What is Relativistic: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Relativistic quantum chemistry combines relativistic mechanics with quantum chemistry to calculate elemental properties and structure, especially for the heavier elements of the periodic table. A prominent example is the explanation of the color of gold: due to relativistic effects, it is not silvery like most other metals.The term relativistic effects was developed in light of the history of quantum mechanics. Initially quantum mechanics was developed without considering the theory of relativity. Relativistic effects are those discrepancies between values calculated by models that consider relativity and those that do not. Relativistic effects are important for the heavier elements with high atomic numbers. In the most common layout of the periodic table, these elements are shown in the lower area. Examples are the lanthanides and actinides.Relativistic effects in chemistry can be considered to be perturbations, or small corrections, to the non-relativistic theory of chemistry, which is developed from the solutions of the Schrödinger equation. These corrections affect the electrons differently depending on the electron speed compared to the speed of light. Relativistic effects are more prominent in heavy elements because only in these elements do electrons attain sufficient speeds for the elements to have properties that differ from what non-relativistic chemistry predicts.

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  1. E

    Calculating Light Signal Velocity: Relativistic Effects at 0.5c

    Homework Statement You fire a light signal at 60° north of west. (a) find the velocity components of this signal according to an observer moving eastward relative to you at 0.5c. From them, determine the magnitude and direction of light signal's velocity according to the other observer. (b)...
  2. ElijahRockers

    How Do Relativistic Effects Impact Proton and Electron Velocities?

    Homework Statement An electron has a speed of .75c. Find the speed of a proton that has: a) The same kinetic energy as the electron b) The same momentum as the electron Homework Equations γmc2 = K + mc2 P = γmv The Attempt at a Solution PART A: me (electron mass) = .511MeV/c2 Ve...
  3. A

    Relativistic Doppler and preferred frame

    To my understanding the Relativistic Doppler shift is a product of the classical velocity shift and the dilation factor arising from that velocity. The classical effect can be red or blue depending on whether the emitter and receiver are receding or closing respectively. The dilation...
  4. coktail

    Relativistic mass, time dilation, length contraction, and traveling near c

    A spaceship with an arbitrarily large quantity of fuel cells departs Earth and accelerates away from it with a fixed trajectory until it reaches .9c. It continues to accelerate, but never reaches c because that is impossible for any object with mass. From the frame of reference of the crew...
  5. P

    How Is the Kinetic Energy of a Proton Calculated in an Electric Field?

    Hi, A proton initially at rest finds itself in a region of uniform electric field of magnitude 5.0 x 106 Vm-1. The electric field accelerates the proton for a distance of 1 km. Find the kinetic energy of the proton. So, what I did was the following: KE = q * E * s I then...
  6. P

    Relativistic Momentum and Energy

    Hello guys, The question is: What is the momentum, in conventional SI units, of a proton of momentum 685 MeVc-1? So, I tried two methods which yielded slightly different answers, both proximate to the actual answer (3.66 x 10-19)What I first tried to do was to rearrange: ρ=γm0v To find the...
  7. J

    A question about linear accelerator and relativistic momentum

    A 3.2km linear accelerator(linac) accelerates electrons constantly down the linac,each electron will have 50GeV of energy at the exit point. what is the speed of the electron after going 1m down the accelerator? After electrons exit the linac,magnets are used to curve the electron beams. the...
  8. P

    How do I calculate the new speed given a doubled momentum?

    Hi, I was given a question in which I had to work out the speed of an object given its momentum and its mass. Now I had to answer what would be the new speed if the momentum doubled. So, from what I understand, the rest mass can't change, it is like a constant for a given body. So, in...
  9. Z

    How to make relativistic correction to perturbation?

    I want to know about relativistic correction to perturbation. I searched but failed to find any teaching on this topic. Is it true that we just need to replace the non-relativistic Hamiltonian perturbation terms with the relativistic ones while leaving the perturbation formulae unchanged...
  10. F

    Does Relativistic Speed Increase Gravity Pull?

    Hello Guys. I am amateur so please forgive me if the question is irrelevant. As I understood it, the objects moving with relativistic speed, have their mass increased exponentially as the speed increases. Does that mean they have stronger gravity pull also?
  11. C

    Electrons - Relativistic velocity addition

    electrons -- Relativistic velocity addition... Homework Statement an observer measures the velocity of two electrons, finding one with a speed c/2 in the x direction and the other c/2 in the y direction. what is the relative speed of the two electrons. Homework Equations The...
  12. G

    No logically consistent relativistic quantum theory?

    I just read this as I was skimming over the preface of a relativistic QM book. My question is this; is it the case that there is not yet a logically consistent and complete relativistic quantum theory or is this statement just because the book was published in 1980 and there has since been...
  13. X

    Relativistic decay of a particle

    Homework Statement Pions can decay via the reaction π+ → μ+ νμ. Show that the energy of the neu- trino in the rest frame of the pion is given by E_v = \frac{m^2_∏-m^2_μ}{2m_∏} Pions with energy Eπ in the laboratory frame (Eπ >> mπc2) decay via the above reaction. Show that the...
  14. Y

    Relativistic elastic scattering in CM and Breit frames

    Homework Statement Take the case of elastic scattering (A+B -> A+B); if particle A carries energy EA', and scatters at an angle θ, in the CM (center of mass/momentum frame), what is its energy in the Breit* frame? Find the velocity of the Breit frame (magnitude and direction) relative to the...
  15. R

    Effect of CMB (cosmic microwave background) on objects at relativistic speeds

    A hypothetical question relating to 1) moving a physical object at a significant % of c. 2) interaction with the cosmic microwave background radiation Is it the case that doppler effect and time dilation means that the CMB is going to be physically damaging to the object? Further...
  16. A

    A Question on Relativistic Mass (SR)

    Hello. I am independently studying modern physics. I have a basic special relativity question. Consider a completely inelastic collision Of course, objects are moving at a constant velocity before and after the collision with respect to a stationary observer. Let's call him Rick. Suppose that...
  17. J

    Relativistic Coulomb potential - how to understand the equation

    Hi, I need a formulation of the equation for Coulomb's potential. It needs to be an integral that applies to densities (so no delta functions). (I think the relevant densities are charge densities?) Also, it needs to be relativistic. So far I have: ? = \int\frac{ρ(r'...
  18. Simon Bridge

    Fastball Physics: Relativistic Baseball

    Relativistic Baseball When it reaches the batter, the center of the cloud is still moving at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light. It hits the bat first, but then the batter, plate, and catcher are all scooped up and carried backward through the backstop as they disintegrate. That's...
  19. Ookke

    Transfer of momentum in relativistic collisions

    A thought experiment: X is a particle moving horizontally 0.8c to right, L is a light beam moving vertically to up, and O is an observer at rest. With precise timing in test arrangement, light beam hits X directly from below and gets absorbed by X (all beam's energy transfers to kinetic energy...
  20. Islam Hassan

    Relativistic Jets from Supermassive Black Holes?

    If nothing can escape black holes, how are relativistic jets of particles and radiation emitted from the supermassive variety of the same? Are they emitted from the BH proper or from something else? IH
  21. coktail

    A few questions about light and relativistic effects

    Here's a few smattered questions I've had a hard time finding good answers for: 1. Why is the speed of light a constant? Is it related to the fact that it is massless? Is it because it isn't subject to time dilation? 2. Why is the speed of sound, or EVERYTHING for that matter, not...
  22. C

    Relativistic Equation Questions

    I understand that the relativistic eqn that applies to all particles in all frames of reference and that works for both massless and massive particles is E^2 = (p^2)(c^2) + (m^2)(c^4). I then attempted a small question: Deduce the de Broglie wavelength of thermal neutrons from a nuclear...
  23. O

    Exploring the Twin Paradox: Understanding Time Dilation and Relativistic Speeds

    Okay maybe it's not just the Ender's Game series, and maybe its actually a cornerstone fact belief theorem postulation thing of relativity, but still! In the story Ender travels in ships which go at relativistic speeds. By doing so, centuries go past but he hardly ages at all. I don't get this...
  24. A

    Difference between relativistic dopler effect and doppler effect?

    I tried to wiki this,which stated relativistic doppler effect takes time dilution into account,but the analogy/example given was not related to time dilution..can anyone summarise both with a practical situation or a useful link for it Thanks in advance
  25. M

    Finding a solution for Relativistic Acceleration

    I tried all my mathcad software such as Maple and I can't seem to find a solution to this time based differential equation.
  26. M

    Finding a solution for Relativistic Acceleration

    I tried all my mathcad software such as Maple and I can't seem to find a solution to this time based differential equation.
  27. Q

    Relativistic time dilation and thermodynamics

    I have a question relating to relativistic time dilation and thermodynamics. I have put the question in the context of a thought experiment. This I have done as I can not find the particular terminology needed to ask a more succinct question. I have also taken some liberty to try to make the...
  28. F

    Prove square of four-momentum is relativistic invariant

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, I have a physics assignment that asks: Prove that the square of relativistic four-momentum for a massive particle is a relativistic invariant under Lorentz transformations. Can anyone help me to work on the problem? I'm always lost in the class ever since my...
  29. Drakkith

    Measuring the Speed of Light at Relativistic Velocities

    Let's say you have a spaceship with an observer on it who has an experiment set up on the ship to measure the speed of light from a laser beam that is directed at the ship from behind. This experiment consists of two mirrors, one half silvered to only reflect part of the beam, that reflect the...
  30. O

    Measure of Relativistic Flattening of Electric Field

    Homework Statement As a rough measure of the relativistic "flattening" of the configuration of electric field lines from a moving charge, we might use the angle \alpha between two conical surfaces which include between them half the total electric flux. That is, half the flux through a sphere...
  31. A

    Mathematical Foundations of the Relativistic Theory of Quantum Gravity

    Hello. I would like to bring to discussion this paper called "Mathematical Foundations of the Relativistic Theory of Quantum Gravity", by Professor Fran de Aquino, from the Maranhao State University, in Brazil. The paper was published in the Pacific Journal of Science and Technology...
  32. W

    Relativistic force and electromagnetic tensor follow up

    A while back (thread) you guys helped me understand why \tilde{F}=m\frac{d\gamma\tilde{v}}{dt} (3-vectors) as it follows from \bar{F}=q\Psi\bar{v} (4-vectors) and \tilde{F}=q(\tilde{E}+\tilde{v}\times \tilde{B}) (3-vectors). However, I had the impression that one also uses...
  33. Chestermiller

    Absence of Massive Bodies Traveling at Relativistic Speeds

    I'm sure that this is not a new question, but it is one that has been puzzling me for a long time. In our universe, the large massive bodies are all moving relative to one another at low velocities relative to the speed of light (aside from the ultra large-scale systematic motion associated...
  34. W

    Relating classical and relativistic energy&work

    Can work and energy in special relativity be described by drawing the analogy with classical physics as shown below? \bar{F}: four force \bar{v}: four velocity \tilde{F}: classical three force \tilde{v}: classical three velocity \Psi : electromagnetic tensor A. Classical The work done...
  35. N

    Elecromagnetic field of relativistic charge

    Hi all, I'm trying to derive expressions for the EM-field of a charge moving at relativistic velocity. Let's make a rest frame for the charge in which it's velocity is equal to zero. The charge only produces an electric field with components: E'(x)=k\frac{q}{R'^3}x' E'(y)=k\frac{q}{R'^3}y'...
  36. B

    4 Acceleration of an relativistic rocket

    Homework Statement A rocket of (time dependant) mass M ejects fuel such that its change in mass in the instantaneous ZMF is \frac{dM}{d\tau} = -\frac{E}{c^2} The speed of the fuel ejected is w. Prove that a = \frac{Ew}{Mc^2} where a is defined by -a^2 = A_\mu A^\mu The Attempt at...
  37. K

    Deriving formula for Relativistic Kinetic Energy

    Homework Statement Hey all, I am encountering a problem with a derivation of the formula K_{ineticEnergy}=mc^2-m_{0}c^2 as it is described by my textbook. I need someone to explain to me how the author changes the integral and the upper limit of it in the final part. I'll now give you the...
  38. G

    Relativistic explanation for magnetic force between perpendicular wires

    I have read about how magnetism arises from electric interactions and relativity. But in that respect i don't see how perpendicular wires can exert magnetic forces on each other. The movement of the charges is perpendicular so length contraction does not occurr in the direction of the current...
  39. J

    Calculate relativistic com frame for two particles?

    Does anyone know of a standard way of calculating the com frame velocity for two particles moving at arbitary velocities in the lab frame? It's strange that this standard result isn't even in Goldstein's et al book
  40. F

    Relativistic Mass and Volume Change in a Rapidly Expanding Sphere

    suppose I have a 10 kg sphere with homogenous distribution of mass (aka density is same everywhere) that is 10 m^3. Now suppose I rapidly increased its radius at a speed of 1/2c m^3 (and because its homogenous the volume increased correspondingly). Now my question is whether that would cause the...
  41. A

    Relativistic Bohr Atom and MacLaurin Series

    Homework Statement By expanding a MacLaurin Series show that E_{n}=\epsilon_{n} - \mu c^{2} = - \frac{w_{0}Z^{2}}{n^{2}}[1+\frac{\alpha^{2} Z^{2}}{n}(\frac{1}{k}-\frac{3}{4n})] Homework Equations Through a lengthy derivation I arrived at \epsilon_{n}=\frac{\mu...
  42. Egregious

    Relativistic Mass thought exercise with approaching bodies

    "Relativistic Mass" thought exercise with approaching bodies I understand that the concept of 'relativistic mass' is somewhat controversial, but for reasons that are unclear to me. Nevertheless, I humbly pose the following thought exercise/inquiry: For starters, I understand the formula for...
  43. T

    Finding rate of relativistic work, special relativity.

    Hello all, Homework Statement Given \frac{dE}{dt}=\frac{d(m(u))}{dt}\cdot u show that \frac{dE}{dt}=\frac{m_0}{(1-u^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}}u\frac{du}{dt} where u is velocity, m(u) is relativistic mass, and m_0 is rest mass. Homework Equations m(u)=\frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-u^2}} The...
  44. A

    Relativistic collision in CM frame at small angle

    Homework Statement Find CM energy of a mu+ mu- collider, with each beam having an energy E of 500 GeV. The beams cross at a small angle of 250 mrad.Homework Equations E^2 - p^2c^2 = m^2c^4The Attempt at a Solution So I have a diagram for the lab frame which has the mu- coming in at a small...
  45. L

    Derivation of relativistic motion equations from action

    Anyone willing to derive the motion equations of special relativity from the SR action: S = -m0c2∫t1t21/γ dt where: m0 = rest mass γ = Lorentz factor =1/√(1-v2/c2) v is the velocity as a function of time. The full action contains terms of the vector potential and scalar potential but assume...
  46. P

    Calculation of momentum of relativistic particles

    Homework Statement A particle of mass M decays at rest into a massless particle and another particle of mass m. The magnitude of the momentum of each of these relativistic particles is: Homework Equations E = γmc2; p=γmv The Attempt at a Solution Pf-Pi = 0; but the particle is at...
  47. Y

    How Does Relativistic Motion Affect Batman's Batship Shadow and Laser Image?

    Imagine Batman has a new hyper speed Batship that is the shape of his circular bat emblem. The ground has convenient square grid on it and when parked on the ground the ship is exactly the same length as a square on the grid and its shadow touches the four sides of a square. Mounted underneath...
  48. H

    E ffective relativistic degrees of freedom of the early universe

    Homework Statement Calculate the number g* of effective relativistic degrees of freedom as the universe cools through the temperature ranges (i) T > 103 GeV, (ii) 1 MeV < T < 100 MeV, and (iii) T < 0:1 MeV. Homework Equations for the equation that is required to be used look the...
  49. K

    Relativistic momentum and gamma factor - differential equation

    Homework Statement I am supposed to show that the force on a relativistic particle when a) it's perpendicular to particle's velocity is F=γm_0\frac{dv}{dt} b) it's parallel to particle's velocity is F_x=m_0γ^3\frac{dv_x}{dt} I may make use of the fact that...
  50. H

    Newtonian cosmology vs relativistic cosmology

    I am working on an introduction to cosmology, I have began by the Newtoniant one (the Hubble law, the Friedmann, fluid and acceleration equations), and some of the aspects of the relativitic one. I want to relate the tow parts by mentioning the shortcomings of the first, and then mentioning the...