Merely Code in an Elaborate Program?

  • Thread starter Preator Fenix
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the "ghost in the shell," which refers to the idea that humans are somehow separate from nature and have a unique inner self. However, the participants argue that this is not the case and that humans are just another part of nature. They also discuss the paradox of being human and the role of logic in understanding ourselves and the world around us. One participant even shares their experience studying brainwaves and seeing the power of the human mind.
  • #1
Preator Fenix
[SOLVED] ghost in the shell

And I stand back and wonder what could possibly be so hard in accpecting that all we hold around us is natureal in origin? That all our emotions are just really well written code in a very effective program?What is it with this prepetual human instinct to separate himself from the world around him, his obsession with classification and differenzation? (for I am sure nature does no such thing)




ahhh i got it.

If there is an outside then that implies that there is an inside, which then implies that my 'inside is unique' becasue i can't see the insides of others only myself, which then implies that my inside is me separate from my enviroment, of which i sense thorugh sense in a body which is part of the envirment, which implies that if i let the body fail, i'll lose contact with the 'outside', so i must keep the body working to keep my "me" working, so this body isn't just a body, its my "me's" body, i must take care of my body, i must do things that make my body happy (food, love, sex, social satues) by which my body will avoid danger, which implies that emotions are not just silly electronic reactions but important makers of life, which implies that the social and moral rules which govern emotions arent "made up and phoney" but serve a fundamental truths to life. IN which case for me to think all this makes a lot of sense of what otherwise would be utter chaos.


ahhh the dangers of the ghost in the shell mentality.
have to admit, nature is one darn good philosopher to have come up with that one to feed to us. It takes a REAL measure of creativty.
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  • #2
Originally posted by Preator Fenix
And I stand back and wonder what could possibly be so hard in accpecting that all we hold around us is natureal in origin? That all our emotions are just really well written code in a very effective program?What is it with this prepetual human instinct to separate himself from the world around him, his obsession with classification and differenzation? (for I am sure nature does no such thing)

well, it seems as though you've pretty much answered your own ponderings, but i would argue this: why must you classify us as outside nature. we are most definatly a spawn of it's natural proceses and therefore anything that we do ('classifying and differnzation") nature also does becuase we are it!.
  • #3
I agree that we are indeed only part of nature. I was trying to highlight the phsycological need of humans to calssifiy everything to there own benefit when nature in reality is not black and white about anything.
  • #4
Preator Fenix,
You make a very good point. However, there is one little point, I'd like to bring up: In judging human behavior, aren't you putting yourself as something separate from humanity (as capable of knowing about it). Don't get me wrong, all humans have the capacity to judge human behavior - my point is that in judging the seperatist nature of humans, you separate yourself. Just something to think about.
  • #5
ahhh... behold the eternal parradox that to be human is. I see it as that my thinking processe have been trained to not nessacrily adhere to what my human sense would otherwise lead me to beleive. I could even say I have the gentic dredespositoin to think in such an anti-pratcical way. What I say is precisly that I don't say it; I can't ever be outside humanity for I am human. But logic is very comfortable outside the presance of man. So I can comment on the logic, I just can't BE the logic.
  • #6
hhmmm i just now realized that it was Mentat how made that reply...I must admit you are a sentinal. Every wary and aware. In my last post in that post I conceded to your point that thinking can be indepandant and individual. A certain specific individual entity can have its own indepandant thought. Still, I do not see why that would imply personality. Even in my last post here, for me to come to a better understanding of humanity, I had to escape my own personality (human sense) to arrive at truth. In fact my very persoanlity is in direct opposition with observed truths, namely that "i" as a person am somehow completely seprated from my enviorment which is quite franckly is not the case.(though as thinking, thinking is indepandant of enviorment so that "I" is the one I use.)

(by the way, it might interset you to know that I work as a Polysonomagraphic Technologist. I study peoples brainwaves will they make the transition from wake to sleep. I've seen some really wacky things. The human mind is amazing in its capacity to generate reality!)
  • #7
Originally posted by Preator Fenix
ahhh... behold the eternal parradox that to be human is. I see it as that my thinking processe have been trained to not nessacrily adhere to what my human sense would otherwise lead me to beleive. I could even say I have the gentic dredespositoin to think in such an anti-pratcical way. What I say is precisly that I don't say it; I can't ever be outside humanity for I am human. But logic is very comfortable outside the presance of man. So I can comment on the logic, I just can't BE the logic.

No, you can be logical.
  • #8
Originally posted by Preator Fenix
hhmmm i just now realized that it was Mentat how made that reply...I must admit you are a sentinal. Every wary and aware. In my last post in that post I conceded to your point that thinking can be indepandant and individual. A certain specific individual entity can have its own indepandant thought. Still, I do not see why that would imply personality. Even in my last post here, for me to come to a better understanding of humanity, I had to escape my own personality (human sense) to arrive at truth.

Oh no you didn't, and that's the point. It is human for you to question humanity.

(by the way, it might interset you to know that I work as a Polysonomagraphic Technologist. I study peoples brainwaves will they make the transition from wake to sleep. I've seen some really wacky things. The human mind is amazing in its capacity to generate reality!)

  • #9
Hey guys, where is that quote from? GIS movie or manga?


Related to Are Our Emotions Merely Code in an Elaborate Program?

1. What is "Ghost in the shell" about?

"Ghost in the shell" is a Japanese cyberpunk science fiction media franchise that revolves around the concept of a post-human world where technology has advanced to the point where humans can enhance their bodies with cybernetic parts and connect their consciousness to a network. The story follows a special ops team called Section 9 as they investigate cyber crimes and threats to society.

2. How many adaptations of "Ghost in the shell" are there?

There have been multiple adaptations of "Ghost in the shell" including manga, anime films, video games, and live-action films. The original manga was written and illustrated by Masamune Shirow and was published in 1989. It has since been adapted into various media, with the most well-known being the 1995 anime film and the 2017 live-action film starring Scarlett Johansson.

3. Is "Ghost in the shell" considered cyberpunk?

Yes, "Ghost in the shell" is considered a cyberpunk franchise due to its focus on advanced technology and its impact on society. The world of "Ghost in the shell" is a dystopian future where humans have become heavily reliant on technology and can even merge their consciousness with it. The themes of individuality, identity, and the blurred lines between human and machine also align with the cyberpunk genre.

4. Who is the main character in "Ghost in the shell"?

The main character in "Ghost in the shell" is Major Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg and the leader of Section 9. She is a skilled hacker and fighter, and her journey throughout the series explores the blurred lines between human and machine as well as her own identity. Other prominent characters in the franchise include Batou, Togusa, and Chief Aramaki.

5. Does "Ghost in the shell" have any underlying themes?

Yes, "Ghost in the shell" explores various themes such as the impact of technology on society, the concept of identity and self, and the idea of what it means to be human. The franchise also delves into political and philosophical themes such as government corruption, the role of artificial intelligence, and the consequences of a heavily connected world.

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