Applying Stokes' Theorem to Evaluate a Line Integral with a Parameterized Curve

In summary, the author is trying to solve for the normal vector to dot with the curl of the vector field. They are stuck because they do not know how to un-parameterize the circle they parameterized. They need to find a normal vector to the plane of the ellipse first.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Evaluate the line integral of F dot dr by evaluating the surface integral in Stokes' Theorem with an appropriate choice of S. Assume that C has a counterclockwise orientation.

= (y2, - z2, x); C is the circle r(t) = < 3cos(t), 4cos(t), 5sin(t) >

Homework Equations

F[/B] is the vector field.

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the curl of F to be <2z, -1, -2y> and I computed the line integral and got 15pi, which is the correct solution, but I have to use Stokes' Theorem to arrive at that solution. My main problem is I have no clue how to solve for the normal vector to dot with the curl of F. The main thing throwing me off is that C is already parameterized and I cannot see how to un-parameterize it to get the equation for the circle out.

Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
Well, first off, <3cos(t),4cos(t)5sin(t)> isn't a circle-its more elliptical. You don't need to "un-parameterize" it. You need to first find a normal vector to the plane of the ellipse. (which you should use as your "capping" surface)
  • #3
@DeldotB Yeah, I could not get my head around why the book was calling it a circle. Thank you though, I shall give it a go!
  • #4
So you wish to compute the line integral of the vector field using stokes theorem. Notice you have ##\vec r(t)## given as a function of ##t## only. Computing a surface integral will not be possible with the given ##\vec r(t)## as is.

If instead the surface was given in two variables, for example ##\vec r(\theta, \phi)##, then you would be able to compute a vector normal to the surface ##\vec n##. Then you would be able to use a surface integral to compute the result.

As it stands, you should evaluate the line integral using:

$$\oint_C \vec F(x, y, z) \cdot d \vec r = \int_a^b \vec F( \vec r(t) ) \cdot \vec r'(t) \space dt$$

This is Stokes' theorem, simply backwards:

$$\iint_S \text{curl}(\vec F(x, y, z)) \cdot d \vec S = \oint_C \vec F(x, y, z) \cdot d \vec r = \int_a^b \vec F( \vec r(t) ) \cdot \vec r'(t) \space dt$$

So you are technically using Stokes' theorem.
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  • #5
@BigFlorida: I do not agree with Zondrina that his argument "technically" uses Stokes' theorem. Here are some suggestions. You have ##\vec R(t) = \langle 3\cos t, 4\cos t, 5\sin t\rangle##, and you have calculated ##\nabla \times \vec F = \langle 2z, -1, -2y\rangle##. You can see right away from ##\vec R(t)## that ##4x=3y## so that tells you the curve is in that plane. Also, since your curl came out in terms of ##y## and ##z##, that suggests using them as parameters. Again, looking at ##\vec R(t)## you can see that ##\frac{y^2}{16} + \frac{z^2}{25} = 1##, so the projection of the curve on the ##yz## plane is an ellipse. You could parameterize the interior of that ellipse in the ##yz## plane in a polar coordinate like transformation $$y = 4r\cos\theta,~z = 5r\sin\theta,~0\le r \le 1,~0\le\theta\le 2\pi$$If you want to parameterize the portion of the plane inside the given curve, you just need to add the parameterization for ##x## which which you know is ##x = \frac 3 4 y = 3r\cos\theta##.

Hopefully that helps you with the parameterization of your surface. Can you take it from there?
  • #6
LCKurtz said:
@BigFlorida: I do not agree with Zondrina that his argument "technically" uses Stokes' theorem.

It does 'technically' use the theorem, in another form. You can of course go the other way and use a surface, which your post has outlined.

I just wanted to say you can't use ##\vec r(t)## as is, or else you could not compute the surface integral.
  • #7
Zondrina said:
It does 'technically' use the theorem, in another form. You can of course go the other way and use a surface, which your post has outlined.

I just wanted to say you can't use ##\vec r(t)## as is, or else you could not compute the surface integral.

Quoting from the original post: "Evaluate the line integral of F dot dr by evaluating the surface integral in Stokes' Theorem with an appropriate choice of S". Your post is irrelevant to that problem.
  • #8
@LCKurtz Wow, thank you so much. That makes complete sense, I did not even think of projecting it onto the yz-plane. I can definitely take it from there. Thank you again!

Related to Applying Stokes' Theorem to Evaluate a Line Integral with a Parameterized Curve

What is Stokes' Theorem Problem?

Stokes' Theorem Problem is a mathematical concept in vector calculus that relates the surface integral of a vector field over a closed surface to the line integral of the same vector field over the boundary of the surface.

What is the significance of Stokes' Theorem Problem?

Stokes' Theorem Problem is important in many areas of physics and engineering, as it allows for the conversion of a difficult surface integral into a simpler line integral, making calculations easier and more efficient.

How is Stokes' Theorem Problem used in real-world applications?

Stokes' Theorem Problem is used in a variety of fields, such as fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, and differential geometry. It is used to calculate the flow of fluids, the circulation of electric and magnetic fields, and the curvature of surfaces.

What are the conditions for applying Stokes' Theorem Problem?

In order to apply Stokes' Theorem Problem, the surface must be closed, the vector field must be continuously differentiable, and the boundary curve must be a simple, closed, and piecewise smooth curve.

What are some common mistakes when solving Stokes' Theorem Problem?

Some common mistakes when solving Stokes' Theorem Problem include not checking for the conditions of the theorem, incorrectly identifying the orientation of the surface and boundary curve, and making calculation errors in the line integral or surface integral.

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