Are Airport X-Ray Machines Safe for Babies?

  • Thread starter Rach3
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In summary, a woman put her month-old grandson into an X-ray machine at LAX airport, causing a stir and raising concerns about the staffing at security checkpoints. The incident sparked debate about whether proper measures are being taken to prevent such accidents. Some argue that it was a result of an absent-minded grandmother, while others question the necessity of reporting it as news.
  • #1
Rach3 said:
1. Babies are terrorists; thus they should not be allowed on planes.
Moonbear said:
:smile: I think 1 and 3 might be closely related. Babies are definitely bioterrorists, constantly spreading nasty germs everywhere they go!

I think somone is taking this advice seriously!

Baby is sent through X-ray machine at LAX

A woman going through security at Los Angeles International Airport put her month-old grandson into a plastic bin intended for carry-on items and slid it into an X-ray machine.

The early Saturday accident — bizarre but not unprecedented — caught airport workers by surprise, even though the security line was not busy at the time, officials said.

...The rare incident drew attention to whether officials are staffing often-busy security checkpoints enough to prevent such an accident.

..."The screeners are still reporting that they're being pushed," said Brian Sullivan, a retired Federal Aviation Administration security agent. "If a baby can get through, what the hell else can get through?",0,6460373.story?coll=la-home-headlines
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  • #2
They're trying to blame the lack of security staff for this? Sounds more like an absent-minded grandmother! I've seen this story (or versions of it) on several sites already tonight. I'm wondering why it's being reported as such a big deal. Stupid, sure, but news?
  • #3
They should have a sign posted; the grandmother can't really be expected to know about x-rays.

Related to Are Airport X-Ray Machines Safe for Babies?

1. What is the concept of "terrorist babies"?

The concept of "terrorist babies" refers to the idea that children who are born or raised in families with extremist beliefs or connections are more likely to become terrorists themselves.

2. Is there evidence to support the idea of "terrorist babies"?

There have been some studies that have shown a correlation between growing up in an extremist environment and a higher likelihood of engaging in extremist activities. However, it is important to note that this is not a universal trend and there are many other factors that can contribute to a person's involvement in terrorism.

3. Are all babies born into extremist families destined to become terrorists?

No, not all babies born into extremist families will become terrorists. While environment and upbringing can play a role in shaping a person's beliefs and actions, individuals have their own agency and can make their own choices.

4. How can we prevent "terrorist babies" from becoming terrorists?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to preventing "terrorist babies" from becoming terrorists. However, promoting education, critical thinking, and tolerance can help individuals resist extremist ideologies and make informed decisions about their beliefs.

5. Is the term "terrorist babies" politically correct?

The term "terrorist babies" is a controversial and loaded term, and some may argue that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes. However, it is important to acknowledge the reality of extremism and its potential impact on individuals, including children.

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