What is Type: Definition and 952 Discussions

In programming languages, a type system is a logical system comprising a set of rules that assigns a property called a type to the various constructs of a computer program, such as variables, expressions, functions or modules. These types formalize and enforce the otherwise implicit categories the programmer uses for algebraic data types, data structures, or other components (e.g. "string", "array of float", "function returning boolean"). The main purpose of a type system is to reduce possibilities for bugs in computer programs by defining interfaces between different parts of a computer program, and then checking that the parts have been connected in a consistent way. This checking can happen statically (at compile time), dynamically (at run time), or as a combination of both. Type systems have other purposes as well, such as expressing business rules, enabling certain compiler optimizations, allowing for multiple dispatch, providing a form of documentation, etc.
A type system associates a type with each computed value and, by examining the flow of these values, attempts to ensure or prove that no type errors can occur. The given type system in question determines what constitutes a type error, but in general, the aim is to prevent operations expecting a certain kind of value from being used with values for which that operation does not make sense (logic errors). Type systems are often specified as part of programming languages and built into interpreters and compilers, although the type system of a language can be extended by optional tools that perform added checks using the language's original type syntax and grammar.

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  1. J

    Binomial and fibonacci heap type

    Suppose you have n elements with integer keys and they are to be put into a heap. What would be the time for creating a heap by repeated insertion into into an initially empty heap? Say, for instance if we are using binary, binomial and fibonacci heap type. Any suggestions?
  2. 0

    Java API: Automatically Buffer Collections?

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  3. C

    How Does a T-Type LCR Filter Affect AC Ripple in DC Output?

    hi if anyone can help me solve this problem (T- type low pass filter)it will be appreciated. i have managed to find the current in the capacitor and form there on i don know what to do. thanks circuit of a resistive load is fed from a rectifier, via a filter. The filter is designed to...
  4. D

    Is there any development in different type of computer gaming?

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  5. J

    What's your favourite type of differential equation

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  6. Chronos

    An HST Program for the Luminosity Calibration of Type Ia Supernovae

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  7. J

    CT Scans vs Ultrasound: What Machine Provides Real-Time Video?

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  8. K

    Artists use a type of sealant to keep their paintings

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  9. M

    Did i do the reduction correctly? algebra type stuff

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  10. I

    What type of fan generally yiels the fastest output velocity?

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  11. N

    Does the MWI Affect Results in EPR Type Experiments Across Vast Distances?

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  12. A

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  13. Evo

    What Type of Social Entity are You?

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  14. C

    Torque on a see-saw type object

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  15. Q

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  16. D

    Data type: Float Point or Double?

    I'm sure one could find a reason to use any data type. There is a lot you can do with just intergers. I do, however, have a computational physics book and they make wide use of the type double. Could float be used as an alternative?
  17. C

    What type of problem is this? Physics 1 practice final.

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  18. P

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  19. Norman

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  20. W

    Tension and fluid type question

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  21. Mk

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  22. F

    Void type function to find the maximum of three given integer numbers"

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  23. J

    Velocity and resistance problem. diff Eq type

    A body moving with velocity V enounters a resistance in the form of dV/dT=-k*V^(3/2). Show that V(t)=(4v.)/(k*t*sqrt(v.)+2)^2 v. is the same as v(subscript 0) When i solve the differential equation i keep getting V(t)=4/(k*t-v')^2 I have no idea how to get from dv/dt to the given v(t)
  24. N

    Techniques for solving type of Matrix problems

    1) a) If A = 1 2 0 3 and B is an upper-triangular matrix such that tr(B) = 0 and AB = 1 -1 0 -3 then B = _____ AND b) If A = 1 5 -1 3 and A = B+C where B is symmetric and C is skew-symmetric, then B = ___ and C = ____. 2) a) If A, B and C are matrices such that...
  25. T

    Help anyone know how to do this type of problem

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  26. H

    What is a Closure Type? Understanding Boost uBLAS

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  27. dduardo

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  28. T

    Mathematica How to upload the mathematical formula i have type?

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  29. J

    Second type perpetual motion machine is existent .

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  30. T

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  31. A

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  32. wolram

    Does BH Mass Boundary Vary with Matter Type?

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  33. S

    Which computer is best for engineering school?

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  34. A

    Type =rand(99,99)[Enter] into MS word

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  35. T

    Need help typing mathematics? Check out this solution!

    Help me! Can anybody tell me how to type mathematics terms, such as integration? Can anybody tell me that where I can download mathematics solfware so that I can type mathematics text?
  36. C

    How to solve an Improper Integral of Type 2?

    I've posted on Homeworks one of the number I did not understand. However, I would like to know the steps to calculate an improper integral of type 2. The type 2 is the one from constant a to constat b, not the one with inifnite. Please tell me the steps the accomplish it. :smile: I know...
  37. C

    Help Improper Integrals Type 2 argg

    I don't understand my Math Homework, here's the number that I don't get. [int a=1 b=3] 1/(sqrt[abs(x-2)]) dx sqrt = square root abs = absolute value Integral from 1 to 3 Can anyone explain this to me clearly, I'll really appreciate :smile: Thanks
  38. L

    Calculus - taking the limit type questions

    1.) Take the limit as x approaches infinite... Square root of 4x^2 + 1 / 2x-3 umm so i really don't know where to start this..i was going to multiply the numerator and denomenator by 1/x, but i don't know what the numerator would be then.. and for number 2.) Take teh limit as x...
  39. J

    Type of transistor configuration on a circuit

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  40. U

    Integral is typical arctan type

    \int_{0}^{1}\frac{4}{1+x^2} \int 4(1+x^2)^{-1} u=1+x^2 du=2x \frac{2du}{x}=4dx 2\int \frac{u^{-1}}{x} dx 2ln(ux) =2ln(x+x^3)|_{0}^{1} =2ln(1+1^3)-2ln(0+0^3) I know I did something wrong, any ideas?
  41. T

    C++ check a type char variable against letters of the alphabet

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  42. F

    Fdarkangel's critique of the word type

    you sound too confident. i guess, in order to categorize "things" into types, there must be a real difference (i hope you're not too pedantic and understand what i mean with "difference": an inequality between terms). please go ahead and explain how your list of energy types are inequal...
  43. H

    Does the type of energy depend on the particle carying it?

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  44. Astronuc

    Joke of the Day: Dilbert (Scott Adams) Humor - Identifying Wasted Time

    Joke of the day - Dilbert (Scott Adams) kind of humor. SUBJ: Identifying wasted time TO: ALL PERSONNEL FROM: ACCOUNTING It has come to our attention recently that many of you have been turning in timesheets that specify large amounts of "Miscellaneous Unproductive Time" (Code 5309)...
  45. marlon

    What Is the New Chemical Bond Discovered Through Computer Simulation?

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  46. R

    What is the pH of a solution containing 50 grams of Na3PO4?

    I think that is what you call it. I need to find the pH of a solution containing 50 grams of Na3PO4. 50 g ---- > 0.305 M We know that Kw=Ka*Kb So, Na3PO4 + H20 --> HNa3PO4 + OH (I think) Kb = x^2/(.305-x) I can't find the value of Kb anywhere in my book, internet. If I had it I...
  47. C

    Type of Expansions and Differential Equations

    Hello all Could someone show me how we get: M(t+dt) - M(t) \doteq \frac{dM}{dt}dt + ... . I know that you use a Taylor Series expansion, but I need to see how it is done as I am new in this subject. How would you derive the formula e^{-r(T-t)} ? Also could someone explain the concept of...
  48. mattmns

    Music file type converters for linux

    What is a good, free of course, program that will convert music. I want one that will convert into mp3 format, or any format that has good quality and is small in size, and will play in xmms. (xmms has been down all day so I have no clue what formats are supported). I use linux btw. Thanks.
  49. M

    New type of 'disc-golf-disc' designed by jon potts

    hey, this is a new type of 'disc-golf-disc' designed by jon potts "He is currently investigating the aerodynamics and control of disc-wings using experimental techniques, based at the experimental fluids and aerodynamics facility, the Goldstein Research Laboratory." i clipped the quote...
  50. S

    Traditional solenoids of C type

    i know the traditional solenoids of C type, D type and cylindrical (tubular) framing but what stops you from making a solenoid from a small tube and wrapping the wire over and over itself many times over?? WOuldn't that make a strong magnetic field / area??