Are Both Definitions of a Cauchy Sequence Truly Equivalent?

In summary, this conversation has discussed the definition of a Cauchy sequence and shown that the two definitions are equivalent. Additionally, the proof that follows will show that the first definition has the additional property that the sequence has a limit as m approaches infinity.
  • #1
"Definition: A sequence of real numbers (an) is Cauchy iff
for all ε>0, there exists N s.t. n≥N and m≥N => |an-am|<ε.

An equivalent definition is:
for all ε>0, there exists N s.t. n≥N => |an-aN|<ε. "

I don't exactly see why these definitions are equivalent.

One direction (from 1st one to 2nd one) is clear, we can just take m=N which is clearly ≥N.

But how can we prove the converse (i.e. starting with the 2nd definition, prove the 1st)?

Any help is much appreciated!
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  • #2
|an-aN|<ε means for all n≥N, an is a member of the open interval (aN-ε,aN+ε). Given this, what can deduce whether some bounds (if any) exist for |an-am|, where n,m≥N?
  • #3
D H said:
|an-aN|<ε means for all n≥N, an is a member of the open interval (aN-ε,aN+ε). Given this, what can deduce whether some bounds (if any) exist for |an-am|, where n,m≥N?
I agree with you that:
for all n≥N, an is a member of the open interval (aN-ε,aN+ε)

But I still don't see the connection, how can we get the "m" part in definition 1? (definition 2 doesn't contain any statements about "m")

  • #4
For all ε≥0, there exists N s.t. n≥N => |an-aN|<ε/2. Fix this N. Suppose m≥N. By the triangle inequality, [itex]|a_n - a_m| \leq |a_n - a_N| + |a_N - a_m| < \varepsilon.[/itex]
  • #5
snipez90 said:
For all ε≥0, there exists N s.t. n≥N => |an-aN|<ε/2. Fix this N. Suppose m≥N. By the triangle inequality, [itex]|a_n - a_m| \leq |a_n - a_N| + |a_N - a_m| < \varepsilon.[/itex]
We know that n≥N => |an-aN|<ε/2 (*)

So m≥N means that also |am-aN|<ε/2, right? (i.e. in (*) can we replace n by m?)
Why are we labelling the subscript of the subsequence as "m" now? (i.e. why {am} not {an}?)

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  • #6
Yes, you can replace n by m if m≥N (you can use any symbol you want as long as it fits the criteria)
  • #7
kingwinner said:
"Definition: A sequence of real numbers (an) is Cauchy iff
for all ε>0, there exists N s.t. n≥N and m≥N => |an-am|<ε.

An equivalent definition is:
for all ε>0, there exists N s.t. n≥N => |an-aN|<ε. "

I don't exactly see why these definitions are equivalent.

One direction (from 1st one to 2nd one) is clear, we can just take m=N which is clearly ≥N.

But how can we prove the converse (i.e. starting with the 2nd definition, prove the 1st)?

Any help is much appreciated!

You have:

For all ε>0.there exists a natural No N ,such that:

For all n: [tex] n\geq N\Longrightarrow |a_{n}-a_{N}|<\epsilon[/tex].................1

For all ε>0,there exists a natural No N such that:

For all n ,for all m: [tex]n\geq N,m\geq N\Longrightarrow |a_{n}-a_{m}|<\epsilon[/tex].................2

Notice the "for all" expression that is missing in your statements and which will be the central issue in the proof that will follow

And you want to show that (1) implies (2)

LET ε>0,then from (1) we have :

There exists a natural No N such that:

For all n: [tex] n\geq N\Longrightarrow |a_{n}-a_{N}|<\epsilon[/tex]..................3

Since (3) holds for all ,n it will hold for :

a) n=n and b) n=m

The law of logic that allows to do that is called:

Universal Elimination

Hence we have:

[tex] n\geq N\Longrightarrow |a_{n}-a_{N}|<\frac{\epsilon}{2}[/tex]....................4

[tex] m\geq N\Longrightarrow |a_{m}-a_{N}|<\frac{\epsilon}{2}[/tex]...................5

Now ,let : [tex] n\geq N ,m\geq N[/tex] ,and by the law of logic called : M,Ponens and using (4) and (5) we have :

[tex] |a_{n}-a_{N}|<\frac{\epsilon}{2}[/tex]...................6




[tex] |a_{n}-a_{m}| = |a_{n}-a_{N}+a_{N}-a_{m}|\leq |a_{n}-a{N}| + |a_{N} -a_{m}|<\frac{\epsilon}{2} +\frac{\epsilon}{2} = \epsilon[/tex]

So we have proved (2)


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Related to Are Both Definitions of a Cauchy Sequence Truly Equivalent?

What is a Cauchy sequence?

A Cauchy sequence is a type of mathematical sequence in which the terms approach each other in an asymptotic manner. In simpler terms, a Cauchy sequence is a sequence of numbers that gets arbitrarily close to each other as the sequence progresses.

What is the significance of Cauchy sequences?

Cauchy sequences are important because they are used to define the concept of convergence in mathematical analysis. In other words, they help us determine whether or not a sequence of numbers is approaching a specific value or limit.

How is a Cauchy sequence different from a convergent sequence?

A Cauchy sequence is a type of convergent sequence, but the reverse is not necessarily true. A convergent sequence is one in which the terms approach a specific value or limit, while a Cauchy sequence is one in which the terms approach each other.

What is the Cauchy criterion?

The Cauchy criterion is a mathematical rule that states that a sequence is a Cauchy sequence if and only if the terms of the sequence get arbitrarily close to each other as the sequence progresses. In other words, the difference between any two terms in the sequence becomes smaller and smaller as the sequence goes on.

What are some examples of Cauchy sequences?

Some examples of Cauchy sequences include the sequence 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ... and the sequence 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, ... In both of these sequences, the terms get closer and closer to each other as the sequence progresses, and they both approach a limit of 0.

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