Axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance

In summary, Jackiw's article on axial anomaly in scholarpedia discusses the effects of adding a Chern-Simons term to a four dimensional Lagrangian, leading to a Lorentz non-invariant theory. This can also break CPT symmetry. In 2+1 dimensions, the Chern-Simons term preserves Lorentz invariance. Anomalies can also occur in U(1) symmetries. The axial anomaly in nonabelian gauge theories comes from a broken U(1) symmetry and leads to a chiral/axial anomaly. The potential A and field strength F can be either electromagnetic or gluon fields, and the volume integral over the divergence of the axial current is non-vanishing when
  • #1
Science Advisor
I had a look at Jackiws article on axial anomaly in scholarpedia:
Apparently, axial anomaly also breaks Lorentz invariance. Even if this effect would be very weak, doesn't this pull the plug on relativity?
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  • #2
Jackiw is not claiming that the axial anomaly breaks Lorentz invariance by itself. Instead, he is saying that the Chern-Simons term (closely associated to the axial anomaly), when added to a four dimensional Lagragian in the form [itex] \epsilon^{abcd} n_a A_b \partial_c A_d [/itex] with [itex] n_a [/itex] a fixed vector of your choice, leads to a Lorentz non-invariant theory. Basically you have to pick the vector n. This theory also breaks CPT if memory serves.

A much more natural place to add the Chern-Simons term is in 2+1 dimensions where it preserves Lorentz invariance and is topological.
  • #3
Ok, I understand.
Another question: Is it necessary to have a non-abelian gauge field to obtain an anomaly? I mean in general and not necessarily the axial anomaly. Would a U(1) not do?
  • #4
U(1) symmetries can indeed be anomalous.
  • #5
DrDu said:
Ok, I understand.
Another question: Is it necessary to have a non-abelian gauge field to obtain an anomaly? I mean in general and not necessarily the axial anomaly. Would a U(1) not do?

chrispb said:
U(1) symmetries can indeed be anomalous.

The axial anomaly of nonabelian gauge theories actually comes from a broken U(1) symmetry.
In QCD, you have [itex]U(N_f)_L\times U(N_f)_R[/itex] chiral symmetry, with both a conserved left-handed current [itex]L^\mu[/itex] and a right-handed one, [itex]R^\mu[/itex]. It is now possible to make a linear combination of those two currents, leading to a vector current [itex]V^\mu=(L^\mu+R^\mu)/2[/itex] and an axial current [itex]A^\mu=(L^\mu-R^\mu)/2[/itex] (note: [itex]A^\mu[/itex] is not the gauge field). The symmetry group is now [itex]U(N_f)_V\times U(N_f)_A[/itex], which is isomorphic to the original one. It now decomposes as

[itex]U(N_f)_V\times U(N_f)_A\equiv U(1)_V\times SU(N_f)_V\times U(1)_A\times SU(N_f)_A.[/itex]

You can now analyze each part separately, and see what it does. You get the following results:
[itex]U(1)_V[/itex] remains unbroken, it stands for baryon-number conservation.
[itex]SU(N_f)_V[/itex] is broken in the case when quarks have different masses.
[itex]SU(N_f)_A[/itex] is broken when quarks have nonzero mass.
[itex]U(1)_A[/itex] is broken at quantum level for non-vanishing quark masses, that's what is referred to as chiral/axial anomaly.
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  • #6
In the last line, did you mean U(1)A?
  • #7
AdrianTheRock said:
In the last line, did you mean U(1)A?

Yes, I did, thank you! :) Corrected it!
  • #8
Thank you, my question maybe aims at equation 19 in the scholarpedia article. As far as I can see, it is not stated to which field the potential A or the field strength F belongs. From the section "Mathematical Connections to Axial Symmetry Anomalies" I got the impression that it has to be a non-abelian gauge field. Which one and why does it have to be non-abelian?

Ok, I just learned that there are different anomalies depending on the particle type concerned (leptons or baryons) with F being either the electromagnetic or the gluon field (or both).
Apparently, either field will give rise to an anomaly. However, only in the case of non-abelian fields, the volume integral over the divergence of the axial current is non-vanishing when there are instantons.
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  • #9
the basic ingredient are chiral structures; the vanishing of the sum of all chiral gauge-anomalies in the electro-weak sector of the standard model causes several constraints among the lepton couplings (electroweak isospin and hypercharge => electric charge).

Anyway - I don't get to the point why chiral anomalies shall have anything to do with broken Lorentz invariance
  • #10
tom.stoer said:
Anyway - I don't get to the point why chiral anomalies shall have anything to do with broken Lorentz invariance

Dear Tom, I misunderstood what Jackiw was saying. PhysicsMonkey (post no. 2) cleared up this already. Jackiw had written an article (I don't have the reference at hand) about the cosequences of adding a Chern Simons term to the Lagrangian. That's not directly related to anomalies.

Related to Axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance

What is the axial anomaly?

The axial anomaly is an effect in quantum field theory where the classical conservation law for a conserved axial current is violated at the quantum level. This results in the violation of a symmetry known as chiral symmetry, which relates to the behavior of particles with opposite chirality (i.e. left- and right-handedness).

What is broken Lorentz invariance?

Lorentz invariance is the principle that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers moving at constant velocities. Broken Lorentz invariance occurs when this symmetry is violated, either due to the presence of a preferred direction or due to the effects of gravity.

How are axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance related?

The axial anomaly is a manifestation of broken Lorentz invariance in certain physical systems, such as in quantum field theories with chiral fermions. This means that the axial anomaly is a consequence of the violation of Lorentz invariance in these systems.

What are the consequences of axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance?

The presence of axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance can have significant consequences in the behavior of physical systems. For example, it can lead to the violation of certain conservation laws, the appearance of new particles or interactions, and the existence of topological objects such as magnetic monopoles.

How is the axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance studied?

The study of axial anomaly and broken Lorentz invariance is an active area of research in theoretical physics, with various approaches and techniques being used. These include calculations using effective field theories, lattice simulations, and experiments in high-energy particle colliders.

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