A single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system.

In summary, an atom in a vacuum chamber cooled to near absolute zero will move in a straight line until it hits the chamber walls.
  • #1
Let us assume there is a single atom in a vacuum chamber which is kept at near absolute zero. Now assume the system is closed and that the chamber is large enough such that the atom cannot diffuse far enough to reach the walls. Neglecting other stochastic effects, what do you think the atom's motion will be as it cools down?
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  • #2
nukapprentice said:
what do you think the atom's motion will be as it cools down?
What cools it down?
  • #3
A single atom does not show diffusion, it will just fall down freely in a parabolic path. Without gravity, it will travel in a straight line until it hits the chamber walls.
  • #4
Ah, you're right mfb about diffusion, so thank you. I guess my next question would be, could we apply an external magnetic field such that the atom is kept from hitting the container walls? In terms of how it cools down, I am just assuming that the system is already at that low temperature. Here the atom is dissipating heat to its surroundings.
  • #5
nukapprentice said:
I guess my next question would be, could we apply an external magnetic field such that the atom is kept from hitting the container walls?
Yes, you could build a magnetic trap.

nukapprentice said:
In terms of how it cools down, I am just assuming that the system is already at that low temperature. Here the atom is dissipating heat to its surroundings.
I repeat my question: how can it dissipate heat? If the atom is in the middle of the chamber, there is no mechanism for it to lose energy.
  • #6
Heat cannot transfer from a hotter body(the atom) to the colder environment (the cooled chamber) by irradiation?
  • #7
nukapprentice said:
Heat cannot transfer from a hotter body(the atom) to the colder environment (the cooled chamber) by irradiation?

Unless the atom is electronically excited, no. There is no way for the atom to lose kinetic energy except by collisions (this includes scattering of photons, for which you would need a laser of the proper wavelength to observe any significant cooling).
  • #8
Ah, thank you so much DrClaude, makes sense. However, how do you explain something ( a larger body) cooling off in the vacuum of outer space then?
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  • #9
nukapprentice said:
Ah, thank you so much DrClaude, makes sense. However, how do you explain something ( a larger body) cooling off in the vacuum of outer space then?

You can't think of solids as just a collection of atoms. The properties are very different, te.g. because the electrons are delocalized. This is why solids have continuous spectra, whereas spectra from atoms tend to show discrete lines.
Hence, the radiation/emission characheristics are very different for a solid, and are reasonably well described as black body radiation.

Hence, a solid at a temperature T>0K will always radiate.
  • #10
"Temperature" is an effective parameter for a bunch of atoms. A single atom does not have a temperature at all.
You can slow it down with laser cooling (it has this name as the usual application is to cool a gas of many atoms).
  • #11
Thanks for the great info mfb and f95. I guess there is some type of "transition" between microscopic and macroscopic worlds in terms of thermodynamics. This is very interesting I suppose, since based on this discussion an atom could just remain in a very cold (~2 K), magnetically confined vacuum environment and maintain the same total energy. Having said that, does anyone know of things which experience an internally damping mechanism instead of an external one i.e. friction?
  • #12
Energy is conserved. To reduce the energy content of a system, you need some way to get rid of the energy.
In addition, entropy cannot get reduced - and heat is the "worst" type of energy, you cannot convert it to other forms without some external heat sink.

Related to A single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system.

1. What is a single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system?

A single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system refers to an isolated atom that is held at a low temperature (close to absolute zero) and is contained in a sealed environment with no external particles or forces acting on it.

2. How is a single atom created in a cold, closed, vacuum system?

A single atom can be created in a cold, closed, vacuum system by using specialized equipment such as lasers and magnetic fields to isolate and cool down a single atom from a larger sample of atoms.

3. What is the purpose of studying a single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system?

The study of a single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system allows scientists to better understand the fundamental properties and behaviors of atoms, which are the building blocks of all matter. It also offers insights into quantum mechanics and can be used to develop new technologies.

4. How is a cold, closed, vacuum system created and maintained?

A cold, closed, vacuum system is created by using specialized equipment to create a low-pressure environment and then cooling it down to a very low temperature. This is achieved by using pumps and refrigeration systems. The system is maintained by regularly monitoring and adjusting the temperature and pressure levels.

5. Can a single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system be manipulated?

Yes, a single atom in a cold, closed, vacuum system can be manipulated by using various techniques such as laser cooling, magnetic fields, and electric fields. These manipulations allow scientists to control the position, velocity, and spin of the atom for research purposes.

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