Am I The Only Person Who Hates Google?

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In summary: Ah, didn't know that. That's good :smile:yes i think so...may be bing and yahoo love Google sometimes...:)I despise Google as a corporation but I love the services that they provide and in our capitalist society, which I mostly approve of, I recognize that corporations are NOT there to give us wonderful services, they are there to make money, so it would just be querulous of me to complain that they do stuff I don't like when that's what supports the stuff I DO like. I DO think their "do no evil" is just corporate advertising BS even if, giving them the benefit of the doubt, the founders may have meant it early on.No opinion on the corporation but Google's
  • #1
Newtons Apple
To me, and maybe this is just me hating a large corporation, but for some reason, I just have a disdain for Google. Maybe cause I'm jealous that I don't work for them? But I just don't trust this organization. I don't like the idea of large corporations with so much power and money, and google is becoming one of them. Why the need to 'provide' so many services? why the need to do and find out everything? Who gave them permission to drive down my block and take a picture of my house? If google just shut up, and stayed a search engine I'd be more than willing to use it, but at this point its like 'enough is enough'.

Their new "Google Chrome" is like a virus, it installs these updates automatically, without telling you what's in it. Stuff like this really irks me, you don't see Yahoo forcing themselves in your face...Is it just me? Does anyone else feel like this? I don't want it to get to a point where Google has the power to 'keep an eye' on us, and know where we are, and things like that. I'd love to hear what you guys think..
I know their slogan is "Don't Be Evil" but come on, to quote a sterotypical teenage, get out of my life!
Computer science news on
  • #2
Does anyone need permission to take a photo from a public place?

I think it is just you :) Google is a necessary competitor with Apple and Microsoft. I enjoy most of their products. I do agree they spread themselves a little thin.
  • #3
As with all corporations, so it is with technology services: innovate or die.

Just ask RIM...
  • #4
I love google. and google chrome. And I'd rather google update automatically, unlike those java crazies over at sun microsystems asking me everyday to run an install process.
  • #5
Greg Bernhardt said:
Does anyone need permission to take a photo from a public place?

That's not what's happening really. They don't only take the picture, but also post it on the internet without blurring out any of the faces (I think). I'm sure that got to be illegal.

I don't have a problem with it, but I understand people who do.
  • #6
micromass said:
That's not what's happening really. They don't only take the picture, but also post it on the internet without blurring out any of the faces (I think). I'm sure that got to be illegal.

I don't have a problem with it, but I understand people who do.

They blur the faces. As well as the interiors of houses, etc.
  • #7
DaveC426913 said:
They blur the faces. As well as the interiors of houses, etc.

Ah, didn't know that. That's good :smile:
  • #8
yes i think so...may be bing and yahoo love Google sometimes...:)
  • #9
I despise Google as a corporation but I love the services that they provide and in our capitalist society, which I mostly approve of, I recognize that corporations are NOT there to give us wonderful services, they are there to make money, so it would just be querulous of me to complain that they do stuff I don't like when that's what supports the stuff I DO like. I DO think their "do no evil" is just corporate advertising BS even if, giving them the benefit of the doubt, the founders may have meant it early on.
  • #10
No opinion on the corporation but Google's search engine has gone down the tubes because they are making concessions for people who can't spell which guarantees far more useless returns on a search performed by someone with brains.

I am amazed when a search is performed with quotes around the exact wording yet Google returns results nothing like what was put inside the quotes.
  • #11
HowlerMonkey said:
No opinion on the corporation but Google's search engine has gone down the tubes because they are making concessions for people who can't spell which guarantees far more useless returns on a search performed by someone with brains.
I am a superior speller, yet, because I Google in a hurry, I often make typos. Google gets me what I need, fast, because it's smart enough to actually assist me. That's the highest task to which a computerize service can hope to attain.

That being said, when you tell it with quotes exactly what you want, it should be obedient, and be smart enough to recognize when you are asking for something specific.

Related to Am I The Only Person Who Hates Google?

1. Why do I hate Google?

There could be many reasons why someone might dislike or have negative feelings towards Google. Some possible reasons might include privacy concerns, frustration with the company's policies or practices, or simply a preference for alternative search engines.

2. Am I the only one who hates Google?

No, you are not alone in your feelings towards Google. While the company may have many loyal users and supporters, there are also many people who have negative opinions or criticisms of Google.

3. Is it okay to hate Google?

As a scientist, I cannot make a subjective judgement on whether it is "okay" to hate Google. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings, and it is important to respect and listen to differing perspectives.

4. Can I stop using Google if I hate it?

Yes, you can certainly choose to stop using Google's products and services if you are unhappy with them. There are alternative search engines, email providers, and other online tools available that you can use instead.

5. Is there anything positive about Google?

As a scientist, I must acknowledge that Google has had a significant impact on the way we access information and communicate online. They have also made many advancements in technology and innovation. However, it is ultimately up to the individual to decide whether the positive aspects of Google outweigh any negative feelings they may have towards the company.

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