Are small extra space-time dimensions represented correctly?

In summary, the conversation discusses the representation of "small" extra space-time dimensions and whether they are accurately defined in physical terms. The person asking the question has a background in Mechanical Engineering and struggles to understand how these dimensions can be considered independent. The response explains that while the dimensions may have a size that can be expressed in physical units, they have not been directly observed and limits have been placed on their size. These limits depend on the model being studied and in one common class of models, the dimensions must be smaller than approximately 10^-17m. The conversation also touches on the concept of Kaluza-Klein particle states and how their mass is dependent on the size of the extra dimension.
  • #1
Are "small" extra space-time dimensions represented correctly?

This is my first post, I searched briefly but I apologize if this is a commonly covered topic!

The following is written in the spirit of the "aether" -- that, being an overcomplication with no evidence.

One of my biggest stumbling blocks so far in learning about various ‘modern physics’ topics is the premise of extra space-time dimensions. My background is in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Robotics; I understand mappings and I can see how physical state variables may be physical in nature but not dependent in the vector sense.

i.e. a robot with a x,y,z position and roll,pitch,yaw headings – these are six physical dimensions in a configuration space that are ultimately still linearly independent.

When I hear talk of necessary extra dimensions that are assumed to be space-time constituents, explanations sometimes talk of ‘tiny circles’ or ‘really small dimensions’ or ‘travelling across the universe and ending up where you started’, etc. I must be missing something, though, because in all of those explanations, you are only traveling in the previously defined x,y,z,t dimensions, albeit via strange or miniscule trajectories. This, to me, does not constitute independent dimensions.

The issue here is not that the mathematics requires the extra dimensions, but are these dimensions explicitly defined in "physical" terms? Are there units of distance? Are these just layman explanations or is this the extent of the leading theories in physics?
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  • #2
bpmirsch said:
The issue here is not that the mathematics requires the extra dimensions, but are these dimensions explicitly defined in "physical" terms? Are there units of distance? Are these just layman explanations or is this the extent of the leading theories in physics?

Yes, these dimensions would have a size that could be expressed in physical units. Since extra dimensions have not been observed, the best we can do with experiments is put limits on their size. In the sense that, had the dimensions been larger than a certain length scale, they would have already been observed. These limits depend on the particular model that you are studying. In a common class of models, the limit is roughly that the dimensions must be smaller than around ##10^{-17}~\mathrm{m}##. See for a discussion.
  • #3
fzero said:
Yes, these dimensions would have a size that could be expressed in physical units. Since extra dimensions have not been observed, the best we can do with experiments is put limits on their size. In the sense that, had the dimensions been larger than a certain length scale, they would have already been observed. These limits depend on the particular model that you are studying. In a common class of models, the limit is roughly that the dimensions must be smaller than around ##10^{-17}~\mathrm{m}##. See for a discussion.

thanks for the reply!

I glanced the link you gave (I obviously haven't thoroughly read it) and it illustrates my issue perfectly... The graphics shown with a large boat fitted into a canal contrast with a small boat moving in two dimensions supposedly "contained" within the canal is inherently faulty from the beginning:

Let's say the giant boat moves in the X dimension; it is unaware of the Y dimension.
The small boat moves in the X and Y dimensions, it is aware of these dimensions.

True, the Y dimension is linearly independent from the X dimension and would be considered a novel discovery in that universe. However, every analogy I've seen to purport 'extra' space dimensions in OUR universe results in a linearly dependent analogy by saying "an extra dimension would be such and such smaller than this already discovered dimension".

"Small" displacements and limiting "small" sizes seems flawed to me because we are defining them as ratios of previously known dimensions. In the boat example, the boat can remain in the same X coordinate for any Y coordinate... if we can only measure in the X coordinate, we have no way of detecting this new Y coordinate. Where does the literature say that extra dimensions in our universe HAVE to be measured in distance? That's really my question, I suppose.
  • #4
also I didn't mean to imply that I WONT read the material you provided... :) I will be reading that to see if it explains things a bit.
  • #5
bpmirsch said:
"Small" displacements and limiting "small" sizes seems flawed to me because we are defining them as ratios of previously known dimensions. In the boat example, the boat can remain in the same X coordinate for any Y coordinate... if we can only measure in the X coordinate, we have no way of detecting this new Y coordinate. Where does the literature say that extra dimensions in our universe HAVE to be measured in distance? That's really my question, I suppose.

This should be a bit clearer if you get through the tougher parts of that link (and further discussion on other pages on Strassler's site). The particle physics experiments that attempt to measure extra dimensions do not directly measure the dimensions as we would with a ruler. They rely on the notion that an extra compact space dimension would lead to so-called Kaluza-Klein particle states. For each particle we have observed, such as the electron, there is a tower of KK-states coming from quantum states that extend into the extra dimension. The mass of these states depends inversely on the size of the extra dimension. We can say that not having yet observed a KK-particle at LHC energies means that the size of the extra dimensions must be at least as small as the figure quoted.
  • #6
fzero said:
This should be a bit clearer if you get through the tougher parts of that link (and further discussion on other pages on Strassler's site). The particle physics experiments that attempt to measure extra dimensions do not directly measure the dimensions as we would with a ruler. They rely on the notion that an extra compact space dimension would lead to so-called Kaluza-Klein particle states. For each particle we have observed, such as the electron, there is a tower of KK-states coming from quantum states that extend into the extra dimension. The mass of these states depends inversely on the size of the extra dimension. We can say that not having yet observed a KK-particle at LHC energies means that the size of the extra dimensions must be at least as small as the figure quoted.

OK, I am thinking of the projection of a shadow onto a piece of paper, mapping 3D to 2D.

Can you point me in the direction of the equations/theorems that explicitly give these extra dimensions units of length?

Related to Are small extra space-time dimensions represented correctly?

1. What are extra dimensions?

Extra dimensions refer to hypothetical spatial dimensions beyond the three dimensions of length, width, and height that we experience in our everyday lives. These dimensions are often represented mathematically in theories such as string theory and can have a significant impact on our understanding of the universe.

2. How are extra dimensions represented in scientific theories?

Extra dimensions are typically represented mathematically in scientific theories, such as string theory, through the use of additional coordinates. In some theories, these dimensions are curled up or compactified, meaning they are too small for us to detect on a macroscopic scale.

3. Why is it important to accurately represent extra dimensions?

Accurately representing extra dimensions is important because they have the potential to provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of nature and the structure of the universe. They can also offer insights into unanswered questions in physics, such as the unification of gravity with the other fundamental forces.

4. How do scientists test the existence of extra dimensions?

Currently, there is no direct experimental evidence for the existence of extra dimensions. However, scientists can indirectly test for their presence through observations and experiments that look for deviations from the standard model of physics. These include experiments at the Large Hadron Collider and studies of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

5. What are the implications of having extra dimensions?

The implications of having extra dimensions are vast and can potentially revolutionize our understanding of the universe. They could explain the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, offer a solution to the hierarchy problem in particle physics, and even provide a framework for understanding the concept of time. However, further research and experimentation are needed to confirm their existence and understand their full implications.

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