What is Scientist: Definition and 205 Discussions

A scientist is a person who conducts scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest.In classical antiquity, there was no real ancient analog of a modern scientist. Instead, philosophers engaged in the philosophical study of nature called natural philosophy, a precursor of natural science. It was not until the 19th century that the term scientist came into regular use after it was coined by the theologian, philosopher, and historian of science William Whewell in 1833.In modern times, many scientists have advanced degrees in an area of science and pursue careers in various sectors of the economy such as academia, industry, government, and nonprofit environments.

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  1. matthyaouw

    Alternative to the big bang [new scientist]

    I found this article today. Makes my head hurt but I'm sure it will be of interest. (subscription required, so I'm not sure whether I would be allowed to post an extract) http://space.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg19526204.000&feedId=online-news_rss20
  2. G

    So you want to be a scientist in industry

    Before you even start reading, if you are pursuing your degree to work in academia or for altruistic reasons, GREAT! However, this thread isn't for you so don't bother responding. If you actually care about your 401(K), your stock options, what kind of lifestyle you will be able to afford, and...
  3. I

    Don't Become a Scientist Email

    http://www.physics.wustl.edu/~katz/scientist.html Don't Become a Scientist! Jonathan I. Katz Professor of Physics Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. [my last name]@wuphys.wustl.edu Are you thinking of becoming a scientist? Do you want to uncover the mysteries of nature...
  4. P

    Identifying Scientists in a Group Photo

    http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/9509/guessyj0.jpg Who is this? (its a trick question, think about it!)
  5. Evo

    Scientist develops caffeinated doughnuts

    There is just absolutely no need to contaminate doughnuts or other baked goods with caffeine. There seems to be some kind of caffeine craze in this country right now. I just don't think it's a good thing. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070126/ap_on_fe_st/buzz_doughnuts
  6. H

    Test Your Knowledge: Visit from a Scientist on Relativity

    Hi. My school is getting a visit from a scientist that is told to be really good on special and general relativity. My teacher of course wants us to ask really tricky and hard questions and try to put him in place. Now I asking you guys for really hard questions :smile: Do you know something...
  7. Evo

    Scientist Fights Church Effort to Hide Museum's Pre-Human Fossils

    It's frightening to see that there are groups of people that want to hide reality from the populace. I hope the Museum has the guts to realize they have a responsibility to the public not to cave into fanatic groups. "Famed paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey is giving no quarter to...
  8. G

    Asian scientist who took a water bottle

    i heard about an asian scientist who took a water bottle and printed a word on to the side of the bottle and the water molecules then changed depending on the word have any of you?:confused:
  9. marcus

    Smolin's reply to review in the New Scientist

    http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=469#comment-17298 D R Lunsford points out that Lee Smolin replied to the review of TTWP published in the 30 September issue of New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg19125711.500-review-ithe-trouble-with-physicsi.html...
  10. S

    Rocket Scientist are not as smart as previously thought

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/uc/20060922/cm_uc_crabox/andy_borowitz20060922;_ylt=ArQ.JDJgidU35Lxh8JWzSqNxFb8C;_ylu=X3oDMTA0cDJlYmhvBHNlYwM-" I guess Rocket science is easier then it looks
  11. Clausius2

    Scientist Arrogance: Learning vs. Working Engineer

    As some of you know I'm left my home land and I came here to do research. I'm mechanical engineer and ph.d. student. That means that I am able to work in another place and make more money (and may be more interesting things) than what I am doing right now. Why did I start with this business?. It...
  12. H

    Who's the greatest scientist of all time?

    Yeah, that's right Who's the greatest scientist of all time according to your opinion and why?
  13. L

    Are scientists really taken for granted in America?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_scientist" When I tried to get you to realize that scientist are taken for granted I have an article to show you what I mean. In America not only are scientists taken with light attention that are also laughed at. No more have they made into dorkful geeks...
  14. S

    Scientist discover gene that regulates life span

    http://biosingularity.wordpress.com/2005/12/25/scientistists-discover-a-gene-that-regulates-lifespan/ Scientist have discover a gene that regulates ageing and lifespan
  15. M

    Reconsidering a Career in Science: The Harsh Realities of the Job Market

    hi guys i want to get ur opinion on an article i read ; I HAVE PASTED IT FROM.. ... http://wuphys.wustl.edu/~katz/scientist.html Are you thinking of becoming a scientist? Do you want to uncover the mysteries of nature, perform experiments or carry out calculations to learn how...
  16. N

    Favorite Scientist quotes about Philosophy

    What are your favorite quotes, from scientists, about philosophical questions? Explain why if you want, or let the quotes stand on their own. ========================================================== I don't think we're here for anything, we're just products of evolution. You can say...
  17. L

    Engineering for a rocket scientist

    Hi everyone, I want to be a rocket scientist and get a position at NASA by the time I finish my collge. What kind of engineering do I need to major in?
  18. P

    NASA Scientist Demonstrates Thermal Tile Heat Resistance

    I saw a video demonstration some years ago of a NASA scientist holding flat in his hand a thermal tile used for the space shuttle. He then took a blow tourch and directed it at the thermal tile, to demonstrate that he could comfortably hold the tile with his bare hand(from behind of course) and...
  19. T

    Want to become a scientist in Canada, but

    I was born in Canda and hence have a Canadian passport/am a Canadian citizen. I am about to start a pharmacy degree in this country and will move to Canada once I've finished (I might actually decide to do the degree in Canada, I haven't made up my mind yet). Unfortunately whilst living in...
  20. D

    A Question from a Non Scientist

    Would one of the scientists here answer a question for me. If the Branes theory of many universes copes with the technical problems of the singularity via collisions, how does this do anything except transfer the philosophical problems from the singularity to the Branes? I am still asking what...
  21. A

    Scientists' EQ: Analyzing Situations & Necessary EQ Levels

    if scientists are good at analyzing situtations, why aren't their EQ neccesary all that great?
  22. cronxeh

    Dont read this article if you are a scientist

    Ok ok I must admit that is a bit harsh - but the following link has some seriously insane misinterpretations about the world around us. But it was hilarious reading it :rolleyes: http://www.fixedearth.com/athiest.html Oh and you got to excuse the misspelled link by the author.. just sad
  23. N

    Most Famous scientist you've worked with.

    So whose the most famous scientist (in your eyes/field) you've worked with or come close to working with? Mine would be Sue Becker,(and neil burgess/John Okeefe through her)
  24. E

    Arabian Scientist Ebn Alnafees & Blood Circulation Discovery

    that ebn alnafees (who is an arabian scientist) was the first to discover the blood circulation
  25. Loren Booda

    Who has been the least recognized, most deserving scientist?

    Who has been the least recognized, most deserving scientist?
  26. D

    Japanese Scientist Creates Invisible Cloak

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was made by a scientist in japan. http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/s...000/2730639.stm And they improved it. (Go down to see new version) http://projects.star.t.u-tokyo.ac.j...EDIA/xv/oc.html...
  27. O

    What Can Be Improved in This Confrontation Scene?

    The video below, features me as the Israeli version of Doctor Who (well, my audition piece anyway). You see me hiding from an evil scientist who eventually finds me, leading into a confrontation….. Please append a comment or two on what can be improved (and before anyone says anything, yes...
  28. M

    Indian scientist who claimed to have caused cold fusion in a lab

    Hey, I remember watching a program (Horizon - UK) on an indian scientist who claimed to have caused cold fusion in a lab. The program tried to recreate it (the procedures were not actually the same - but some big name scientists advised them which equipment would be used), and failed. I...
  29. D

    I saw an article in New Scientist re CBR

    I saw an article in New Scientist... This is a piece from it. OUR universe appears to be unfathomably uniform. Look across space from one edge of the visible universe to the other, and you'll see that the microwave background radiation filling the cosmos is at the same temperature...
  30. E

    Is Physical Education Necessary for Becoming a Scientist?

    To become a scientist it takes about 10years maby more depending where you want to specialize. At all these 10 years I will need a job to make the money for my education. If anyone is working there way up or is already, where do you or did you get your money for education. If from a job what...
  31. A

    Serway's book physics for scientist and engineers

    Hello Well i am living in India where serway's book physics for scientist and engineers is not availible locally it costs a bomb to buy from the amazon.com similarly there are many books which are just out of reach. now recently i discovered this software emule which is a p2p network. it has...
  32. D

    Stargazing New Scientist Article - Pendulums + Solar Eclipse

    Just wondered if anyone read this weeks New Scientist and more to the point the article on gravity. Aparently experiments have shown that pendulums behave irratically during a solar eclipse, and hence this has lead to some scientist questioning the laws of gravity and the work of Einstien...
  33. E

    Become a Scientist: Schooling Needed?

    How far does a student need to go to school in order to be recognized as a scientist?
  34. Ivan Seeking

    Scientist: Extreme Weather Will Kill Millions

  35. R

    What's the best age for a scientist?

    It is currently admitted that the best findings in Physics are produced by young scientists, being the Einstein's annus mirabilis a good example. But is it generally true? Is there a best age to make a creative research? If so, Why? What factors are determinant to peak the most relevant...
  36. Ivan Seeking

    Scientist Sees Space Elevator in 15 Years

  37. Ivan Seeking

    History If you could question of any scientist in history

    If you could question any scientist in history Darn. Didn't get back in time to fix the title. I recently heard a story about a tech at Femi Lab who found himself alone for a few minutes with Stephen Hawking. What would you say!? Also, when I saw Hawking at the U of O some years ago, we...
  38. I

    Meet Nikola Tesla: My FAVORITE Dead Scientist

    Which dead scientist... ...would you like to meet? I would like to meet Nikola Tesla. My FAVORITE scientist...I once had a dream I met him (that is my most favorite dream, even better than the one where I met Einstein.. :rolleyes: ). Tesla is the greatest. Anywho, your turn. :smile:
  39. A

    Why Do Scientists Assume Particles Are Point-Like in Theories?

    How come scientist assummed that fundamental particles were point particles, that space was flat, that molecules were two-dimensional, and so on? If modern string theroy assumes string and branes have no thickness, why does it assume so? Doesn't it make more sense for particles to have volume...
  40. Q

    Who Is Considered the Greatest Mathematician Ever?

    Who do you reckon is the greatest Scientist Ever ? :smile: Who do you reckon is the greatest Mathematician Ever? :smile:
  41. G

    Scientist where intending to clone humans

    there is one period where i heard scientist where intending to clone humans...right? what i would like to noe is whether does cloning have any side-effects? would both clones be still of the same age? is there any danger in life when cloning? About the side-effects...eg: would both clones...
  42. iansmith

    The Scientist - Minding the genome gap

  43. marcus

    How much of Pythagoras was scientist, how much was mystic

    Pythagoras has a bad name for being a mystic he is known to have founded some kind of religious community in southern Italy where they reverenced the proportions of the universe or something (if you know more factual detail please fill in some) Also I have seen the opinion stated that he...
  44. iansmith

    The Scientist - Human Ebola vaccine trial begins

  45. iansmith

    The Scientist - Complex genomes evolved by chance

  46. Moni

    Engineer vs Scientist: What's the Difference?

    Hi, What is the difference between an Engineer and Scientist? I can say that, An Engineer is a technologist who uses the science and a scientist is one who picks truth from the nature. What do you think?
  47. Ivan Seeking

    Sun more active than for a millennium: New Scientist

  48. Ivan Seeking

    News US develops lethal new viruses: New Scientist

  49. Ivan Seeking

    Lasers reveal invisible Stonehenge carvings: New Scientist

  50. Ivan Seeking

    I want to live forever: New Scientist
