Are There Complex Primes? Exploring the Fascinating World of Complex Numbers

In summary, there are no primes in the complex numbers or the real numbers due to every non-zero number being invertible. However, in the integers and gaussian integers, there are primes of the form a+bi where a and b are both integers. The order of a and b does not matter in determining primes in the gaussian integers, and there can be multiple forms of the same prime. However, there are no good analogs for primes in the complex numbers.
  • #1
Complex Numbers have always facinated me.

But... Do complex primes exist? If so, How?
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  • #2
There are no primes in the complex numbers. There are no primes in the real numbers either. When every non-zero number is invertible, there is no such thing as a prime!

In the integers, there are primes. There are primes in the gaussian integers as well. The gaussian integers are numbers of the form a + bi, where a and b are both integers.

In the gaussian integers, 2 is not prime; its prime factorization is (1-i)(1+i).
  • #3
Hurkyl said:
There are no primes in the complex numbers. There are no primes in the real numbers either. When every non-zero number is invertible, there is no such thing as a prime!

In the integers, there are primes. There are primes in the gaussian integers as well. The gaussian integers are numbers of the form a + bi, where a and b are both integers.

In the gaussian integers, 2 is not prime; its prime factorization is (1-i)(1+i).

So... What primes are there in the Gaussian Integers?
  • #4
Dashin said:
Complex Numbers have always facinated me.

But... Do complex primes exist? If so, How?

Not really but you could define an analog in terms of behavior. The thing you would need to think about are what the atoms are in the complex case and the constraints.

Did you have an idea of something in mind?
  • #5
chiro said:
Not really but you could define an analog in terms of behavior. The thing you would need to think about are what the atoms are in the complex case and the constraints.

Did you have an idea of something in mind?

  • #6
Dashin said:
So... What primes are there in the Gaussian Integers?

If p is an integer prime, and you can write [itex]a^2 + b^2 = |p|[/itex], then both [itex]a+bi[/itex] and [itex]a-bi[/itex] are Gaussian integer primes. If you cannot, then [itex]p[/itex] is also a Gaussian integer prime.

All primes in the Gaussian integers are of this form.
  • #7
Hurkyl said:
If p is an integer prime, and you can write [itex]a^2 + b^2 = |p|[/itex], then both [itex]a+bi[/itex] and [itex]a-bi[/itex] are Gaussian integer primes. If you cannot, then [itex]p[/itex] is also a Gaussian integer prime.

All primes in the Gaussian integers are of this form.

Does the order of a and b matter? Do you need to make the larger number be a, or doesn't it matter?
  • #8
Dashin said:
Does the order of a and b matter? Do you need to make the larger number be a, or doesn't it matter?
Doesn't matter; they just differ by a unit. Just like -5 and 5 are both integer primes -- and in a certain sense the "same" prime, (3+2i), i(3+2i), (-1)(3+2i), and (-i)(3+2i) are all the "same" gaussian integer prime.The prime factorization of 2 I mentioned earlier: I could have (and probably should have) also written it as (-i) (1+i)^2, since 1+i and 1-i are the "same" prime.

(Just like prime factorizations in the integers can have a (-1) out front, factorizations in the guassian integers can have a (-1), (-i), or i out front)

If you don't like multiple primes being the "same", then I suppose you could insist on a being positive, and being larger in magnitude than b. (and have a special rule for deciding which of 1+i, 1-i, -1+i, and -1-i you like)
  • #9
Hurkyl said:
Doesn't matter; they just differ by a unit. Just like -5 and 5 are both integer primes -- and in a certain sense the "same" prime, (3+2i), i(3+2i), (-1)(3+2i), and (-i)(3+2i) are all the "same" gaussian integer prime.

The prime factorization of 2 I mentioned earlier: I could have (and probably should have) also written it as (-i) (1+i)^2, since 1+i and 1-i are the "same" prime.

(Just like prime factorizations in the integers can have a (-1) out front, factorizations in the guassian integers can have a (-1), (-i), or i out front)

If you don't like multiple primes being the "same", then I suppose you could insist on a being positive, and being larger in magnitude than b. (and have a special rule for deciding which of 1+i, 1-i, -1+i, and -1-i you like)

Thank you very much.
  • #10
chiro said:
Not really but you could define an analog in terms of behavior. The thing you would need to think about are what the atoms are in the complex case and the constraints.

Did you have an idea of something in mind?

There really aren't any good analogs in terms of behaviour. Every non-zero complex number is a unit and lacks a unique factorization, so even if your defined some sort of prime-analog, they would lack the importance of prime numbers in the integers (i.e. you can't really build anything with them).

Related to Are There Complex Primes? Exploring the Fascinating World of Complex Numbers

1. Do complex primes exist?

This is a commonly asked question in the field of mathematics and number theory. The answer is yes - complex primes do exist. A complex number is considered prime if it cannot be expressed as the product of two non-zero complex numbers.

2. Can complex numbers be prime?

Yes, complex numbers can be prime. Just like real numbers, complex numbers can also be prime if they cannot be divided evenly by any other number.

3. How are complex primes different from real primes?

Complex primes, also known as Gaussian primes, have the same properties as real primes in that they cannot be divided evenly by any other number. However, they exist in the complex plane and have both a real and imaginary component, whereas real primes only exist on the real number line.

4. What is the significance of complex primes?

Complex primes have many applications in mathematics, particularly in number theory and cryptography. They play a crucial role in constructing complex numbers and have applications in solving problems related to factorization and encryption.

5. How are complex primes related to the Riemann hypothesis?

The Riemann hypothesis is a famous unsolved problem in mathematics that deals with the distribution of prime numbers. The existence and properties of complex primes are closely related to this hypothesis, as it involves analyzing the distribution of prime numbers in the complex plane.

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